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A caller worries how his boyfriend might react to his “major explosive diarrhea” after returning from a work trip. We review his options.

Afterwards a caller tells me how she is having trouble breaking up with her boyfriend, another caller is unsatisfied with the reactions they’ve received to their cancer diagnosis, and a couple brings me up to speed on an awkward situation they experienced at the orgy they just attended.

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Diarrhea for 3 months
12:42- Trouble breaking up
27:22 – Unsatisfied with reactions to cancer diagnosis
39:27 – Awkward orgy situation
57:40 – How to call the gecko!

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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36 thoughts on ““I’VE HAD DIARRHEA FOR 3 MONTHS” – Therapy Gecko

  1. I feel the same way about going to the doctor! I've put on weight and my doctor has been mentioning it and I say i'ma work on it but haven't yet. It's been the last 2 visits and I've gained 10 more pounds since going last year and I know she's going to want to talk about it. I have like.. 3 possible issues going on that I shoukd probably have looked at but I've been putting it off cause I need to lose weight first before I go!! It's a vicious cycle.

  2. The emphasis on him saying this comes from stuff in water makes me definitely think he got it eating ass, and no shame, but it’s from eating ass fe

  3. Lindsey, that is how abuse starts. The man you are with is an abuser and you need to leave NOW before it gets worse and more difficult to leave. RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN

  4. Since this stream aired I've been going diarrhea in my Amazon work van on each shift. It sorta marinated the floorboards, so aside from the corner splatter-pattern I have plausible deniability.

    Nobody has said anything thus far, butt I've never been more at peace. Bless you Geck🙏

  5. LYNDSAY. I think one of the things stopping you from moving on is he is trying to change for you. But remember!!!!!! You should have NEVER had to ask him to change in the first place. Ultimately he is bettering himself but you don't need to be in his life for him to do that. Don't feel guilty. It's not your responsibility. Don't let him bettering himself hold you back.

  6. That swinging story was fucking ridiculous. You communicate everything and if they couples were that upset about a question about bi stuff, they are not capable of or worthy of being partners. Thats some of the worst communication ive ever heard of in a swinging situation. On everyones part. Dont be friends with them. They are homophobic

  7. cancer guy needs to stop trauma dumping on people. i get it that it’s important to him, but he needs to realize that not everyone is emotionally equipped to handle that information. and nobody owes him a “satisfactory” reaction to his trauma

  8. Lindsey, i hope you see that this guy is only ruining your friendships and family relationships in an effort to isolate you from the people that love you. He had only changed for a temporary moment to reel you back because you tried to break up with him. Anyone that can’t allow you space or to create boundaries is toxic and controlling. Please leave before things get worse.

  9. The three guys that were in a couple? It’s always fun when you add rules to sex. This guys just creating his own problems sounds like they are the awkward ones not the one dude. Maybe the three guys in a couple thought he killed the mood by bringing up hey are you guys socially acceptable with them gays?

  10. Nick (Cancer Guy) sounds like he wants validation from others. It’s human nature to want other people to react in a certain kind of way and to have expectations but going to the extend to call in and discuss it so willingly I wonder what else he has going on in his life to maybe distract from that long term thought of having cancer. No doubt that cancer can be a traumatic experience but some healing of the soul may be needed.

  11. For the first caller: The mind and the gut are connected. As an IBS sufferer any high amounts of anxiety or stress will send my body into a flare up. I hope things get better for you soon man. Gut health issues are no joke❤

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