A new mother tells me how her family’s therapist ended up adopting her child with little questions asked. Now after gaining some distance from the process, the caller starts to rethink the situation.
Then two guys seek advice on how to successfully perform pranks in a Walmart, a woman wonders whether or not her fears of her boyfriend cheating on her are warranted, and a guy who attended one of my live shows tells me about a romance that formed between him and another attendee.
Roll a 3 or higher for a gecko blessing. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Family’s therapist adopting child
27:51 – How to successfully perform pranks in a Walmart
38:56 – Warranted fears?
50:29 – Romance that formed at one of my live shows
01:00:45 – How to call the geck!
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Lyle Forever
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Lyle was honestly great at explaining to the second caller why what they were doing was the wrong way to do IRL weirdness. Such a constructive conversation, he sounded so fatherly
The cowboy does not to need to appreciate that experience, he thought he struck gold but when he got to the town the bank told him it was just a yellow rock. Its better to be a lonesome cowboy than a fool.
Good episode Lyle. Just wanted to say be careful asking people what they talk about with their therapist. Could be sketchy legal issues there. Just looking out for ya buddy love the show!
If the ‘cheating boyfriend’ can’t see why she’s concerned, empathize with her, and do everything he can to make her feel secure… he’s no good. She said he can be mean, it hasn’t even been 1 year of dating. So many red flags
“My parents are pretty close friends with my therapist”…..um. Huge red flag right off the bat. This shouldn’t be the case. Your therapist shouldn’t have a close relationship with anyone who you have a close personal relationship with.
Having a therapist and being a single mom is bad enough. Giving uour child to a therapist is retarded
If you cant prank on your own its not fo you
This is sad and a mess.
“Mental issues and probable addiction problems….I want it!” The therapist
Anyone that says “baby daddy”has no business with a child.
That therapist of the first caller is unproffessional as hell to even take her as a client. A family friend has a definate bias, and one of the most important rules of abnormal psych work is to not work under those conditions. Thats fucking sick, take her degree.
Can we leave the arm chair therapy to the gecko please?
The therapist took advantage of her vulnerable state. Going through post partum depression is such a confusing time but it's temporary and the amount of regret that she will possibly go through is not something I would wish on anyone her therapist should have known this. That's so messed up. A therapist should not be intervening in this way. This one made me tear up. No parent really knows what they are doing in the beginning, and setting a timer for diaper changes is really smart, especially when you are going through post partum. As someone who suffered from post partum anxiety, this was so heartbreaking. A therapist is supposed to help you work through those insecurities not to feed into them for their own advantage. She needs to get herself a therapist who does not have any connection to the therapist that has her child and a better attorney !
I grew up in the mormon church and am currently working my way out rn, so I apologize if I project onto Natalie's situation at all.
the mormon "church" has a very consistent emphasis on their "ideal" family structure (mom, dad married in mormon temple with kids), and from my point of view, that drilled in mindset doesn't leave easily. Those thoughts, that conditioning could absolutely play a role in Natalie's feelings of inadequacy. The mindset really doesn't leave easily, it takes years of processing and is completely healthy.
I assume no ill intent on the therapist's part, though this entire situation is extremely suspect, especially if the old therapist is in contact with her family (mayhaps b/c they go to the same church, the church does in fact have counselors their members can go to for free I was almost pushed to go to one).
All in all, I hope nothing but the best for all of them, and I'm completely sure Natalie will make the right call with a good support system.
I’m just now listening but Jesus fucking Christ, Natalie was absolutely railroaded and manipulated by everyone around her. I can’t even write my full opinion yet bc I’m still in shock lol. I’ll come back later.
A therapist is in such a position of power and trust that they can convince you to sign anything. That is why there are such strict rules on patient interactions. My psychology professor once feared that she'd get in trouble for giving her patient a ride home. Convincing your patient to give you their child is completely unacceptable.
Don't let your therapist manipulate you, they should not be 'parental figures'
the amount of drugs this man takes to talk to people and give the the reaction that they need to amazing
Her lawyer was completely right wanting to get her therapist’s license revoked. I’m almost done with law school and lawyers and doctors/therapists have similar ethics regarding relationships: that would get you disbarred or seriously in some deep shit if her attorney did that without outside counsel from all sides. This is such an exploitative situation.
A therapist should NOT have a personal relationship with your family. Unless they are your guardians/conservators, your therapist should not be communicating with them and in no circumstance should she be "friends" with them. The only discussions they should having should be about your treatment options in the event that you live under their roof.
It is incredibly unethical for her to adopt your child when she is an appointed influence on your decision-making. I understand that due to your closeness to this women and her apparent stability she seems like a good candidate but it sounds like your parents and therapist abused their power and conspired against you. It might have been for "the right reasons" but it seems like you were coerced.
