A caller reflects on her time being kidnapped and dropped off at a rehabilitation program located in the middle of the woods five years ago.
Later I talk to an aspiring stand-up comedian, a woman who receives pleasure from watching fictional characters endure pain, and a guy who I have a lot of common vices with.
I’d say have a good day but you can do whatever you want. I am a gecko.
00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Kidnapped and sent to the wilderness
30:04 – Aspring comedian
39:42 – Fictional characters in pain
54:59 – Common vices
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Lyle Forever
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That comedian sounds like they are in the game for the wrong reasons.
You pursue art – not for the attention; standup comedy is a performance art – it purposefully uses the attention tactfully.
He should try out for the local community theater if he likes being on stage in the spotlight.|
Even being an extra – you could put a lot of life in a character; seen many plays where the lead was outshined by a random villager #3
Although. He acknowledges it is a hobby with his free time.
That is the healthy attitude for any artform; give it your free time, and if it takes off where you can pursue it as a career or profession – great!
Geck's last bit of insight for that call was on point.
To any other comedy nerds.
I'm developing a routine for a character; any recommendations, other than compiling a collection of jokes for any general setting?
No to the comedian kid. I could literally do better and don’t even think about stuff like that
The “comedian” was definitely on cocaine… maybe meth… definitely a stimulant.
first one made me cry idky, very beautiful story
Man, let me give some of you people some advice about your "vices":
Complete abstinence is not always the way. Moderation is key. When it comes to stuff like beating off, complete abstinence is not some life-altering experience. I've done No Nut November for several years, and by the end, I do not feel happier with myself nor have some great new hobby nor reach galaxy brain status. It's bullshit that people try to indoctrinate you towards that mindset. I get through by becoming extremely busy and not having any leisure time, as Lyle alluded to. However, that type of lifestyle is not rewarding whatsoever. I always end up feeling that life ends up all work, no play. I get no dopamine from it. The only thing I have by December 1st is bragging rights, but ultimately, who gives a shit? Libido is a drive, not an emotion. It's biologically embedded in all sexually reproducing animals to sexually reproduce. You cannot suppress it for long, nor should you. My advice, once again, is moderation. If you crank your hog so much that it affects other aspects of your life in a negative way, then it's a problem. That doesn't mean you quit cold turkey. The only way such a thing would even be possible is either through castration or Pavlovian conditioning yourself not to do it like some kind of monk. Instead, do it like once or twice a week. That's a healthy amount and it also doesn't interfere much outside of your own privacy. It's truly the best of both worlds.
When it comes to other vices, though, my advice changes. For instance, changing your diet away from sugary drinks, caffeine, carbs, etc., is absolutely something you should ease into but eventually end up quitting cold turkey. I've stopped drinking sodas and coffee by mixing water into the diet, giving myself one soda per day and everything else be water. I did this until one day I just decided I was ready to quit, and so I did back in fall 2019. Haven't touched a soda since. Don't buy into this "cheat day" garbage either. Don't cheat; replace. Find something else more healthy that fills the same role. I buy sugar free powder mix-ins to add to my water and on the very rare occasion I crave flavor, I bust one of those out. That works for everything else too.
In terms of alcohol and drug use, it's really as easy as saying "no." Make that one of your personal principles and adhere to it. It is completely possible to have a good time without them, and you appreciate the small details of life more when you aren't thinking about them. Plus, why wouldn't you want to be in control of your own behavior?
This is all advice based on my own experiences. Do with it what you will. It's just all about forming good habits.
sounds like shes still on drugs _(ツ)_/¯
She said the kidnapping process is called gooning. Pls don’t look that up on Google. It’s not what she things it is.
Geck: What’s going on with you Liz?
Liz: solid
lowkey needed that shoutout to the sewslide hot line
was she jacked by the end tho
Think about it. Maybe 1 in every 10 kids going to these programs knows what it's about. Would an adolescent drug addict volunteer to ship themselves out into the woods for 3 months?
It's more for behavioral health rather than emotional trauma.
