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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Last clip – Самойлов Павел Александрович via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 1997 Mustang V6. The car spent most of its life in Chicago from what the shop was told. Also, that is the floor that the technician is poking, that’s how rusted out this car is.
0:33 Fuel tank is getting replaced on this 1997 Chevrolet Tahoe. Must have been quite the fuel smell!
0:46 The technician said: “Exhaust Leak at the manifold to EGR Bypass Valve Gasket”. Chevrolet 3500 with Duramax engine.
0:57 Requires inner and outer bearings and grease seals. The customer didn’t install them when he installed the new front rotors and now needs new front rotors + bearings.
1:12 The technician said: “2011 Ford F-250 6.7L diesel came in for a safety inspection with no complaints about the brakes. I noticed that the stopping power was very poor, felt like it wanted to drive through the brakes. When I got the vehicle up in the air I noticed that the center flex hose for the rear brakes was pinched between the aftermarket airbag mount and the frame. The rear brakes weren’t working at all or when they did work they were stuck on.”
1:28 A very worn-out wheel bearing. Needed new bearing + spindle and front brakes, rotors, and 1 wheel caliper.
1:39 The mobile tire technician thinks the pre-trip inspection was not done on this truck and trailer as it just left.
1:59 Washers to spray headlights aren’t spraying the headlights properly.
2:02 No issues found.
2:09 They have yet to get the full story on how another’s vehicle CV axle ripped the driver’s door on this car.
2:17 The vast majority of bubbles are caused by impact damage. When a tire hits a sharp object in the road the force from the weight and speed of the vehicle is focused in the small area of contact. You should NOT drive on a tire like this, and you should get it replaced.
2:24 Customer said they tried to avoid hitting a pothole and instead drove up a hill/bank. Looks like it’ll need a new strut and spindle.
2:32 They didn’t mention the names they picked for the kittens.
2:43 Battery was installed the wrong way by the customer.
2:52 A fake snorkel on a Jeep Compass.
3:02 No extra information. However, I’m surprised they let the customer drive out of the shop themselves.
3:24 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys have a great day and eat lots.
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Thanks for watching.
Dontcha wish some people wouldn't do their own work and just leave it to the experts.
… The woman could've steered the vehicle elsewhere or used the emergency brake.
That shop that did the breaks is the Other Shop/ Another shop, that customers always state fucked up the vehicles haha
The one complaining about the seatbelt sign was probably the girl that fell out of her car recently taking a turn too fast without a seatbelt.
Most customers can not afford to pay for repairs
3:09 Turn the damn wheel!
ÕMĞ é thâtt wâzz séw é Power-PõwéŘ-PhÚŁĽ
They don't call it a crustang for nothing.
Poor lady lol
Rust bucket.
3:23 OMFW! That poor woman sounded terrified! I'm so glad she ended up physically unharmed. But I bet she has nightmares and panic attacks though.
The last 1 is genius XD

The women is so fucking stupid she doesn't even know how to make the car go forward.
Can't imagine the shop will pay for her stupidity
Did they also remove the parking brake and gears out of that last car? Since you know, she could have used either of those to stop it rolling backwards at any time…
Well you get what you pay for. When you take your car to Jose's discount garage, expect things to be sub par
In Soviet Russia, car fixes you!
that'll buff out 2:09
That kind of rust can only happen to a Ford and chevy.
That’s a fishing car. Very popular in Russia.
I'm not sure if it's like this in every car, but in mine at least, if you put the car in park it'll use the transmission to stop the car instead of the brakes. and, maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have a broken transmission than a flooded engine bay lol.
It's always American cars that are falling apart and rusting to shit. Damn. Ya never see that shit on Toyotas and Honda in bulk like that.
I know that salt is put on roads in America in the winter to melt snow and ice but when you see all the rusted out cars that are driven on the roads I am not sure it’s a good idea.
1:35 love the sensor damage on that camera.
Someone thought it was a good idea to film welding.
And they say DIY is the way to go, yeah only if it is done properly which half of the time it’s messed up
Are there no annual vehicle safety inspections in the USA?
3:05 so he just ignored the car for awhile.
In the last clip the mechanic probably forgot to pump the brakes to build pressure after replacing the brakes.
3:03 A whole LOT of idiocracy here…
But did she get her brakes fixed?
Thats more rust then a car
Brakes are over rated xD
Don't they have yearly Warrent of fitness to be on the road … Ridiculously dangerous and a death sentence awaiting
2:10 WHAT IN THE F!??!?!
I love the one about the seat belt. At least when he goes through the windshield because he's not wearing his seat belt, he doesn't have to worry about brain damage.
i hope that shop gave her a free car after that! that car totaled!
The Yankee states should require a monthly wash underneath
I hope the shop covered any damages from failing to fix the breaks if in fact they were at fault
I'm pretty sure the clip at 2:00 isnt much of a problem. Saabs have headlight spray
Finding kittens is way better than gliding backwards into a lake.
The last one made my entire day
that snorkel though XD
I cannot imagine the amount of embarrassment the guy who refused the repairs on that wheel must have felt when the whole thing came off on the parking lot when he was driving out of the shop. lol
I loved the brake repair needed at the end…. If you do an omnibus edition of just rolled in…. I'll make some popcorn and grab a Dr Peppers before watching on my tv you tube channel… heh heh heh heh.
I just had to look twice at 2:00 before realising. Truth's hard
I knew that fuel tank looked familiar. Those blazer/Tahoe tanks always rust out in that spot. Don't ask me how I know…
I see this comment all the time; I'll never get how some of these heaps even survive the lift