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49 thoughts on “Can (& should) you profit off a friend crashing your car?

  1. My parents had an 85 325e. I drove it around a lot in high school, back when E30s were everywhere and not worth much. It was a very fun car to drive. One thing I remember is that they could be deadly on wet pavement.

  2. I never let anyone drive my vehicles because something always ends up happening. I've had four vehicles have brake line failures with other people driving them.

  3. I wish I would have snagged an e30 when you could find good cheap examples. It's always been my dream car and now with how expensive a good example is I'm fucked.

  4. When my BMW rear window was broken by my girlfriends brother my first reaction was as to ask if everyone was ok, then assess the damage of my car. Everyone reacts differently.

  5. I love it, we pay for insurance (mandatory in most states) and they do everything in their power not to pay out (most times) when there's an accident.

  6. My buddy wrecked his car off a cliff when I was a passenger. I dislocated my should. His insurance gave me some money. He called me asking for half the money. We all have at least one moron friend……

  7. My first car was a 86 325es… 8500$ paid in 93.. man I kept hitting parking lot bumpers, its so low, and bending fenders and ground effects… not a good first car for kids… I paid lots to keep fixing it…

  8. As someone that daily drives a ‘92 325is 5spd, much of it in the rain in the Pacific North West. I can tell you that the person driving the e30 was trying to Tokyo drift around the corner.

    It’s entirely possible to daily one of these cars in the rain. That being said I fully understand not wanting to drive a fine example like this e30 due to the risk of other drivers when it rains.

  9. I bought almost the same car he bought, mine had black interior. Bought it for $1000 from an old guy before I went to college. First week of college a guy offered me $9000 for the car. It was a fun summer owning that car and it's still the most I've ever made on a car(not that I buy cars to make any money on them)

  10. Just build a museum and park all your cars inside . They are cars go beat them up. I do not like people who park cars just to say they own one. Who cares if you own it , do you drive it. It's still a 3k car to me.

  11. Bought my 85 Porsche 944 for $3,500…. enjoyed it for a few years until some goofball pulled out in front of me and totaled it. Ended up getting $7,200 from my insurance company for it (after some push-back on their initial offer). Sometimes these things work out.

  12. Sorry to go off topic but I had to ask if that was your stunning yellow B7 RS4 parked next to your E30 @5:12 ??? Ive never seen a B7 RS4 sedan in yellow before? Looks incredible especially with those rims. Props to the owner

  13. Long ago young me purchased a decently clean 1990 325is , with 110xxx miles , painted it black and used it as a winter beater , doing tandems with my friends in the middle of the night until it was destroyed….at that time it was a $500 car which is what I payed for it delivered to my house ….now I know alot of people would go nuts for that thing .

  14. I can relate. I let my friends girlfriend (now wife) borrow my ONLY car because his truck was broke down and I rode into work with him in a work vehicle. No harm, she was just running errands and taking his kids to school. Except that's not all she was doing, she was driving my car 100mi/daily to the beach, and my car needed an alignment after lowering it.
    This car was my baby, I had turned every bolt on it at some point keeping it up, so even though it had over 300k miles on the body, practically everything on it was new, so it was good to go for another 300k miles. Except when I lowered it it threw off the alignment, and I was having a hard time finding a shop who could get the alignment right.
    One day on the way to my friends, it was raining and I noticed "hey, this thing needs tires", so I told her to take the kids the school carefully and come straight home, the tires are bad. Since it was raining, work was cancelled so I decided to just crash on the couch for a while.
    I woke up to "don't be mad at me"… I knew what had happened. I asked her where she had been, and she proceeded to tell me she had drove into town, on a road that is notorious for flooding in a light rain storm, and hit a puddle, hydroplaned, jumped the curb, and ran over a speed limit sign with my car. The entire front end was pushed in to the engine, hood was crumpled, and you could tell the frame rails had been pulled in. Completely totalled. I managed to pull it out a little, but it was beyond repair, so that was the nd of setting that car up to last me another 8 years.
    It caused a lot of harsh feelings between me and my friend, but in the end, we kinda drifted away anyways for other reasons. But, that car kinda was the nail in the coffin because I didn't have the money to replace it (because I sank all my money into making sure that car would last) and I got no help from him for it.

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