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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 No issues found. The customer didn’t say anything when they picked up the vehicle.
0:20 This is exactly how the vehicle came in. Castle nut then the cotter pin gets installed afterward is how it’s supposed to be. A cotter pin is a simple fastener that’s used to secure a bolt in place.
0:35 The technician said: “The noise was from the damage to the front brake rotor backing plates being damaged and rubbing on the rotors. He had also cut the exhaust pipe in front of the fuel tank and did not have a turndown. That fuel tank is on borrowed time. He declined all of the work. Hopefully, he fixes it without hurting himself or others.”
0:49 Sway bar links were improperly installed as shown in the clip.
The customer came in for an alignment but the technician had to re-install the sway bar end links correctly and do some other repairs.
1:09 Nuts for u-bolts came loose, only 1 left holding the one u-bolt on. The mechanic said the truck’s steering was all over the place, and he is surprised the customer did not mention anything about it. He is also not sure who installed the new front brakes and didn’t notice any of this.
1:22 Just like the fuel shark we showed in a previous video. This is a gimmick. The closest information the mechanic could find about these was on a website –
Supposed to improve fuel mileage, etc… but it’s just a gimmick a lot of people far for.
1:41 Customer’s car needs a new engine.
1:55 Customer tried fixing brake lines with JB weld and just used a fuel line as a brake line. This is never the way to fix brake lines, and the whole line should be replaced.
2:02 The meat was expired by over 2 weeks.
2:12 Engine and transaxle look to be both very damaged. The vehicle will most likely be a write-off.
2:26 Customer drove over this on the highway and heard a loud noise. They brought it into this shop to get it removed, and then said they will be going to a body shop to get the hole repaired.
2:34 Some new windshield wipers have plastic covers on the blades so they don’t get damaged. The customer left them on when they installed the new wipers.
2:43 Not sure who installed the Nike slider as a sway bar bushing but the mechanic had a good laugh when they saw this. If it works, it works!
2:52 Just a joke of a subscriber working on his car.
2:57 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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42 thoughts on “Customer States Temperature Not Warm In Car | Just Rolled In

  1. Saw another copy-cat channel suggested by YT. No where near as good as this channel with the comments. Plus the other one was full of profanity and innuendo. I did the "Don't recommend this channel" on it. Great job in here!

  2. I'll be the first to admit I'll only do my brake pads, rotors, oil changes, after that I'll have a garage do it. Some vehicles can get tricky or have be very specific ways things need to be done for repairs and I can only trust my ability so far when my families safety is on the line.

  3. 2:11 my car smells weird, I only used it to hide a body and go grocery shopping. I know I got rid of the body but still have the dead smell. well we found a pound of meat left in the car, its spoiled now

  4. I don't see anything wrong with the work done to any of the cars, they are just expressing their artwork. You have to remember this is only kindergarten after all. A for effort.

  5. I fix NOTHING. My neighbor thinks I'm a sissy for it. "Not a real man" Yet, he's always fixing his trucks. Like, twice a week. I go to my shop, tell them what's wrong and hand over the credit card. Great to have an honest shop.

  6. There should be an excruciating test to be able to buy this kind of machinery.

    Actually make a test for every aspect of life, specially child bearing.

  7. This is one of the many reasons I quit my once "dream job" of being a mechanic after just over 1 year. That and men didn't take me seriously, "where's your dad?" "Let me talk to the man of the place?" "Is there a man around here?" Got old quick.

  8. Lmao.. whoever drove that car in & didn't turn the heat up wow. You should've asked'em "Hey got any TVs with volume issues? I'll fix each one for a mere 50$ if you got the remote or if the buttons are still on the TV it's self…"

  9. I was wondering how the mechanics keep a straight face when explaining to the customer that they just needed to turn the temperature up. Seriously, how do you not laugh when you explain that? Lol

  10. When you know nothing about automotive repair or mechanics and can still immediately see when something isn't right. Or can grasp the immense danger some of these drivers are putting themselves and others in with their insanity. Removing your shocks entirely… Driving around with little steering control and loose bolts barely holding your wheels together.
    I don't even drive and I can feel slight changes in a vehicles performance as a passenger.

  11. Windshield wipers didn't used to come with covers, I noticed it when my brand new wipers weren't working too. I laughed when I found the bright yellow covers on them.

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