Solomon Georgio talks about being Black and gay, looking amazing and the worst type of straight man.
Original airdate: October 20, 2017
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if that story bout her conception is tru then her parents are tru living legends
"Also, this is a shitty leprechaun because this is a dope-ass suit."

I had such high hopes.
Atleast he's beautiful
none of this was funny..
So funny

Solomon Georgio needs a new special since this original airdate of October 20, 2017. He is TFF. Love him.
and then they just LEAVE!
Is he habasha???
I was watching it for the second time, I was kind of busy the first time going in and out. That sort of thing. I don't remember laughing or anything so I watched it again and listen to it and accidentally exed out right after he said the line, "I'm an atheist." Then Heard a man cheer from Joy, and the exiting of the video accidentally couldn't have been more on time. Because not only with these jokes coming back to me, they also reminded me that just cuz you're on a stage as a comedian does not really mean that you're funny. A lot of people will watch you and cheer and get happy when somebody connects with them but that doesn't really mean anything in the big picture, especially when you attempt comedy but include no actual humor and more just say things instead. Just send it like this guy was narrating something or stating things and I'm realizing that these things were all reaching out to get acceptance not even laughs really, that would just be a bonus. You think someone who would be doing stand-up long enough to get on the stage as big as this stage, he'd have self worth now. But it's worth comes only from God, he likes to make it clear that he is an atheist because, well, who isn't?
I'm all for the LGBT community and you was great just 10% of your jokes was to much apart from that was great keep it up
Someone should ask Solomon " why are you taking cookies from strangers?"
love Solomon's comedy, and I always look forward to seeing what he's wearing.
I love him so much!
"one day"
Mixing Nesquik with water: that’s how they make hot chocolate here in UK!!

I’m Portuguese and when I came to live here and found out they don’t make hot chocolate with milk, but with water I too was like: WTF
This crowd needed to buy more drinks or be less straight, because this man is hilarious.
That's mud y'all

16:00 best joke ever
hmmm but Jesus does love you
Hilarious and easy on the eyes!
Love the Fig Newton routine I thought I was the only one who did that as a kid my two neighbors were Health nuts and I had it happen to both their houses and said the same thing this is not a cookie
PS I felt the same way about when they said we're having cake and pulled out carrot cake this is not cake made out of the vegetable with cream cheese on top my little mouth was not having it

, C
Huh, I can't tell if it's the audience or his jokes, but after he finishes one, you could almost hear a pin drop.
As if most people thought "So… should we have a reaction to this?"
I don't want to see the ppl on my list die, just fail very publicly and then they realize, it's karma for what they did to me lol
Gay and Atheist. Perfect.
I won't even watch because the Internet doesn't lie.
bone juice theory is wholesome
much better than the real male contribution, a whole skeleton? yes please
first time seeing him, hoping he has improved since "17" , only joke to make me smile was his response to the big chocolate D request, but I like jokes that are generally so wrong they are shocking, or ain't even right like a roast battle!
I’m tired of hearing the “echoes “ of gayisms! We will never be normal again! We’ve died and living in hell on earth!
Bone juice

Love Solomon since his hilarious story in "this is not happening "
I ended up looking amazing..
sorry but that's the only joke I enjoyed
That was awesome!
Top shelf

He is really Funny!
Awesome Special.

Where is the comedy in this. Sickening