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KISS vocalist Paul Stanley has responded to Gene Simmons controversial claim that ‘rock is dead’. KISS is currently on their ‘End of the Road’ tour.

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46 thoughts on “KISS Paul Stanley Claps Back at Gene Simmons ‘Rock is Dead’ Claim

  1. Gene Simmons is a simple minded dinosaur. His day came and went and his pride and ego is to big to face that his perspective is outdated and means nothing to many others. Hey Gene go get another booster and start digging your grave loser.

  2. This is gene aging himself. There’s a ton of amazing new rock music coming out constantly. Old man probably doesn’t know how to find it via technology

  3. It's far from dead, but if people get excited about a new album from a 30 to 40 year old band it could fade away. Being annoyed by who gets inducted into the RRHOF won't change a damn thing. Finding out about young artists, going to shows, looking for regional talent and spreading the word. THAT'S how Rock will grow and hopefully thrive in this day and age.

  4. They haven't heard of Maneskin, clearly. Paul Stanley hinted at that with the unique take on a classic sound, and Maneskin are the closest thing to that right now. Brilliant band mixing old and new.

    I love Ghost, but i think the only reason theyre growing is that they're positioning themselves as an 80s throwback knowing bands like Kiss are retiring soon. Tobias is a genius in that respect and knows exactly what he's doing (and I like their new sound btw).

  5. 🤣 Paul, I'm sure those crowds and models for your son's band has NOTHING to do with him being your son. A bit jaded. Take that minor point away I bet your son is paying to play for the bartenders and other bands on the show that night.

  6. I really don't think rock is dead. Tik Tok has bought some life back to the rock N roll . There plenty of bands out there that are doing very well in the rock genre . I am scratching head say huh, Why do you think rock is dead???

  7. I'm glad axl told the rock hall of fame to fk off I wish more rock artist would do the same send a message no shitty crappers or country shit it's rock n roll music not rock and other crap

  8. Not just Rock (80%) but All music in the Rock, Metal & Pop genres mostly has all sucked ASS the last 15+ year's! Over produced, not many original singer song writers! Great Rock was saved in the early 90's by the Seattle scene of Grunge/Alternative Rock! Now it all sucks! Until now! REN is the next Saviour of just Great music! Check out Hi Ren video & dive down his many different musical styles! He does it all & is Independent! It's the Music Industry killing good music! If you're not beholden to them & you're Independent they do everything to block you & censor you! 2023 Grammys? Worste in history! It's time for a music award show that features Independent artist's like Ren & Tom Macdonald & many more!

  9. LMAO, so Paul Stanley's response is that Gene is incorrect because Paul Stanley's son is succeeding? Um….that's most likely due to the fact that he is Paul Stanley's son.

  10. With rise and popularity of modern pop, country, and rap. Rock really has not progressed beyond the 90’s and 2000’s era. At least nothing beyond grunge and Emo. Speaking for myself, as a fed up rock fan, the only modern music that I listen to is any kind of metal. Not nu metal, though!

  11. Rock n Roll is alive and well, in many different shapes and forms…. As of right now, it’s just not mainstream… in my opinion bands need to revert back to sounding like bands, with a live feel. Rock music these days is horrifically overproduced, everything sounds robotic. Especially drums… hard to tell the difference between an actual drummer vs. a drum machine… all the imperfections are gone, but it’s the microscopic imperfections that gives the music it’s soul… nothing sounds genuine and nobody wants to listen to soulless robot rock… but once something has been declared “dead” that’s when someone comes along and changes everything…

  12. Their are plenty of bands out there that prove that Rock is certainly not dead! Besides Ghost(phenomenal band), their is: Mammoth WVH, Stratovarius, Sabaton, Primal Fear, One Desire, Mastodon, DragonForce, Treat, Perfect Plan, Hollow Haze, Ice Nine Kills, I Prevail, Powerwolf, etc. and that's just a very small handful right there. Sure it may not be getting the huge media attention like it used to, but it's still drawing very large crowds widewide. 🤘🤘🤘😎😎😎👻👻👻

  13. The distribution of music has zero to do with the quality and content of rock and roll.

    Genes just butthurt because he can't make money like he used to due to the distribution methods – but that's not a reflection of rock itself.

    Rock and roll IS dead pre se, but only because record companies and radio stations dictate THEY want to get airplay. It's dictated what we listen to – IF you only went by mainstream methods.

    Rock isn't dead, it's just not allowed to get out there and thrive.

    But as far as the next 'big thing' – if you're looking for a new band to take the world by storm like the old ones did, forget it. So long as the marketing and return on interest is dictated by record companies there will never be a new band to literally dominate the world, they wouldn't get the finance promotion and opportunity to.

    But thank God Beyonce gets promoted, right??!?

  14. It's true I worked in this business although you might find one possibly two clubs that have live entertainment they certainly aren't being paid like I was oh no , I bet they play for tips or the door or a couple hundred bucks . Most entertainment is free it's called karaoke that's what these clubs mostly have it's free and it involves aka entertains there customers. If you are lucky to make it your certainly going to learn what it takes to stay on top. Most record companies are nomore definitely not as plentiful as it was when I was growing up. Royalties are what is bringing in a good check should a sitcom or commercial uses a bands song within there project. Rap is fading too boot it all sounds the same gone are the days of JayZ , Eminem, Ice Tea , Heck even a bit of Salt N Pepper many made there mark now that's even getting old. I miss hearing the next hit tune and running to our nearest record store . The thrill of going through files of albums , the covers the smell of music of all kinds all within our record store. You'd meet people as well as other musicians, if you were looking to join a band there would be a wall of ads contributing to bands forming what they were looking for from singers, drummers, guitarist to equipment PA's, Mics , instruments. The joy is gone music died and the old folk behind these great bands are deseased or near . So sad man ! Peace ✌

  15. If rock is dead it’s because of greedy labels and companies taking percentages way larger than they deserve, owning rights to art they didn’t create themselves

  16. Dead means absent. Plenty of great bands putting out amazing music enjoyed by millions and touring constantly, so nonsense for attention as usual. Gene is a great musician but a lousy commentator

  17. I'm more into Post-Punk, Dark/Coldwave, myself and I discover outstanding underground bands on Apple Music and Spotify all the time. If you wanna listen to excellent new music, you just have to look for it.

  18. Well GENE is not entirely wrong. The problem with the majority of bands out there today is that there's a PLETHORA of them and the creativity written just isn't there. Not all the bands, but the majority have no concept on how to write a Memorable melody and tunes that last three test of time . PLUS ! those constant over productions . Wow ! How compressed do you want it.

    Any hoo.. that's the way I've been seeing it for the last 20 odd years .. the bands that do Shine THRU are the ones that play completely L I V E.🤩👍🏻

    WOLFGANG VAN HALEN does play all LIVE . Good on him 😎🤘

  19. Gene's idea of rock is most definitely dead/dying, and for that I'm grateful 🙏. What we're watching is someone going through denial of thier own ego death. He'll be bitching about this untill he finds a new purpose.

    "Stars burn out every day, but the echoes they create are eternal in the vacuum of space" – Sum Dood

  20. Rock will never die.I think what Gene was trying to say is the day of the Mega band is dead were you and your grandma both know who guns n roses are etc.& Gene being g$E$n also probably translate that to making mega money. Who cares when you have a loyal fan base & make a great living. Im a huge Babymetal fan & people still say who?? & there over ten years old now & over 10 years old now😂😂 also they did it with all internet hype.

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