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Rammstein has issued a statement in response to allegations against the band on social media. Rammstein is currently on tour in Europe.

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41 thoughts on “RAMMSTEIN Issues Statement in Response to Disturbing Allegations

  1. She went alone to the concert she friend/met girls at the concert to hang out with, any social skills are camouflaged given the event and none of her friends have surfaced to speak about her reputation…meanwhile the media revisits a similar past accuser, also labelled as the "french cyclist", an innocent french croissant muncher on monday-friday…the weekends she spends her time moshing at a Ramstein concert and accepting an invitation to a back stage party…I don't know, what can you think about this?…on another note, why be offended if Ramstein wanted to have sex with her? To ask such questions assumes shes telling the truth.

  2. I'm not surprised, you just have to look at them and listen to their aggressive sexual tyrics to know what they're all about… creepy and dark band

  3. As a very big fan of the Rammsteins it's really hard for me to believe that this is actually real. The first time i've heard about it tho, on an article, i thought that maybe it was only some fake advertisment to get people's attention so i ignored it at first.
    But as time passed by, i started to get really worried and thought that maybe Till actually SA'd that girl. While getting more and more anxious i started to think twice about everything and also thought very much about it. Logically, if she was drugged and Till really assaulted her, then how could she even remember? And if it really happened, she might have considered going to the police and not straight out to the media. It's absolute nonsense if you actually think about it deeply. That girl is crazy, and along with the other women, too. What I think is that maybe those women were Rammstein fans as well, and saw this girl's tweet. Then they started tweeting the same thing over and over just for them to get attention, and the same goes to this other girl that started it all. This needs to be stopped. Either way this whole mess should be investigated ASAP because personally i think that she is a true liar along with the other women and that they only want attention.

  4. Dude Till's "advances" were him asking if she was there was for sex to which she replied "no". Till then left the room. She said that herself. Using words like "advances" gives people the impression of Till throwing himself at a reluctant victim. Way to stay impartial as media..

  5. The lady should have gone to the hospital or doctor afterwards or asap and insisted on blood tests so they can see if anything un toward was in her system, seems like MM and JD all over again either way hope truth prevails 🙏

  6. Why did she not report this to the police and get a tox screen done to see what was in the alleged drink? A lot of her accusations are not adding up. Hopefully she wasn't victimized but at the same time, false accusations are just as evil.

  7. It's allways famous people. Once one acuses a star of rape, all of a sudden dozens claim the same hoping to get that $.
    It's disgusting that we still falling for this.
    If you go to a hotel room with a rock star, that tells me that you know what's gonna happen and you went anyway.
    If i was a woman and a rock star invites me yo his room i would know it would end in sex.
    To all the rock stars out there, be careful with these women. They don't care about you, they will put you in jail and take your money.

  8. But what else did she have before that one drink? How could this happen? I've never heard of anyone in the band doing something like that but there is a first time for everything. I truly hope she's ok and this isn't true at all.

  9. Gee, drinking makes you drunk. Who knew.
    That "bruise" looks a whole lot like a scrape or burn. Sorry honey, but if you were assaulted, maybe you should have gone to a hospital and summoned the police. You come off as someone seeking attention, and that makes you pathetic

  10. Wow this shit is just crazy. It's hard to believe her but then hopefully the investigation goes quickly so we'll all know the truth. These guys have some amazing music, i love it. I remember when my oldest daughter took German in High School, her teacher was a brother to 1 of the band memebers

  11. I've been Mickey'd before, also partaken in X. That would not have me scribing perfect Twitter posts the next day. Idk I have a hard time believing this.

  12. Did you guys see that lady which making claims? I couldn't fuck her even after a bottle of vodka. False allegations. If Till offers her sex so it's a charity.

  13. I hope this isn't true, but there are more than one account of this happening. I'm not going to attack the woman or the band. I really want the truth to come out.

  14. Sounds like a bunch of BS. She claims to have memory loss. But she has excellent memories of meeting Til, knowing exactly where and what happened and how he reacted.

  15. I believed her at first but that is slowly fading because she’s posting a lot ot exaggerated posts I don’t believe a lot of what she posts. Either way if it goes to court we’ll see if it’s true.

  16. She's definitely an attention seeker. Till would never have to "spike" anyones drink to get laid. He literally has chick fans who voluntarily line up for a chance to bang him so he has no reason to do things like that.

  17. These bs claims that woman nowadays love to do needs to stop…they are not only ruining the lives of good men but in return showing off to the world they are liars and labeled as such for the rest of their pathetic lives…I am a woman and i find it disgusting what others get away with by playing the victim

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