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Yeah but have you seen ticket prices they must think the fan base is full of millionaires
After all the trash Phil talked on Metallica over the years. Shameful.
please don't put out a new album of shit. just hang it up.
Weren’t they also going with qotsa, or am I just forgetful?
A lil late on this announcement
Lux Eterna just sounds like Megadeth to me. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad song, but it just sounds like they copying Dave
Already bought tickets
Plsssss come to aus plsss
Roundface man
It's not Pantera.
The new Metallica sounds like old new Metallica. It doesn't sound like pre black album!
I wouldnt be surprised if Hetfield and Lars want a proof of jab first.
It's a God damn shame that this event will probably cost an arm and a leg.
Support your local metal bands people 

bring back small venues with ginormous names. Why can't Slipknot Metallica and Pantera play together in a smaller venue?
The misfits poster tho
I would love to see pantera and metallica
I’d love to see Metallica just once and even if Phil-tera is there it’s not the real thing… I’d feel like I’m going to see a cover band open up for Metallica… who at this point is almost a cover band of themselves…
I seen the Metal tour of the year in Allentown Pa. Megadeth and Lamb of God was a true Metal show

I seen the Metal tour of the year in Allentown Pa. Megadeth and Lamb of God was a true Metal show

Metallica isn't the band of the 80's so no thanks!!
And prolly $400 nose bleed seats
Too pricey for me brother
Man if the lineup wasn’t so ass I’d really love to go
That’s a hard pass
how tf is it Pantera? Vinnie and dime are dead? wtf I smell a cash grab.