I want that experience with others
yeahhhhahahha midewest American back groaundddd!!!
I love your solo sessions the most
The background video is a genius and essential addition to this
Shout-out to the background video of Fargo ND
Is this the same Lyle from those sleepycast episodes?
I’ll accept guidance from a therapy skink, but I don’t know about a gecko.
Those jokes are so awkwardly bad …. erghhh
I'm glad she is grateful for the turnout, but yeah I can understand why she definitely has some mixed feelings and some residual trauma from the experience. This seems like something you do as a complete last resort not something that's like 2nd or 3rd on the list
Lmao Geck begrudgingly admitting there is standup footage of him out there was great.
I will say. I still don’t think forcibly sending someone under eighteen to a wilderness program is acceptable. But there is a world of difference between a 17 year old battling addiction and a 14 year old with bad grades
It so sad to hear about this child abuse. The parents are the reason she got on the drugs in the first place, what awful people.
"You're in the fanfiction community, I assume?" 'I used to be. No longer, any more.'
sounds to me like someone has spent a lot of time arguing on the internet
was that airsoftfatty?
Lyles standup is low key very good like he just is himself. And that philosophy that he told Kyle is a great place to start don't pick up any creative endeavor for a secondary result the result is getting on that stage and seeing what happens that has to be what your after not the laughs not the fame or money just the visceral feeling of almost shiting your pants while you walk up on stage and attempt to make a room full of people laugh
What was the age of the 'wilderness' caller?? Like if ur banging heroin and percs at 15 — you should be thankful I guarantee she's like low 20s at the time of speaking. Wilderness is a cruel solution to parents who are out of answers; but damn girl you deserved that lol
It’s so fucked up that they didn’t help more during the withdrawals. She could have seriously died I feel like
This happened to me in southern Virginia. Some things were helpful others have stuck with me my whole life. Many people don't realize these programs are out there. EDIT: Just got to the part where she said 3 months………. I was out there for a year. We didn't hike the whole time, more like logging work.
I have a friend who got sent to a wilderness program due to his horrible anxiety not drug addiction and all it did was give him more trauma. It did not do anything good for him at all. It just fucked him up for a few years . He couldn’t stop thinking about it and all the horrible things that happened. Certain songs would trigger bad memories for him etc.
I did this in Utah as well. I lost 50-55 pounds and learned a lot about people from all sorts of backgrounds (mostly tragic) There are a lot of things that those programs need to change however if i wasnt kidnapped in the middle of the night, i would do it again.
I think they would be one of the most amazing things someone could do help another heal, wilderness retreat for 50-60k and she's so ungrateful. Why waste it on her, totally agree with her.
This is what happened to Paris Hilton, but her parents had her taken by strangers from their home and taken to the camp.
That whump girl is just like any other girl who's into fictional characters tbh. The overwhelming majority of us love to read about and watch our favorite characters suffer — it's just a thing
Thx for sharing Geck. My step mom used to be a kidnapper at one of those programs. Shes a very strange lady
My brothers works for a wilderness therapy camp in Arizona that does NOT do kidnapping and it’s a very safe and welcoming environment for troubled teens with mental issues and drug addictions. It’s called Anasazi. I recommend Liv looks into it.
I'm sensing some resistance to the idea of beanbag seating…
Any jazz nerds in the comments who notice that “The lick” is on at least 2 of Lyle’s background tracks?
this comedian has a lot of work ahead of him
Just accidentally read Therapygecko as "The Rapy Gecko". Lol, had to get that out there. Great stuff as always man, love your stuff!
It so weird listening to her demonize her parents who were obviously just trying to help.
You can’t force an addict to get clean. They’ll only get clean when they’re ready. Which is usually when they are so unwell that they get the choice to sober up before dying.
I both want Lyle to pop off more as far as views goes but still appreciate the smaller, more dedicated Geck Crew to keep things cozy
Thanks for having me on your stream the other night. I'm the backyard wrestler you had on Monday night. I had a blast