An actual licensed therapist calls in to tell me why he doesn’t like this podcast…and we eventually find some common ground over this extended conversation.
Then a final caller seeks advice on how to start a bug themed podcast despite knowing absolutely nothing about bugs. I think it is a really good episode.
Send me pictures of very juicy oranges on Instagram (@lyle4ever). I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:13 – Licensed therapist doesn’t like this podcast
43:54 – Caller seeks advice on how to start a bug themed podcast
59:38 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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This is like a therapy-off
they both tried to therapy eachother
Take a shot whenever you hear you know.
Further, this guy is totally judgemental. All of his criticism is coming from a petty, judgement filled perspective. Geck, you possess the qualities of a phenomenal therapist. This guy is a fucking tool!!!
"A jobs, a jobs, a job…" FALSE. These are the words of a man who hates his job. He is obviously envious of the Geckos success.
Gecko recommends actual therapy to people all the time. He also says he doesn't know shit, all the time. He gives words/advice to the best of his ability just like a friend would. My friends are not trained therapists and I run things by them all the time. Therapy Gecko seems more human than this so called trained individual. Gecko is entertaining, never malicious, a good listener and solid communicator. This dude is just butt hurt that he hates his job, went through years of training to get it while another gets enjoyment and profit from it.
I really love these conversations. People disagree all the time, which is not the problem itself. The thing is how people communicate with others that disagree with them. Seeing how you guys were so respectful and calm is very comforting.
I have learned not to immediately take offense when others feel differently about something, not to feel like I'm being attacked, and just to listen and think before I speak (and how I speak). When both parties learn to do this, both can accomplish A LOT.
i spent way too much time looking for this bug podcast, if someone finds it plz i need it
Therapist guy was sore ngl his only problem was his god complex
Like it's completely understandable if he comes home, wants to rest, and sees someone doing a therapy like converstation in the background and doesnt wanna be around that. I think we ALL can agree we don't wanna being our work home with us. Plus I wouldn't want my SO somewhat forcing me into a converstation with someone I have disagree with while eating my dinner, like it is annoying. Whatever his feelings on, the two had their converstation with eachother and ended on a good note.
Best lunch brake so far this year!
Lmao, this guy is only upset because he has credentials and Lyle is just a gecko, and people would rather talk to a Gecko than a trained therapist. Therapists gotta realize everybody does things differently and just because you have training doesn't mean you're a professional at helping others with issues, and people don't want to talk to somebody who pretends to know why somebody is feeling some way or how to cope. And most therapists are always quick to prescribe medication for almost anything and everything. Lyle reminds everyone, every podcast, he is not a licensed therapist and does not claim to be, and that nobody should be taking advice from him. Sometimes people just need an ear and someone's honest thoughts rather than someone who's thoughts and opinions have been shaped by schooling. I think the main reason , or at least a big factor, that people are more comfortable chatting with Lyle than a licensed therapists is the suit, talking with a giant Gecko is a lot less intimidating and more inviting. People are more likely to take their situation less seriously when they are talking to someone dressed up as a gecko.
Wow, that was a good conversation with the therapist
I really wish Lyle asked why the fuck art has a therapist I find it so fucking ironic the therapist has a therapist.
Lyle it's so funny the therapist has a therapist why doesn't he just talk to his wife Veronica? Isn't it so funny we all are so alone in this world we have nobody to talk to unless you pay them and they have training to be a therapist but therapist are just people they have issues 2
Am i the only one excited for BugRast??
Geck stole his bitch
12:08 gecko side eye
i just realized homie is in san antone… wonder why i never seen him posted up on the riverwalk
This was an awesome ass episode though.
Well to that Therapist that doesn't like your podcast show fuck them and yeah you can not like things if you want to that's fine but yeah fuck them.
As a therapist, Art does not seem to be Able to effectively communicate with his SO or in general. He seems genuinely upset that Veronica watches Lyle and can't provide any reason other than essentially jealousy. I also find it strange that he thinks Lyle is "getting off" being a therapy gecko and that his desires are voyeuristic. It seems like he may be projecting his own therapy experience onto Lyle. Best wishes to him and Veronica, it's not easy talking to your therapist nemesis
Dudes just talking is circles lol. After a session with him, you're gonna need therapy big time. Just listening to him has my mind jumbled
It was extremely helpful to me hearing what Art has to say about his situation. I feel like I am at the same place in life, so this helped get me thinking about solutions to deal with it and try to make my best way through life for everything.
Hearing this guy go from Therapist mode to cartoonishly douchey boyfriend is so jarring
you heard it here first, no one can give advice if they aren't a therapist
Yo. Fucking big boy is off his rocker
My wife is a therapist. I can understand what he is saying. My real guess is that he has to hear his girlfriend dissect every question and ask him what he thinks after a full day of dealing with other people’s problems? On top of it, he is being asked about a dude wearing a gecko costume as if he is a peer.
I feel like Lyle just gave the therapist a therapy session.
I feel like the therapist dude might just be a little jealous tbh
Imagine being mad at a gecko lmao he’s just a lizard
Shame is when your needs aren’t being met, and rather than looking at where they’re not being met, you put it back on yourself for having those needs in the first place.. woah
Okay…as someone who has had to go through years worth of therapy I have to say there is no way Lyle doesn't have any prior schooling or training in psychology/cognitive behavioral therapy. I think he's just very humble and doesn't hit people with a "well actually I am a certified therapist." As he did state he doesn't eant to have "gotcha" moments because that brings people down and makes them feel lesser than him. All in all I think Lyle is trained and has got proper education. No way he doesn't.
I've been a fan for a while. I've been hoping for a therapist to call in, and Art did not disappoint.
I feel like people are spazzing on the dude calling. It's his profession and he takes it passionately. Albeit missing the point of it but hell I'd do the same.
Lol, tt, I don’t think Lyle has ever claimed to like be an actual therapist or even like give actual therapy… he’s just doing the same thing like radio hosts have been doing for like ages where people call and talk about their problems or have laughs but it’s like obvs very public and light and the ppl who follow Lyle and listen to him like know that already
Therapists and psychologists are a joke. This dude mad cause he paid to go to college
I can’t find bugrast
Lyle I love you man. I’ve been trying to watch your podcast more. Your reels found me in a time of need and I love what you do for people.
When you said you truly believe life is perfect right now just the way it is that the real problem lies within trying to constantly see the perfection that resonated with me so much.
I think homies a little irritated he could've gotten a psychology degree from the internet for free I'd be pissed too
I'm sorry listening to this therapist I 100% would not trust him with any of my private thoughts This is my first time checking out your podcast but I have seen you on shorts and I loved what you were doing bottom line he doesn't hate you he just hates hearing other people's problems outside of work He's tired of it meanwhile you do it for fun which is hilarious but the whole entire time is like he had a terrible time communicating that and I think you just helped the therapist communicate to his girlfriend on how he just doesn't want to hear other people's problems outside of work galaxy brain move and you didn't even mean it you were just listening to him
Therapist wanting to gatekeep conversation is hilarious.
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life
Bros mad your taking food off his table
I love how the therapist thinks he has all the answers, while barely being able to produce a sentence.
Lol!! He calls the podcast therapy gecko and says he is not trying to be the advise guy xD! The unawareness is laughable