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Bc Bud Depot -Hash Plant. I grew one outdoors and it STANK like sour milk left in the sun for a week. Ive been growing for 20 years and I had trouble trimming it, it smelt so bad. After 3 months curing, it was amazing, but until it was cured, I couldnt stand the smell.
These are people stuck in the dare program kids ways. She don't like it, so let's be a baby. Everything fucking smells.
Weed is literally the most beautiful natural smell in the world, like tf

I think some people have been brainwashed by the propaganda of past that we're going to be drugged against our will or innocently by some outside force such as even the wind carrying marijuana smoke that we don't even know we're inhaling and next thing you know we're stoned and singing naked on the roof are trying to mow our carpet with the lawn mower or…
This is such an awful look to call people that are sick by the smell Karen’s.
It couldn't possibly be anything she ate previously.
Dude it’s honestly weird but some people have this. My son is one of them if he sees/smells puke, poop etc he will vomit until he can no longer. Can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to clean it. Not to mention this lady may just be a wicked old troll trying to get someone she doesn’t particularly like evicted. I get in and out of many cars a day. Some people that smoke habitually in their car that don’t use ozium or bother to clean up the fast food on their floor mixed with the stale essence of cheap weed honestly makes me wanna throw up sometimes too
not to mention 9 times out of 10 there is a car seat in the back infuriates me to a degree because you are literally the walking embodiment of delegalization. Smoke up but don’t be a disgusting human being in the process 
It’s not impossible my mom can’t do strong smells, whether it’s weed tobacco, the smell of alcohol or cologne.
Let’s try not to be too hard on people they don’t like the smell of our good stuff.
Some people have aversions for different reasons.
Some people are allergic, some people have asthma, some people are just sickened by the smell. Life doesn't revolve around you and your weed. – a take from another weed smoker
Only by drinking hydrogen peroxide will you puke until dry

So I guess she never smelled smelling salts
This is the child still having a fit when she's full grown. Can a terpene make you sick? Yeah, about as much as someone's perfume.
That's your upper lip person
My guy said "have you ever went into the bathroom and had to take a poop after somebody?" I mean damn have they never had like a rat died or an animal smelling dead animal or like you know have you ever liked went to the bar and went out in the alley and maybe smoked a joint or something and smelled all that dirty rotten beer like those are things that would make you one of vomit let alone get you a nice fresh baby cabbage shit and I promise you that make you vomit too but I mean your whole entire stomach contents like unless she was doing epicac then she's full of shit….

This shit killed me

These boomers that are ok with gulping down pints, yet can complain about the smell of weed seriously need to be phased out. They're one of the many problems in this world.
Bro I'm 55 years old and all I can say is do a podcast sober
But weed smells so good. This sounds like my mom. It doesnt make her puke but she cant stand the smell. Poop.
My neighbors said my weed was too loud… I told em turn down for what?
I’ve been kicked out of two apartments I rent a house now Fuck a neighbor
Today I received Gmail that my POTV was delivered to my address. I searched for it but to no avail. I emailed my complaint but the reply was that it "was delivered". I'm going to confirm it's whereabouts, who is responsible, and have it delt with.
She needed to inhale the real thing and she would have felt better.
I’m wondering how she typed all that while reeatedly vomiting. Js
She is full of it
Axe body spray
We’ll smell can’t cause something that extreme unless she had issues with her intestines in the first place such a gastrointestinal bleeding, gastritis, fatty liver, ect.
just another lady going nuts over the ganja
Yo strange so are you actually ever going to have any actual educational content again or is it going to be these stupid live streams all the time I'm about to unsubscribe honestly I thought you really were somebody else I thought this was a strain show not live stream all the time show
weed smell good, smells like ice cream to me.
I mean weed smells like shit, I'm gonna be honest it smells far worse than cigarettes.
I could see it making people who are sensitive to smells puke, whenever I give a stoner a ride I gotta air my car out for 15 minutes.
Thioacetone smells so bad it can make people unconscious from as much of a quarter mile away
I know people who the smell of some weed will make them nauseous
"how do you fare in the bathroom"

Weirdo drug addicts defending home disturbance. Only reason you are defending it is because you worship this plant that makes you feel funny. I don't care the benefits, it'll ruin your life like any beer.
Weed isn't a personality