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Welcome to Taste Buds! Today we settle the ultimate gaming debate – who is the better video game character: Mario vs Sonic vs …


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49 thoughts on “Mario vs Sonic vs Donkey Kong with Sam Tallent | Sal Vulcano & Joe DeRosa are Taste Buds | EP 123

  1. I love you guys so much, this podcast makes my entire day better.. but I gotta be honest, the way you guys are pronouncing Mario is worse than hearing nails on a chalk board! 😂😂
    Its MAR-io, Not MARE-io 😂😂

  2. Thank you Sam for sticking up for the 64. Still my favorite to this day. I've been on a binge of your standup recently, funny asf. Would love to see more of you and Shange Gillis together. You guys have a good chemistry

  3. That is literally so weird, I don't get poison ivy either! Mosquitos still eat me up lol.. but my siblings and I would pay in the same woods and they would be covered, and I wouldn't and they always joked that it was because I was native American… I literally never thought there was any truth to it.. but it's funny to hear someone else who doesn't have an issue with poison ivy! 😂😂

  4. Waiting for PlayStation games to load sucked. N 64 all the way.
    Mario Kart and Golden Eye. Turok and War Gods.
    PlayStation 2 is the best🥳
    Then x box 360. Nintendo and PlayStation are pretty tied now.

  5. Over all, Sonic. Mario was iconic but sonic was the start of good graphics. donkey Kong only seemed like a good game before graphics advanced to Mario level.

  6. I was thinking Pringles vs Bugles might be a good battle. Both are pretty unique and have a certain fun factor that other snacks don't have

  7. Homeless pimp adds nothing and makes a significant amount of ppl turn off the show hes unlistenable can’t seem to tell HIS LAUGH FUCKS UP THE LISTENING EXPERIENCE he’s a producer camera guy mic guy HE SHOULD KNOW NO ONe WANTS TO HEAR HIS DEATHLY HYENA SCREECHES OFF MIC MAKING PPL TURN IT T OFF AND SUBSEQUENTLY not follow the show

  8. I was unfamiliar with Sam until he was on Rogan and that made me like him, but this appearance made me a fan. That line about how Japanese was for Sega to seppuku itself because it couldn't beat it's competitor in Nintendo killed me

  9. Oh, so this douche that I don’t fucking know has a special called “running the light”, while Yannis Pappas has a legitimate special hour called “blowing the light”. Ok, got it.

  10. I am amazed with how knowledgeable all these guys are about the console wars. Well, with Joe maybe I shouldn’t be surprised but I woulda never thought that Sal would be that into it.

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