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What is behind the rise and fall of As I Lay Dying? I talk about As I Lay Dying’s rise to fame in the Christian metalcore scene, Tim Lambesis’ arrest for attempting to hire a hitman, As I Lay Dying’s reunion, and the big question: can we forgive Tim Lambesis?
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0:00 Intro
2:43 The rise of As I Lay Dying
5:28 Tim Lambesis’ arrest
10:09 Steroids and atheism
13:37 Should we forgive him?
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Praise the Lord
As a former fan, father, and husband, I'd never trust someone like this around me. Yes, there should be reforms and ethical treatment in prison, but I have to be responsible to the safety of my family.
Guitarist Phil Sgrosso is still in AILD
I was at an As I Lay Dying show RIGHT BEFORE Tim got arrested (he was arrested as soon as he got back from the Philippines). The post-show high immediately went away after we heard the news. I have mixed feelings about him getting out though. :/
No way, he tried to hire a hit man? How did I miss this? Just kidding. I understand the need for content but at some point we gotta stop stabbing the dead horse. I seen them a week or so before this went down in Oklahoma city. The venue was nasty and couldn't host the wall of sound these guys brought. It literally sounded live, what it sounds like through a crappy phone recording from front row. However halfway through they made some changes and we gotta get some good sound. I will always have a spot on the list for this band and I hope it shows why you never categorise your music to one of these sub genre's like Christian metal or any sub genre for that fact. I was a tour manage for the Christian Metal band The Order Of Elijah, and even though I'm a Christian myself I always though it to be stupid to intentionally put your band in these genres as all it does is divide ppl. Who gives a shit about your private personal beliefs? Forcing anything on anyone is always the wrong way. You let your belief speak for itself and always model yourself after your own morals and standards. In the Christian Metal genera it's too easy to become a hypocrite and ruined everything. No one's perfect and no one will ever be perfect no matter what your beliefs are. On a side note I know zero ppl will read this comments as it's far to long for the average viewer but a band everyone should check out is Every Knee Shall Bow. Seriously.
First band I ever saw as a kid, the song nothing left made me want to be a drummer. I remember hearing about this and was surpised, but at the same time you never know whats going on
I'm almost constantly experiencing small bouts of the Mandela effect I swear.
I thought I saw this very upload like months back, but according to YouTube it's only been like A MONTH… Did you reupload? Does it restart the clock when/if you reupload? Or am I just a ramen noodle brained goblin?
your channel is so much better than the michael mccrudden one.
Way lower standards for celebs. I think many are awful humans. Death is final. If he was a truck driver it would be a throw away the key sentiment. Rightfully so. Idk. Murder, kids, and sex crimes. No coming back imo.
Lol Christian rock
He deserves another chance.
I think all the Christian fans of AILD should pray for him. Pray that he has a change of heart & repents.
What happened to the singer of champion in the end, is it material for a prmba video?
It’s none of our business and nobody dies move on with your life
In college I blasted Shadows are Security everyday on way to class.. That album meant a lot to me. Tim gaveth then taketh all away.. such a shame. Saw Tim on garza podcast and dude is still on roids
Fuck that guy, he didn't "do his time."
Do one on bard core bands from Oxnard hardcore
Also raises the question if its still ok to enjoy the music. Are we allowed to separate the musician from the person? Lost prophets last train home is a great song even though the singer is the most despicable human. Thoughts?
Well seeing how you get treated like a killer on the internet for saying democrat are dumb an Gay, an transgender kids are being used by crazy lib parents you get kicked off every platform an maybe banks 2.. I guess trying to kill someone is better then words?
Oh man, I can certainly remember one more band with a similar fate – Lostprophets…
Why are u wearing a raiders hat lol
Thanks for sharing this man! You posed some interesting questions about the “lower standard” for many artists, athletes, and other celebrities. Hope you’re having a good one, keep up the great content! God bless you
Solid video Finn, keep it up man
I don’t think it’s really up to us to forgive Tim or not. Like maybe on a personal level you need to decide if you want to forgive him or not to continue listening to AILD, but everyone external to the situation really can’t absolve Tim of his transgressions one way or another.
Another consideration is that AILD was bigger than Tim at a point. It was also Phil, Nick, Josh, and Jordan. I supported the band’s reunion for those guys and not Tim. After they all started leaving one by one, my interest in the AILD reunion waned.
I’m glad Tim is at least keeping his nose clean in public, but I also don’t have to stand by and watch the Tim Lambesis experience to relive my nostalgia for their older music.
Really enjoying this channel
LOVE the Raiders hat! RN4L!!!
As I Lay Dying is one of my favorite bands, can't say I agree with his actions but he does put out good music. If I happen to come across it and I like it, I'll listen to it.
Ya know how Mike Vic was only suspended from The NFL when he was caught putting on dog fights.
How would you feel if Kellin Quin or whom ever of SWS was caught dog fighting and the most he was given was a slap on the wrist from his band mates and suspension from.his label
Trumper !! hence all the fucking troubles, as it should be!!
Tim taught me one of the most important lessons I've ever learned, kill your fucking idols. The legion of sycophants out there who have no problem with a guy like this headlining festivals and having a massive voice in the scene is so disheartening. As if we shouldn't hold artists with these MASSIVE platforms to a higher standard. Imagine anyone in any other industry doing what he did and being able to come back after a slap on the wrist sentence to the open arms of their community. It's insanity and nearly 10 years later I'm still fucking fuming over it. I hope it all falls apart for him. Not a Christian anymore but anyone who is and supports the AILD comeback should consider what the Bible says about false prophets.
I remember this happening. Finally gave anxious teen me an interesting icebreaker back then
Bro I like their music before and after. But the dude got off light and apparently didn't pay his dues to the justice system or else they would still be a band. I know from semi experience because my GF of 10 years's dad did the exact same thing but has been in prison the last 25 years. Crazy how the same crime by someone famous gets you 2 years and my chick's dad has another 5 left on his sentence. And it wasn't even his wife he tried to hire a hit man for, it was an 'accountance'
Hitman Metalcore addition
Christians committing crimes is literally the least surprising headline ever
As much as we don't like it. Doesn't some one STILL need tti be able to earn a living AFTER they've PAID thier debt to society?
Wannabe Varg, lmao.
I still enjoy their music. Tims a dick……..but so are a hell of a lot of people who get a little bit of fame. he did the crime and did the time. Not everyone is beyond redemption.