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Rick and Morty co creator Justin Roiland has been fired by adult swim, while his attorney says in a statement that he is confident the charges will be dismissed.

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39 thoughts on “Rick and Morty Co Creator Justin Roiland Fired By Adult Swim

  1. Was he found guilty? Cause if u can lose a job if someone just decides to accuse u sounds crazy. Either way I cam separate art from the artist and most people do art some point. Kanye, I would say Polanski but most of Hollywood sounds accurate

  2. Charges have been dropped. Wonder how this game will play out now. Will Adult Swim and Hulu come crawling back to their cash cow? Will they double down? Will Justin file a suit against them? Things are only going to get more interesting.

  3. You all are ignorant to the fact that there are consequences to stupid actions or crimes. Just cuz he's famous doesn't mean there aren't consequences, most people who commit a crime lime this are blacklisted in most jobs, y'all are defending him as if he was some innocent bystander, SAD…Boohoo, First world problems , CRY.

  4. He may be an Uber creep but his creative was amazing. By far the best adult cartoon ever and how he threw in actual scientific theories and concepts is what hooked me. Dude is obviously intelligent and creative. Also might be a pedo but hey I can separate the art from the artist. Honestly what amazing artists aren’t messed up. I’m a huge fan of Jean Michel Basquiat. Guy battled demons his whole life and those demons eventually killed him. Those demons also made his work so thoughtful and creative.

  5. Thanks for the amazing cartoons, and high on life video game, Justin Roiland, but committed the crime can cost you a voice acting career and being trash canceled by the haters and accusers.

  6. Yep time to stop watching Rick and Morty , revoicing two main characters Rick and Morty is going to kill the show , its going to become a joke if they can't find a worthy voice actor that can hit those voices spot on . Watch for the ratings to dive off the cliff going forward

  7. I think his personal life should be separated from his job if he does his job good which he does! Then he should be able to keep his job his personal life is just that! Personal!!!! This is a bunch of crap give him his job back!!

  8. The guys a idea thief any way Kevin Smith came up with this idea a decade ago before the first pilot episode in his podcast and then had the Idea animated in his SmodCast cartoon shorts

  9. This is why I have not been In a theater In 20 years and do everything possible to not support entertainment distribution corps , " Hollywood " and so many other things with capitol .

    Firing a person not convicted of something is worse then the crime against the individual I true because it Is a crime against everybody . Not a crime under US law I guess but it seems like some kind of discrimination if he is an employee of Adult Swim . I'm not sure how that all works , but I guess Adult Swim bought his show which he longer owns but perhaps gets paid X for working on it + back end % maybe on revenue including merch or some kind of structure like that . I don't know how those systems work exactly and the contracts .

    But I believe most contracts have some kind of morality clauses where a person affiliated with a company and therefore representing that entity must agree to that says they won't fuck kids , beat family , friends or sexual partners , commit crimes , promote or indulge in deviant sexual practices ( hard to define ) , have incorrect ideas or speech which can be obvious things virtually everybody would agree is bad to anything that anybody doesn't like, which is bad and gives the corporation complete control over the individual if they want to use it .

    We have just seen this play out with Johnny Depp where an individual was nearly destroyed by a person with mental illness or who is evil depending on how one sees things , but obviously her condition caused her to lie , be vindictive , greedy and entertain her sociopathic pleasures people like her enjoy believing they can outsmart everybody with lies and deception and play with other individual lives as well as destroy wealth and time of everybody in societies collective wealth , time and protection of law by subverting it . Luckily she is more stupid then many sociopathic people and thought her looks , biology and current trends and attempts from society to Clean up and protect people and over correction has made it so that correcting one injustice creates a new one that is worse in some ways of giving control to anybody who is simply willing to make claims and the person damaged has no actual recourse and even if found innocent often can not reclaim their good name or assets making it difficult to get justice , I have yet to see somebody like Amber Heard sent to prison the same way other criminals are and its easy to argue that her theft and her attempt at destroying somebody is worse for me personally then being beat up , something I have experienced many times including severe violence needing hospital care and causing permanent damage , I would re take the beatings over being put through false allegations to try and destroy not only me but hurt or destroy people who love me and hurt people who associate with me . These types of crimes like AH attempted are not just against an individual they are against people who couldn't be deserving of punishment even If the allegations were true and when not true is a crime against every citizen or person subject to U.S. law and penal codes . That makes her nearly guilty of a crime against humanity and a terrorist attempting to destroy juris prudence and therfore the country of which that is the foundation and extremely dangerous . She did that as well as tried to attack every women ever abused as well as those currently abused .

    Set a precedent to where a person vindictive enough to not care about their own reputation can attack somebody with more to lose .

    A criminal who slips through the cracks for a crime and escapes jail or punishment is bad but allowing an innocent to be put through that is a much bigger injustice and sets off a chain that can cause it to happen to others exponentially perhaps and becomes much worse then one individuals crime against another individual even if that is of course AWFUL . it undermines all the work and progress to keep making society better , it is the pure definition of a crime and an attack on a nation and their most important system .

    If this guy is guilty and it is proven after due process then of course Adult Swim is Morally and Ethically compelled as well as perhaps financially compelled to dismiss him .

    It should be vis versa that his dismissal before due process should ruin the value of the show/ product . With some exceptions like a video of him bearing a kid , lighting animals on fire and some other things that leave little to no doubt .

    I am a GIANT FAN of the show and like so many other entertainment products and other products I must now remove them and their companies from the list of ones I can use as they are ultimately not vital . So now I can add Adult Swim to the list, which is a minor drag in the big picture but a bummer none the less .

    Anybody who believes they are " good " , want social just , moral and ethical who supports a corporation undermining the most basic of human rights must now realize they are none of those things . You can not commit a greater and more core crime or immorality in supposed service of a different more specific one and claim any amount of moral high ground and are willingly now part of all injustice on all levels including the specific one they claim to be against by using little to no personal energy and alself self harming at the same time by undermining their own rights which is sociopathic and belief that their negative actions can not hurt them and when they suffer the consequences of being persecuted ,procescuted and punished unjustly they will have reaped with absolutely no ability feel wronged and it will in fact be just in their particular case but still harmful to others increasing the burden of guilt on them .

    It Is madness and the worst impulses of human behavior on display in many forms .

    Give the man his day in court and then proceed .

    This also punishes in a smaller way every single person who enjoys the show that will NEVER EVER be the same now at the least and likely be worse off and for moral people is now unwatchable if it benefits Adult Swim and HBO now or whoever is involved in making money to support the undermining of social and personal justice . This also includes hurting every other person involved with the show likely , although whoever gets to replace him might see it as a step up for a small period and take the dirty money but its all tainted and a drag that the other creators are punished and put in moral quandries of self preservation and being pressured to sell their souls in support of their own ultimate demise and selling out their kids futures and others going forward.

    This trend might reach the event horizon of no turning back and perhaps it has but supporting your own destruction for no good reason is in itself about the worst type of immoral behavior and a hint that it is bad for everybody else .

    Oh well , get inside the hand basket and enjoy the ride , wonderful hellscape views on your way there , at least you will be bringing your family and friends along .

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