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The internet is ever changing, but over the past couple of years things have started to change. The proportion of bots in increasing. A theory dubbed “The Dead Internet Theory” that states that most of the internet is in fact AI bots. These bots have been unleashed to control the populous and rake in profits. But is it true? And if so, how much of it is true? In this episode we’ll find out.

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Producer: Dagogo Altraide



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41 thoughts on “The Dead Internet Theory

  1. Just some clarification: I'm seeing a lot of comments talking about how I said in 2021 "there was no widespread generative AI". By that I didn't mean generative AI didn't exist before 2021 (I've been doing videos on them since 2018) What I meant was that it wasn't "widespread" 
    Just wanted to clear that up. Cheers

  2. Thank you for another great video Dagogo! I thought it would be BIG news when AI beat humans at a Turing Test. I figured it had already happened, but I'm surprised none of my Tesla, science, or engineering channels talked about it as part of their AI discussions. How about AI that tracks down gov & corporate campaign finance corruption? An AI to monitor live video feeds of construction sites & mines to look for safety issues. An AI to find inconsistency in prison sentences, pay disparity, safety & pollution reports… many real world issues.

  3. Considering some people still fall for articles from The Onion, I don't have a ton of hope for the masses to develop skills to detect AI generated content.

  4. Advertising and profits are what killing the Internet and anything with human movement..because. greed. Anybody anywhere only does anything. For money

  5. We are already past the point where the Turing test is a relevant benchmark. It can only subjectively measure whether an AI seems human-like. Most AI's aren't trying to fool anyone anyway. But what is important now is finding a way to test for actual sentience, consciousness, and formation of independent intent. We aren't anywhere close to such tests, and we need to be, and fast.

  6. There has ben some 5000 gods before in human history… All created by man… this time, this god is as usual created by man… However this time You Can Talk to it, and get an "Answer"… What does this really Mean…

  7. All social media platforms are using bots on massive scales to boost their profit numbers.
    Anyone read and seen the transition of twitter changing owners knows the tech industry uses massive scales of bots on social platforms and more.

  8. its nothing to do with foreign interference its about private interests manipulating public opinion to get their meat puppets into political power and blaming foreign interference . plenty of evidence IRL cambridge analytica was just the tip of the iceberg , they do the same thing companies do when their reputation tanks …change name and tweak their MO and carry on abusing social networks

  9. I am hardly surprised people already trust AI far more than doctors, the latter are similar to lawyers – hungry for exorbitant profit… they need to fear being replaced by AI dead frikin' really!

  10. Next step is human-robot intimacy. At which stage, interactions with machines will be more satisfying than interactions with humans. One reality for everyone, one world designed to fit everyone's intimate desires. Thanks to your datas, the age of wishful immersion is upon us and it is truly terrifying.

  11. Im looking foward to a day that an AI can do excercise for me, im tired of have to go to gym everyday … can some AI do this for me plss XD

  12. “Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”

  13. The aide[Karl Rove]said that guys like me [Suskind] were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." [The New York Times Magazine]

  14. I belong to several FB groups for various products I use… there are all kinds of questions, for "help", by people with strange names asking totally stupid or irrelevant questions they could look up themselves, read the instructions, or just call the company who sells that item… and I've seen the same person asking the same question over multiple related groups even after they get a satisfactory answer.

  15. How do you know there were no AI chat bots in 2021? Because they said so? I'm sure chatgpt is a very weak version of what these people have had for years.

  16. Dagogo, thanks for yet another great video. Aside from the obvious dystopian future we're moving towards, a quick question that might seem irrelevant today, yet still feels quite as relevant as always – how do we even as humans go about using AI tools in spite of obvious privacy concerns? AFAIK, there isn't really anything akin to guidelines, nor is there any real info re what happens with the data that we provide the AI with. I'm as mesmerised by the AI as an idea, as I am perplexed by the concerns, as we still all have our own identities online that are intertwined with our personas in real life, that is, our "social security numbers" (or something akin to those based on country of living), bank details, addresses etc. Would love to see what Your opinion on the matter is. Cheers

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