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48 thoughts on “Stavvy’s World #2 – Are You Garbage? | Full Episode

  1. Foley is one of the funniest dudes in the world. Especially just naturally funny. The bozo can tell a story! He’s also the kind of kind you want as a friend. The dude is just a big cuddly bear who is there for you in every way. I need a movie based on Foley’s life.

  2. holy shit…. that yoga ball story…. that is one of the best stories i have ever heard in my fucken life…. bring that man to rogan

  3. It’s funny seeing stav going hard at this dude if you consider that stav’s entire career was built on being the dumbest dude in the room and constantly made fun of except the times that the alpha (nick) would allow stav to team up with him just to shit on Adam.

  4. Don’t talk to your father?! Some real cowardly scumbag shit Kip…”Daddy hurt my feelings…..”….wtf happened to men…at least Foley isn’t some indoctrinated commie like Kevin

  5. Any grown ass man who calls himself a DEMONcrat, ESPECIALLY over the last 5 yrs is BEYOND brainwashed…I don’t care about ANY of it, but there’s one side that’s been speaking the truth,and it ain’t the left…the Republican Party was founded by all blacks as the ANTI-SLAVERY PARTY…JIM CROWE WAS FOUNDED BY THE DEMOCRATS, SO WAS THE KKK….facts

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