Looking to learn how to breed your own genetics? This episode is for you! We sit down with the legendary VaderOG and talk about what you need to know to breed your own genetics.
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—Thanks to Canni Nanny for the Chapters—
0:00 Intro – Sponsors
1:00 Welcome
2:15 Don’t get overwhelmed, start simply -Vader OG
3:00 Feminized vs “true”
4:01 Plants are all different
4:15 less mutations when using “true” breeds
5:10 Pick a strain you actually like
5:18 Set up a mono-crop to stabilize it
6:16 Slight differences will show
6:45 such as tastes, colorings, genetics, etc.
8:38 tough to dial in, don’t get discouraged though!
9:30 How to stabilize traits?
10:05 feminized = faster but tricky
11:02 back-crossing variations
11:55 takes 5-7 generations to stabilize
13:30 examples
19:00 Breeding for trait characteristics
19:30 How long before it can be named?
20:30 Hobbyist vs Pro
22:05 Be clear, state lineage in general
23:24 the industry needs logging
24:00 Trust vs Intuition/experience
25:40 a lot happens by accident
26:10 A big issue is seed quality/ overall health/environment
27:02 Still learning after 15 years?
28:00 endless journey/unique
28:20 on the outer edges of the industry, like ancient seeds of strains hiding out & can re-appear
29:45 Always learning, growing, progressing
30:09 You can still grow a good OG from the 90s
30:15 But, density & flavor is better nowadays
30:50 New technology in breeding
31:10 genetic editing?
31:45 misconceptions
32:45 tissue culture explained
33:25 fancy tools, clean facility, $$
34:05 don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged
34:30 Find what works for you.
34:37 Peace
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From The Stash
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There is so much info packed into this one! Another banger of a show !!! Sorry I missed the show, hard to get away in the middle of the work day. Cheers!!!
Shitty. Nothing really on Colloidal Silver. Best way to make your own Feminized Seeds. Save tons of money.
Amazing information amazing people
I love all of you Guys but VaderOG IS MY FAVORITE !!!

Big dog !!
How would you breed a son or grandson or great grandson to the mother? Would you keep the same mother the entire time or do you have many seeds of the mother and you re grow her every-time you need her genetics?
Has anyone heard of plants finishing in 6 weeks? I run co2 enrichment with a tank and controller, normally week 6 I cut the gas off and they ripen by week 8. 4 different strains all supposedly 8 week finishers. This last run I cut the gas off at week 4 and two weeks later they were done and ready to flush. Idk doesn’t seem right to me but the trichs don’t lie
Damn it ended SO soon! Didn't even feel like 34 mins. You got to bring VaderOG back for another round of breeding talk.
This guy is fantastic to listen to. Shredding out easy to understand information like it's nothing.
Probably the best video regarding breeding I have seen yet.
Been waiting years to whip out the punnets square that I learned in 6th grade
I have watched this episode quite a few times and Vader is just a treasure.
Hey Chris, love the work you do. I don't know if you will see this, but a question about pollen. Best long term storage, vacuum sealed in a jar in the freezer, so I've read, but how long do you let the pollen dry before freeze? I collect my pollen on a mirror and put in jars if not using immediately. I have vacuum sealed the last batch in 4 different jars. One.,froze soon after collecting, maybe 2 hrs. #2 jar I let dry for 1 day then froze. #3. A 3 day dry. #4 is still drying at day 7. Got some romulan to pollenate. Might not freeze it. Thanks for your videos

Guys please dive deeper in2 PGRs! Too many people are uneducated on this subject
So much knowledge
i heard the beans from ethos genetics produce plants are never even close to eachother from the same packs; phenos all over the place smh
Sup w/ those shirts? They availible?
If you keep some of the original phenotypes that didn't make the cut while breeding strains for traits & stability, crossing them with an F10-11 helps bring back some of the more wild type genetic traits that were excluded in the original breeding process. This can help you out of corners you have been backed into without introducing new strains. Usually I'd use F1 Phenotypes that weren't the flavors or appearance I was looking to breed. So keeping F1 seeds and growing a dozen to pick a winner to breed back some of those original genetics has helped, although it can be lengthy process.
Great show guys! PART 2 PLEASE!!!
Rob is trying to get to the moon
I just stumbled into this looked it over and started watching when I'm like "I know that voice…!" and BAM! It's Vader OG! Good to see ya back in action again! Great show, good info and right up my alley for my 'landrace' project with all regular seeds from 25+ year old seed stock,
Been really waiting for this level of content. Great topic.
…like you said:"it was incredibile!"
lmao i saw the donation bar at the bottom and thought i missed it… scrolled down and realized im watching on youtube. the tweeds is workin!! this was such a fun event. i could listen to vader talk about breeding and genetics all day. cant wait for the next all day event!!
Great episode Vader, much respect.
All I want is a FCE48…
I think tissue cultures aren't as crazy to get into as people think. I grew mushrooms for a while and made liquid cultures and tissue cultures on agar. No flow hood or specialized clean room and had probably about a 95% success rate with no contaminants. A laboratory is definitely not necessary as long as you have good clean techniques. I was however using a walk in closet where I would do all my clean work so there is very little to no air movement. Always sprayed everything down with microban 24 and ran an air purifier for atleast 30 minutes before I would work.
I personally don't think telling people what the parent strains are is necessarily. It really comes down to what it tastes and looks like.
I like to keep my crosses proprietary since so many seedbanks out there are just crossing the same parents and then selling the seeds as the same thing and that's why most seedbank seeds don't look, smell or taste like the original
There's many people that like like unstable f2's because they want the variety.
Vader is the shit. Love his breeding setup. I just have 1 breeding station so far.
Don't know why you guys think breeding is so complicated. It's really quite easy, just takes a lot of time if you don't have the ability to run 100 or more plants at a time.
Cross the plants that have the characteristics you like and work the line to get it to be what you want.
I got some new shit coming out soon. I'm not about colors and hype shit, I'm more about flavor and smell.
This was tough

Thank you!
What you need to know to pollen chuck your own genetics
This was wonderful. I only have one complaint. It was way too short. I felt like that was just the beginning. I would love for a podcast on just making good quality fem seeds for ourselves. Not to try to breed, but to have fun and have decent quality fem seeds. As a gardener, I let a lot of my plants to seed to collect for the next season. Or regs, if that's the only way. Not sure Vader is a fan of fem seeds. Cheers
Nice show, interesting.
There are rare genetics just waiting to be brought forward.
You just have to wait until it's fair for everyone to enjoy.
Fridge Genetics is a good name. Oh you said "fringe". Hahaha!
awesome guys..
Does anyone know the intro song name?
Thanx for the info bless team yes i yes i
Thanks for these awesome videos
Why do i feel like this was cutoff …
Been looking to learn more about breeding. Thank for the video It was great to learn. Hope you see alot of in depth breeding videos.
My four favorite growers. Im an inspired breeder! So far in my growing experience its all been fun! I really enjoy this channel! I love you guys, and have learned alot from you individually. Thank you!
So I don't have IG or FB. So I hope you guys see this lol. In general, the net is full of crap forums as far as getting good info or answers to certain questions. You guys are collectively and independently, amazing at getting info from awesome sources, and then spreading the love! Thanks for providing a way to understand the art of gardening cannabis! I have questions myself that stem from my grow and your shows. It would be an honor to somehow have a conversation one day! Keep up the good work!
We have wild plants around by the railroads I thought it be crazy project to go get pollen from a wild plant any thoughts you think it would just end up boof
WTF is zanofil?? Lol I think it's a camomile tea. Lol zanofil too funny
my plants are purple because of zanofil lmao.