I’ve always wanted to farm but unfortunately a few salty dudes in Facebook farming groups have made me just not interested in it anymore. So here we go Thanks to big iron auctions for assisting.
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Removing the trees from the hills slope is just an invitation for landslides
I'm always slightly passed at the destruction but that only because I'm envious . It is crazy the sick comments from a holes who obviously watch your channel…….your nuts but I watch you doing what we all would if we could….
Listen I’m a farmer just don’t listen to them because of stupid pieces of shit
Do it to a police car
Bro I could do it in 3 days
6:22 the monsters in ohio at 3:00 am
1:27 I’m sorry cody
2:40 trailer brakes?
"Hey momm!!! I think our bed got stolen!"
Why ruin a tractor?
Do you realize how many of us would just love to have a tractor like that!
Whistling diesel Jesus Christ man that's my dream right now I've always wanted to be a horticultural farmer my main crop I want to grow is sweet corn you are my favorite YouTuber right now keep up the good work man don't mind the mean comments your a lot better than them
My favorite video thus far
I mean I’ll be honest I’m a farmer or used to be anyway. That is a nice tractor, but heck it’s your tractor do what you want with it. On the flipside, we used to call Farmalls the Farmsomes in agricultural school, a.k.a. farm some and fix the rest lol. Still a nice unit, but in my opinion if I was going to literally destroy a tractor I would make sure it was green. I freaking hate those things. And my hate is justified, I used to work for John Deere. The biggest piles of over hyped junk in the agricultural world.
Funny how people are wishing you dead for destroying your own property
I'm a farmer but this is funny and you shouldn't let others ruin your goals.
6.23 pov your trying to sleep in Ohio

Don't mind that because I put at the
end of the sentence
Don't quit your dreams if people say that stuff about them because
surprised there wasn't a slow-motion hair toss, a la Baywatch, when he came up out of the water
12:36 me when mom says cant leave till beds fix
Dude I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. One of your best video's!
The tractor…
1:32 the farmers that have turned on you are being salty and toxic because their jealous of your win for the tractor lol
Where did that bozo get the money to tear up all that stuff ?