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Metallica frontman James Hetfield spoke in a new interview about the band members and their playing as individuals. James says the individual Metallica members are mostly average players.

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38 thoughts on “James Hetfield Doesn’t Think Metallica is Very Good

  1. Natural musicians like the metallica dudes always outperform academic, technical musicians. I think James was saying they're not technical musicians (not good in that sense)……and that is a damn good thing, cos I've never known any technical musicians who can write and perform with soul. A textbook can't make you a natural musician….it's a gift from God.

  2. He's being self or more accurately group deprecating as he's found the power of humility. Stage fright? He evolved into literally one of the greatest front men of all time. I guess the hurdles are just that. Maybe that's his message?

  3. Metallica is the best metal band and Who gives a shit about skills? music isn’t a competition of skills. If it was I can assure metal wouldn’t be on top of the list of skills. If that was the case than jazz and prog music would win Everytime. A lot of young metal heads think metal is the apex of technical skill and speed but they’re just young grasshoppers lol.

  4. Metallica hasn't been good since 1987, they need new ideas which means to shoot up and form new bands. No disrespect just being honest, Van Halen did it and it worked out great for both

  5. The majority of the genre they're in and helped create, the musicians have extremely high technical skill and little to no recognition, so of course they're not as good. They're up against metal bands that surpassed their skills back then! Not to say they're aren't great musicians. I believe many metal musicians are already in the top tier of musicianship. I've never seen someone play like those guys from rings of Saturn or necrophagist…

  6. James….. get out of your head. You guys ROCK. Dont be so hard of yourself. Everyone loves Metallica. Your music fuels me. I feel very blessed to have there music in my life

  7. James's just keeping his humble at the end of the it is not a Metallica's nature to be boastful and me personally they're way better than average but anywho they will remain and grateful because those are the type of men musician and artist that they arethey can give a s*** less about bragging rights hi-5 Metallica

  8. If you can get up on stage and play for 2 hours the way these guys play and nail those chords, notes, timing, etc. There's nothing average about these guys.

  9. Can’t blame James for not feeling the need to respond to Dave, because he’ll probably trash them again in another interview next week😂😂

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