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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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36 thoughts on “Was this evil?

  1. Those lazy students didn't bother to educate themselves and took advantage of someone with a better work ethic and more knowledge to pass the class for them, those students didn't deserve to pass. Could the guy have said no? He could've, but it's not exactly human nature (unless you're hardcore introverted or have some sort of disability/personality disorder) to be dismissive or antagonistic upon being asked for help or in this case, to join a type of study group.

    That relationship and vibe changes when multiple people are leaning on one guy feeding them the necessary tidbits to get by in the class

  2. Good, people who chest in school don't make it far in the actual world. It's not about the random crap you learn that you will never use, it's about exercising your brain and showing that you can learn and listen.

  3. When you study with young Hitler…
    I hope he doesn't meet his karma trying to enter Art School or any other Higher education institution… We don't need history repeating itself. 😢
    Damm, I hope he works solo all his life too…

  4. he is not any kind of path, he is just a weakass punk. He didn’t do it as a power move, that’s just something he tells himself to feel better about the fact that he was used like a little bitch the whole year for nothing. Smart people earn money doing homework for others, he was stupid and felt lowly and wanted payback.

  5. As a grade 12 with like 8 credits, im glad i dont ask people for answers

    And yes i know 90% of it was from me not going but still😂

  6. I took a few classes full of people that didn’t do the work to pass. They kept asking me for answers and such. I didn’t hate them but I found them annoying and lazy.

    Maybe that’s what this guy meant to say too but instead sounded like a serial killer.

  7. To all the people criticizing him shut the fuck up and learn to study on your own instead of relying on someone to give you the answers. Good on him for doing what he wanted because those jackasses didn't try in school and was given everything to them.

  8. Why is this weird coomer in a gecko suit seen as someone to consult? All the psychiatrists i’ve (court required) to encounter have been unhelpful weirdo’s with their own issues, I think thats why they get into it

  9. If they were actually studying and were part of this study group for real they would have recognized wrong answers. Just saying.

    Free load these nuts 🥜 I like this guys style. We’ve all met people who just grew up free loaders.

  10. This guys pretty jacked but BUT so are they for cheating. If these people were training to be your doctor or plumber would you want them to pass knowing they were totally reliant on some weird dude the whole time? Honestly i feel its probably for the best although he could of just said no.

  11. I think the point is that they were relying in him solely to do well in the class. He taught them a valuable lesson in self-reliance

  12. This man is a sociopath. They didn't do anything to him, he just intentionally earned their trust and then fucked them over because he didn't like their vibe. What a mental case

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