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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
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Pumpkin under seat
Falcon hit windshield
Broken Serpentine Belt on BMW
Washer fluid sprays on the floor
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Customers tire falls apart two days after they were installed.
The technician said: “Customer states this happened a couple days after I changed their tires to winters but I changed their winter tires in October 2021 this came into the shop in January of 2022.”
0:20 Customer services transmission.
The technician said the customer drove too long with no transmission fluid and will require a new transmission and a coolant flush.
The customer added around 4 quarts / 3.7 litres of ATF to the coolant reversoir.
0:38 Pumpkin under the passenger seat.
The technician said this happened in winter, and the pumpkin didn’t start to “leak” until it was a warmer day. He cleaned up the mess and replaced the AMP fuse and it fixed the issue. He also mentioned he saw a child seat in the back so he thinks maybe a child was playing with it and it rolled underneath the seat and was left there for a while.
1:01 Falcon hit windshield.
No extra info.
1:13 Customer states slight vibration at highway speeds.
This was on a VW Jetta. This is mostly caused by driving on a flat tire, then filling it up afterward and continuing to drive on the tire.
The tire will need to be replaced.
1:23 Rear differential but now needs a transfer case.
The technician said it was on a Land Rover and said It had internal damage it was in the shop in February with a loud roaring noise.
I think that since the customer was driving with a bad rear differential damaged the transfer case.
1:36 Floor jack broke rear differential of BMW.
The technician said it’s a cast aluminum rear differential. He also mentioned that the owner has no way to prove that the other shop did it, so he’s paying $5000 to get a brand new one installed (parts + labor).
1:46 BMW with no serpentine belt.
The technician was surprised that the customer never mentioned anything as the battery light was on and the car was “screaming” at them with warning lights.
1:59 Welded lower control arm.
The customer later told the shop that he hit a curb, and had a buddy weld his lower control arm until he could afford to get new parts installed.
2:13 Washer fluid sprays on the floor.
The technician said the customer came in because the washer fluid wasn’t spraying on the back window but didn’t mention anything about this. This is usually caused by the washer hose breaking somewhere in the interior since it runs from the washer fluid reservoir all the way to the back window. I’ve also seen rodents somehow getting their way behind panels and eating the washer hose.
2:19 Broken wiring harness on Genesis.
The technician said this pays 9 hours (warranty). He said you don’t repair the harness as the manufacturer highly recommends not to repair CAN lines (controller area network). A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other’s applications without a host computer.
2:39 Never seen a tire like this before.
The viewer who shared this said he removed this off of a 1986 Chevy. If you know what caused this, please let us know in the comments.
2:50 Final Jeep update (I promise).
The technician said it also still needs a little bit of bodywork on the front.
Other videos talking about this Jeep.
3:07 Market adjustment. What’s the highest you’ve seen?
3:19 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Sunday! Hope you guys had a great weekend.
Submit your photos/clips @ http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Good video as always. The one spare tire with the side walls that would come out isn't that uncommon. Michelin tires used to do that, I don't know if they still do but they did when I worked for a tire shop back in the day.
What is the story with the 18k repair on the Jeep?
1:01 (Capitan falcon voice) FALCON PUNCH!!!
These make me terrified to go on public roads
The rotting pumkin is still my favorite to this day
Ok… but that shouldn't have happened to their tires in four months either???
"Market adjustment" == "gouging the punter".
The power trunk stopped working job though
Modern cars have far too many circuits to go wrong. @ 2:30 what is wrong with a traditional boot lock? Cars these days are designed to malfunction
I love it when they say the tires are brand new & then I point out the DOT # from 3 years ago.
What happened to the 18k jeep?
I can buy a new peterbuilt for the price of that ev hummer GM has completely lost their mind.
@ 2.44 , that's an aircraft tyre !
$239,000.00 for an EV Hummer? If it's electric it's worth maybe $2,390.00 !!

18 grand is unfortunately a lot cheaper than new cars
Who in hell would give 230,000$ for a hummer?
I am not familiar with "market adjustment" in my country – is that the dealer just adding a mark up? Does that happen at authorised dealers – for brand new cars?
2:44 It looks like a control arm bushing, lol.
It happened just a few days after leaving the shop, 4 months ago. Bullshit.
I hate when customers try to pull that. trying to get shop to warranty stuff by claiming it happened just after we touched it.
well if it Really failed just after you picked it up, how can you have been using it for the last 4 months inbetween?
Somewhere, there's a kid driving a 99 integra, drooling about how to get a tire stretched as hard as that deformed spare takeoff.
1:20 Slight.

Now I want to know about that jeep
I feel so bad for the real mechanics who work on these dangerous vehicles.

Best videos ever on any YouTube channel for sure.
3:00 most reliable modern Jeep during an off-road
If you want to have an awesome day, watch these videos they are absolutely fantastic.

Who the f welds a control arm ????
They are like £50 a PAIR ?
Worse case £20 from scrap yard .
What the hell is wrong with people lol.
Market adjustment

Was the footwash an option on Jeeps? I need me one of those. @2:15
I hope the falcon is ok
Market adjustment = Rip off loyal customers who left a deposit a year ago, thanks Ford.
When they say, had some work done at another shop, and there is a smashed/cracked this or horrible welding on that Yep, done at home by yourself or a mate and don't have the balls enough to say so.
I once drove a full year on one set of tires and they weren’t even close to that level of damage, and I drive a lot!