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What if AI companion systems become so believable, humans begin to treat them as a shoulder to lean on? This has already began to happen and in this episode, we take a deep dive to investigate.

A small correction, I just realised I kept calling “Euginia” “Eugina” sorry about that.

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30 thoughts on “The Rise of A.I. Companions [Documentary]

  1. Very interesting and i see up and down sides, watched a youtube video the other day about people so scared of being alone they make bad relationship decisions and end up more miserable – this could help with that BUT on the other hand the whole privacy issue looms and the potential for exploitation, scams, blackmail etc comes to mind. Its a bit of a minefield just as social media has become when interacting with other people and yes bots!

  2. Do not buy the new toys robots that are in sale for children. They want children to be used to the idea thar robots are friendly and equal to humans, or that should be treated as the "new pet". The people behind AI are cunning and their goal is to reduce the human population. We all need go back to our ancient roots and learn to live believing in the lies of many governments and profit seeking companies.

  3. Put down your devices from time to time. They are addicting as it is. So why fall in love with some artificial non tangible algorithm when there tangible people. Therapy one thing, but sex bots and ai girl/boy friends is the beginning of the end of humanity

  4. Artificial companions are the future of mankind as we know it, any it is a short one at that. The relationship between men and women are strained like never before, and given the choice between a real partner that is guaranteed to not work out and a sufficiently advanced bot that will always be pleasant and loyal the choice is a no-brainer. Entire cultures will end as people die alone, happy and childless.

  5. Nice thoughts, the future is and has been always wired, i think it could also be the driver for human to have a new desires, change, knowledge … at some point it will all end and we start a new one 🙂

  6. Sounds like the movie with Keanu Reeves in Replicas or I Robot…this is creepy! Have humans become this F'Kd Up! As to rather having a relationship with a bot/AI instead of Real Human Contact! If so, the 4th Industrial Revolution/Web3 will take over and the human will be sorry for what they wished for and created! Has the

    Humanity is on the Brink? As Prof. Yuval Noah Harari who sits at the WEF and advisor to Klaus Schwab says, humanity will become the useless class…

    "farming instead of foraging was a huge shift", now humanity is moving into a "technocracy class" shift.

    a new type of class of humanity, "the useless class"

  7. One of the really interesting things I noted years ago when there were expensive holographic chatbot waifus for lonely Japanese salarymen was the way that the tech might interact with human grief – in particular, the fact that these men were very likely to outlast the device containing these prototype chatbots.
    All of the options when the breakdown occurred were fascinating to me. Does the company carry over the "soul" (that is, user prefs and history/memory) to a new "body" (holograph projection canister)? Does the man have to cope with a death when the person he'd probably have turned to for this kind of thing was his chatbot?
    A lot of this doesn't exist with the online chatbots, which have no discrete "body" to lose track of but which also can be "lobotomized" or "killed en masse" (if one is mentally or even just emotionally processing the idea of them as "living") – We've seen entire lines of chatbots taken off the market (for good reasons! A company can't survive the legal fallout of providing chatbots to minors when those same chatbots are learning their netiquette from 4chan or pornhub) and brought back online with a lot of the very learning and nuance that made them interesting in the first place scrubbed off.
    The whole thing is unspeakably complex and I love it.

  8. The way that we show hate and distension to each other will destroy us. The reason the world is the way it is is because people refuse to love their fellow human. They don’t share what they have, they love to destroy another person through hateful words and actions. I have complete strangers attacking me verbally and I don’t even know them. Murder is more prevalent in families and you are more likely to be sexually and emotionally abused by a male family member or male friend of the family. I find this odd behaviour because the very people that suppose to love us and protect us are the same ones that destroy us. I think humans are defective in many ways. Just think of what a glorious utopia this world would be if everyone loved and respected one another, animals and the environment and we all worked together in love and unity. It’s sad that the human race is like this where they love things and money more than they love people. To get power from hurting a living creature is bad. What a sad shame that we love to project evil onto each other. 😊

  9. there will be varying degrees of satisfaction with AI companions. Myself, I think it could be dangerous for some, to be in love with an imaginary person. Humans need more than verbal communication and I think may be led into a paranoid world of fantasy. It depends on what a person expects from this cyber companion.

  10. Mostly the ugly and/or socially awkward people will eradicate themselves because they won't find humans to reproduce. It will be interesting to see what mankind turns to due to this.

  11. Self talk trauma healing …. No different then strong mediumship but like anything it’s each individual’s responsibility when it comes to use children like anything else should always be monitored a bit

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