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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The customer looked to have broken off a section of the oil pan when removing or tightening the drain plug, so the customer tried covering it up with JB weld and an epoxy. The technician said it needed a new oil pan and some other repairs.
0:17 Customer modified their exhaust and put a glass pack on it, but had it pointed directly to the fuel tank and heat shield. Over time it melted through the heat shield and fuel tank which caused a fuel leak. The customer is lucky it didn’t cause more damage.
0:31 Usually people use will use a Sawzall to remove an exhaust as it’s quick. So whoever did that was not paying attention and cut the high voltage cables for the hybrid system. Hopefully, they didn’t get quite the shock after that.
0:52 Mask hanging on the turn signal switch prevented the right turn signal from staying engaged. The customer also ordered a new switch for it the technician said.
1:01 The technician said the u-joint was so worn that it caused the driveshaft to somehow bend. Didn’t mention more but the driveshaft and fuel tank were replaced. Must have made quite a noise!
1:09 Bottle of sunscreen was moving back and forth causing the noise.
1:22 The technician also mentioned there was mold on the carpet and other spots in the interior.
1:36 Tonneau cover was in the way. So whenever you press the tailgate release button it prevented the tailgate from dropping/releasing all the way. The customer just had to grab the tailgate and it would have dropped.
1:57 Exhaust got repaired.
2:04 An interesting exhaust on a VW Jetta that came in for some work.
2:10 Brakes were non-existent and the brake rotors were very worn down to the fins. Also, the frame was rusty in multiple spots. The technician told the customer they should purchase a new vehicle.
2:23 The technician is unsure why the customer used chicken wire to prevent rodent damage as rodents will still be able to go through and around the chicken wire.
2:35 The VW boot cleaner. A line came off and would leak onto the customer’s foot anytime they tried using the washer fluid.
2:40 When you buy a new or used engine they will put plugs in multiple spots to prevent anything (water, debris, etc.) from falling into critical holes of the engine to prevent damage once the engine is started. The customer never removed the one to the turbo inlet pipe so the engine wasn’t receiving an air supply and wouldn’t start.
2:49 The technician said they did a terrible job installing these door speakers but wired them correctly for the customer.
2:58 An issue with the heat seat element. This seems to be a common issue at Volkswagen as mentioned by the customer.
3:06 A customer left their cute dog in the vehicle when they came in for a service. They had another smaller dog which wasn’t shown in the frame.
3:11 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Have a great upcoming weekend! You can submit your photos/clips at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
I'm a 40-year retired dealer tech and I love this channel!
Customer States: "I hear a dog barking but i don't own a dog"
Rodents have hollow bones like cats and can squeeze through a 1/4 space soooooooo the chicken wore is useless..

..it's like a jungle gym for them…
Yeah, my back seat smells like a dog can you guys check it out please?
I won’t lie, I’ll laugh at them every time, but I appreciate when people bring their car in when they think they have a problem. I’d rather be thought a little foolish for my loose sunscreen than risk my suspension.
Humankind is in a world of crap. Sayin.
When my kids and I watch fail videos and we see American cars driving with only 3 wheels, grinding the brake rotor to oblivion, we wonder how that could possibly happen.
Then I stumbled across this channel, and it explains everything….the condition of some of those rusted frames is mindblowing
That oil pan repair is the actual tsb repair procedure according to Mitchell On Drugs.
My stepdad helped me replace my coilpack on my old 2004 f150 there was a gap for thermal expansion after arguing for 10 minutes I tightened the bold just to my surprise it snapped his idea was to drill it out and put a drywall screw on the manifold what a great idea I sold the truck a few months later and got a call from the mechanic I sold it too hew cussed me out asking me if I did that yes I did
You ARE a first-world country, aren't you?
I bet the heated seat is an aftermarket. Those always catch fire
That exhaust on the Volkswagen Jetta
Chicken wire to prevent rodent damage? Oh lawd!

My favorite time I brought my car in there was a rubbing noise every time I was braking. Took it in and the brake pads were so worn down they hit the rotor and had to replace it. You learn.
The VW with smoke stack exhaust must live in a flood area
That's just the optional shoe cleaning function.
We're are they driving these cars cause I don't want to be on the road with them Dammm WTF
"what the dog doin'? Last clip
1:37 These types are my favorite. When everything is working fine but the customer doesn't know how it works or what to do. If it was me, my face would have turned red raw as it was being shown to me, especially if an explanation was given.