You have to pick one, fight 100% or not at all because if you half ass it then you might piss people off and have your visitation rights revoked
Baffles me that people like caller #1 are permitted to have children. When she revealed she was also adopted and had trauma ab her biological family it all made sense though. Hurt people hurt other people. But that doesnt excuse her now putting her daughter through the same emotiomal trauma she had to go through. And for what? Because she felt inadequate? Im sorry but thats retarded
I bet he’s stoned
Does it cost to call him
" Don't let the fox guard the henhouse "
The art of becoming a parental figure for a new human being, is exactly learning from that being. Their primal needs, wants, desires ect. In my opinion, parent can only fail in the art, when they decide they are not good enough to learn it.
A therapist should not know the family, and especially not on a personal level. The next therapist should not have a deep history with another therapist that treat's/treated the same client. In my opinion. Case too close.
Natalie.. You have the power within you to bring her back home, where she belongs. Believe in the me, that believes in you. Believe in yourself.
Does he stream on YouTube?
Yep. NO SHOT this is a licensing therapist. As soon as I heard my “friends talked to my therapist about it” it was fucking looney. Patient confidentiality and all, conflicts of interest (BIGTIMEEEE). If she is then throw her license out.
Just read another comment saying it was a religious counsellor or something like that and that makes sense but even then that’s fucked and thinking about it if this story is real, the court proceedings would have kicked her license to the fucking moon, so that’s confirms the first part but if anything like that happened in my country then she’d be out and never be able to legally be a therapist once their license is revoked, the other new therapist would face some sort of backlash too possibly also losing their license. I feel like she was coerced into making this decision by either the therapist or someone else plus the therapist (maybe someone persuaded her that she isn’t a proper parental figure). But everyone always thinks the worse, maybe theyre all supportive and this was positive but idk. Okay I’m pretty sure coercion is what it is after hearing how she feels she wishes sometimes she fought for her daughter. That’s my guess.
Second guy helped a lot I been breaking social barriers to get strong, build some data
As a father, id be traumatised, any competent therapist would consider the emotional consequences of separating a mother from her baby. And consider now the fact that Natalie's constitution as a mother is based on her own mother's values which implied that meritocracy was somehow applicable to one's ability to rase one's own children when the truth is you learn and grow with your child. Love truly is everything you need and once you accept your role it will start transforming you, in a way it will actualize your potential, dimonds are formed under pressure. There is no doubt that injustice is being carried out, that c**t of a therapist should never dangle a baby infront of her mother, every photo will show the beautiful splendour of exploration and growth, emotional damage via Snapchat and once every few days.
https://youtu.be/LRKUEY3NTM0 new raps
I think that girl was taken advantage of ina time of need. Someone she trusted and she looked towards for guidance.
Used that power to gain something for her ( therapist).
Was putting the Kid up for adoption a good idea ? IdK .
But that therapist situation is weird man. She needs to be reviewed by what ever agency can do that.
I think you are navigating giving out advice quite well.
Bro this girl was exploited and manipulated by her parents and therapist. This gives me narcissistic vibes that make my stomach turn. My theory is the parents encouraged her to give up her baby because they are full blown Mormon and hate the fact that there daughter isn't participating in the religion that they favor. So they had her therapist that they set her up with when she was 15 (so that they could be sure they are able to know and manipulate everything in her life mentally) con her into thinking she wouldn't be a good mother. And it just so happens that the therapist was looking to adopt herself… None of that is right or okay ethically at all. Please get a new therapist and seek an attorney that absolutely no one else in your life has association with or knows of. You were exploited and you're going to regret not getting legal help when your child turns 3 and they stop letting you see your child or some crazy shit that I don't doubt would happen.
I'm not a therapist but I think this young lady was manipulated a little bit by the therapists. It just seems really fishy. And the fact that she had to fire the therapist and then gets a therapist that's peer…is kind of weird to me. But again, I'm not a therapist. I just play one when role playing with my wife.
P.S. Let me say also that I'm not judging her in any way. Having children is hard. Especially when you are young and dont have the financial resources, you need. I was a dad at 19 and it was no cakewalk. Later i was a single dad and it was very challenging as well.
I wish her the best.
This woman is being hopelessly exploited
Girl with the shitty boyfriend – GET OUT NOW! If he is overreacting to things like this, treating you nice and when things get bad they get REALLY bad – fucking RUN. Even if it doesn't escalate into abuse (which it very well could, especially if you feel like you're gaslighting yourself about anything) this is a toxic person you should not waste your time with!
Natalie – you're smart, kind, and sounds like you wanted to do the right thing for your baby, and that is so commendable. But you have been exploited and taken advantage of, get a licensed therapist that doesn't know anyone in this situation and go from there. I don't want you to lose contact with your baby, but you absolutely have been violated
Is the therapist also mormon? If so this comes across extremely disturbing. The non-Mormon young woman convinced to give her daughter up to her therapist whos also a friend of her Mormon parents.