Jordan Rubin is a journalist and a former prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, where he was assigned to the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor.
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0:00 – How Jordan became a NYC Narcotics prosecutor
4:54 – The DEA’s losing battle against drugs
10:32 – Mexican cartels & the DEA
15:05 – Discovering the BIZARRO case
17:42 – The Analogue Act / How drug scheduling works
33:57 – Why the military started using synthetic cannabis & bath salts
37:54 – The “Synthetic Cannabinoid Kingpins”
51:47 – Nation wide DEA Sting: OPERATION LOG JAM
1:08:42 – The jury trial of the Florida Kingpins
1:10:21 – The rogue DEA chemist who exposed them
1:20:49 – Deadly consequences of pushing drugs underground
1:24:33 – Asset forfeiture
1:35:38 – Being CONVICTED under the KINGPIN law
1:44:09 – The new super-charged fentanyl law
1:54:03 – Donald Trump indictments
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Help support this podcast by visiting VERSO: Go to to save 15% on your order.
0:00 – How Jordan became a NYC Narcotics prosecutor
4:54 – The DEA’s losing battle against drugs
10:32 – Mexican cartels & the DEA
15:05 – Discovering the BIZARRO case
17:42 – The Analogue Act / How drug scheduling works
33:57 – Why the military started using synthetic cannabis & bath salts
37:54 – The “Synthetic Cannabinoid Kingpins”
51:47 – Nation wide DEA Sting: OPERATION LOG JAM
1:08:42 – The jury trial of the Florida Kingpins
1:10:21 – The rogue DEA chemist who exposed them
1:20:49 – Deadly consequences of pushing drugs underground
1:24:33 – Asset forfeiture
1:35:38 – Being CONVICTED under the KINGPIN law
1:44:09 – The new super-charged fentanyl law
1:54:03 – Donald Trump indictments
We created the cartels when legislators limited pseudephendrine sales and cartels were able to corner the meth market. Bring back white boy dope.
This guy will never admit hes a bad guy for putting recreational drug users in jail when he knows himself and probably a good amount of his friends have or still use drugs and will never admit they should be prosecuted
People need to get over the whole concept of the “opioid epidemic”. Opiates have been used for thousands of years. You can say Perdue pharma marketed the shit out of OxyContin, but the drug in OxyContin (oxycodone), is an essential drug. If you understand the risks and benefits and the benefits outweigh the risks, there should be no issue or negativity around the prescribing of opiates or opioids. Fentanyl is somewhat of a flawed molecule due to its short (2hr) duration, but that short duration is very beneficial for use during surgery. We can’t demonize opioids — to say that Perdue knew OxyContin was addictive is obvious. Any intelligent member of society all pharmacologists and pharmaceutical companies know that opiates and opioids are addictive — we’ve known this literally for hundreds of years. It’s nothing new. Yet all the blame gets put on one pharma company (Perdue). Again, take them to charge for the aggressive marketing, but that’s it. Everyone wants to just blame one person ‘ family / company. It’s ridiculous. Adults should be about to use whatever substance they please as long as they’re not harming others directly. There’s literally a war on pleasure wrapped inside the war on drugs — a vestige of the United State’s Puritanical history I’d wager.
They don’t bust the real criminals just brown people
Alcohol is one of the worst drugs there is.
This is a pretty good channel. The host is pretty sharp I dont feel like im listening to some uneducated idiot. Great Story.
The cartel literally supplies the world with drugs. Literally. They work with the govt and cannot be stopped
Clandestine chemistry is essential especially today more than ever. It doesn't even have to be illegal things either. The govt doesn't want you trying and learning.
We need to start taking some of these laws off the books
I look at so many things we deal with like social engineering projects, hard not to see all of this through that lens.
I met a guy who made a mock benzodiazepine that was undetectable.
Does selling pez make me a pill dealer?
You gey caught with some weed and you may get a long stay in prison, but Cocaine is found in the White House and… poof, nothing happens
If you Google something on the show, zoom in and share it to the audience
But you can prosecute people write a book and make money on it. I don't like this dude at all.
Within the first 10 minutes this guy pretty much told us its not about stopping the "war on drugs" which will never be won but rather just a job to pay the bills, so if the war on drugs was magically won how many low level to high ranking officials will be jobless, it'll literally shatter a whole industry, possibly the biggest industry in the world, so in hindsight its actually more beneficial to never win the "war on drugs" and just to keep injecting money into it and keep society on drugs so this vicous cycle keeps repeating itself and the wheels never fall off, its actually such a putrid, rotten part of our so called "justice system"
Good faith feedback: I think whoever is naming the episodes isn't doing a great job. Seems like a stretch every time. Like for example I didn't even want to watch this one because it sounded like it would be super political. Just make it general and accurate imo.
Danny I think you're dead wrong on one point you made in this episode. People hate corruption, deeply. It completely ruined the country.
Ps: now I see the title was changed. Nice
This 'analogue act' sounds a lot like general Chinese law. In China, everything is illegal, but everything is also tolerated – until the day when the government decides to get you – and in that case they'll always have a law to use against you.
Great example of garbage human fed to live
Screw this guy Trump 2024