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45 thoughts on “The Deadliest Conspiracy Theory in the World | Julian Dorey

  1. Guys, I just found your channels recently, and they're both amazing. You guys both do a great job. Great guests with great topics and you've got good personalities to add to it. The look of the video is also good. I'm a fan, I've watched a bunch of them from both of your channels already in the past like….week or so.

  2. "i have a photographic memory" …. "dont quote me" …"some shit like that" …. "i dont remember"….."81.4% or whatever"….. lol who is this fool, funny shit

  3. So wtf is the conspiracy? Cause I'm an hour in and all these guys are doing is sucking each other off. Man, I like this podcast as whole, but this is the most boring shit I've heard in my life. They just talk about how much they like each other, and how much they wanna suck off Steve jobs. What's the conspiracy?

  4. why do oyu people not understand that apple did nothing special…nothign ever. its just shinny consumer products. its literally bs. hardware got smaller wow big deal, then they glued a touchscreen on it….holy shit he combined a with b, he is geniuis

  5. Bro I love these podcasts, longer form podcasts are just awesome I listen to these all day while I'm working it helps me get through the day I've actually stopped listing to a lot of podcast because there only 30 to 45min long I just love the 2 to 3 hour episodes, good luck to both if you guys keep it up

  6. When Julian brought up Kim I paused the video and went and watched her video. Such a shame. As someone with 4yrs sober that hits hard. Really such a shame

  7. excellent episode,,,like all the rest,,,great quality content…appreciate youre hard work ,,,you dont half ass,you really doing it..awesome cast of guest,i wish you continued success….

  8. Julian is awesome, you put me on his podcast by mentioning him while talkin to another one of your guests. Super cool dude seems like. Very realistic view of the world. Don’t see a lot of that anymore. Appreciate your work. Y’all keep creating

  9. Talking about Kobe Bryant, back in 2017 on Comedy Central, there was some kids cartoon program that had the following cartoon. There's 4 kids, 1 was laying on the ground with a handgun. He fires in the air, hits a helicopter, then the helicopter falls from the sky and crashes. Then Kobe's head pops out of one of the windows. He tosses his 4 championship rings out to one of the kids, then the helicopter explodes…
    Just before it explodes, if you look closely, you can see the Freemasons Square & Compass, and what looked like a couple mountain peaks with smoke coming from between them on the rear side of the helicopter… That was so flippy to see it was still posted on YouTube in 2020……

  10. Nothing deadly about this episode, id rather listen to you talk to a rock… it would be more interesting than this gronk.. n i fkn love koncrete podcast! This was a strugggleee

  11. top 5 shows…..Kidding me. Yes they are up there but my lord man. Open up a bit. THE WIRE should be top of any list. No mention of best show made for series. Come on, Billions, Goliath, Many more. But the Wire I hold in God Father quality. Its way up there. Waaaaaaaay up there.

  12. They had to build the new computer age infrastructure coming into 2000. U guys think that doesn't cost money if they were involved,it was for a purpose.casulties of staying on top

  13. The only thing saving people from charges being made for everything you have done and said on your phone is man power. But don't worry A.I is coming you will be investageted, defended, and prosecuted by A.I.

  14. wearechange YT channel (Luke R) I believe did the earliest JE island expose by sneaking onto and filming their experience.

  15. Julian is pretty ignorant,.which makes him easy prey for others that try a say the US foreign policy is for good.He said they had to go into Afghanistan to get rid of Taliban? extremist wahabbi were brought into what was until then a moderate country by Zbigniew brazinski with "Operation Cyclone" to create a quagmire for Russia. Blowback Taliban still in power killing now US. soldiers and leaving the people in Afghanistan screwed. Next on to Iraq, Julian is clueless about "Plan Clean Break" which is the real reason the US invaded Iraq TWICE, killing 400,000. Next going on to support extremists Brough in to overthrow a secular government in Syria, sound familiar?afghan? The US isn't saving the world, you already have Bolton finally admitting to what everyone has known, the US plans coups in other countries, in south America it was many times to make the country better for United Fruit, not the people. Look up "School Of The Americas" Julian Assange and Snowden are lifting the veil on what is a corrupt parasite operating underneath a government. Saying we're doing all this to protect you,

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