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Plot Twist: He build this entire channel just to have the resources and fan base to find his Dad’s skid loader
totally set up nothing stolen , this guy ,punk and dumbass does this shit for views
Wasn't me
Genau aus solchen Gründen wird es in den USA niemals das 75 Meilen die Stunde Speed Limit aufgehoben,vor laufender Kamera Zeitung lesen Video moderieren mit dem Knie lenken als gäbe es nichts Guts sich , dein ganzes Auftreten ist einfach zu doll und berechnend….!
Ich hab 2 Video Beiträge von dir gesehen und bin am überlegenen ob dieses Verhalten nur einen Grund hat , Geld zu verdienen .
Leute zu verleiten kriminell zu werden um es ausschlschten zu können.
350000 Dollar Belohnung für den der mir den Dieb bringt der es wagte einen kleinen no Name radlader zu klauen .
Junge Junge
The fact that the original VIN tag was removed is suspicious, and if John Deere stamps the VIN under the tag anyways, and the last 3 digits was 195 and you found one with the tag removed, that was sold at an auction, with the last three digits 795, and I was having a hard time following the story line because of people interupting and distractions here on my end… but I thought that someone had contacted John Deere and they had informed you that the VIN with the seven was invalid… either way you can check with the State Patrol and they have a few different formulas for determining if a VIN has been changed or modified or if it was ever even valid to begin with. If this tractor was made after Jan. 1981, then a 17 digit VIN was mandatory, and being a 1999 model then it definately should be a 17 digit VIN. Also there is a process, that law enforcement officers can use called a certified VIN inspection (not to be confused with a vin verification) but there are other numbers stamped into other parts of the frame, engine block, sometimes even as batch numbers molded into the inside of plastic trim pieces and light lenses that are linked to the original VIN and a certified VIN inspection will reveal those different combinations… I used to own a auto repair business in Denver Co. And over the course of 25 years I had 7 vehicles stolen from my business I recovered 6 of those vehicles myself, but I followed the trail right when I noticed the vehicle missing, yours is gonna be difficult because the trail is so old, Good Luck I hope you catch the SCUMBAG cuz thats what thieves are SCUMBAGS…
Kode could buy a new skid steer for his dad but he has so much love for him he kept looking and looking

Well done. I hope you have some positive things come to you.
That manager was definitely sketch.
Man you guys are really unlucky when it comes to getting things stolen from you. Haven't you had your truck jacked, and the wheels off another truck got jacked, and didn't you also have a dirt bike ripped off from you too?
Are there titles for these like of machines like there are on cars? I would think so but I’ve never bought anything like this before so I have no clue.
Have you located your dad's loader yet , or still looking
The manager of the course stole it and sold it to the coarse as new pocketing the cash.
My grandfather who was an aircraft pilot did air racing for a time. He stopped after getting in a crash with another racer. The proppellers from that crash got bent and warped in a unique way my grandfather to keep them. eventually after his passing my father found them and took them home. A bit of time later after moving houses he decided that they would be nice looking near our driveway next to our house. Wasnt even a week later until someone stole them both. I know my father searched scrap metal yards for 2 years before having his stroke which impacted his abilities before passing away a year later.
85 miles per hour, holding a cellular device…….who is the idiot? besides that you steal my time with your stupid videos, I will never get this time back. Its my fault that I even watch you, I know.
You had it but you got Jehovah wittensed out of taking its you can dumb fuck! Trust noone you know better!
You think you could help me find my 2008 Yamaha yz 250f in limited edition white that was stolen from me about 7 years ago now along with my 2001 Yamaha ttr125e? I haven't been able to afford to buy another one since and police still haven't found my bikes and haven't even tried it seems like so I'm just out the 6 grand I had invested into them along with my 1995 Ford f150 which I found in a junk yard and the 50cc mini bike that was stolen from me to and everything else worth anything in my house they ran sacked my entire home when I was visiting my real dad that I hadn't seen for 23 years. So yeah real nice people l haven't recovered completely from it all yet till this day.
You made it the goal to make money, so don't complain about it when the finder expects the money.
Red neck drives n audi

I did it
You shouldn’t expect somebody to spend their time looking for your Shit. You have the resources. Such a weird thing to complain about. And rather entitled to expect people to put any time and effort into something with no reward.
Of course the dude who “found” it wants the reward don’t put out a quarter million reward if you are gonna act like somebody shouldn’t take it.