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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@schoolboyq941
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@muskie77
3rd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@johnphillips02
“underglow” – https://www.tiktok.com/@jerichorodriguez3
“battery stolen” – https://www.tiktok.com/@calebalston02
DEF in the fuel tank of F-150 – https://www.tiktok.com/@tylermooneyham
rodent damage – https://www.tiktok.com/@tristanmckinnon3
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Toyota Tacoma. The vehicle was towed in. The customer did a bunch of front-end work, leveling kit, ball joints, tie rods, etc. The technician said the camber bolts were damaged by the customer and they tried their best to adjust the alignment. The customer said they will come back with new camber bolts to get it aligned properly, but the technician has been seeing the truck still being driven.
0:22 As you can see the mechanic is pointing at the wheel studs that are sticking past the wheel spacers. So when the customer mounted their wheels, the hub isn’t seated properly with the backside of the wheel, which could eventually cause the wheel to fall off. He also mentioned that when he removed the wheel on the passenger side, 3 studs broke since the lug nuts were on so tight.
0:39 Whoever installed the brakes (the technician thinks it was actually the customer), put rtv silicone on the brake hardware and brake pads. You should lubricate/grease the caliper bolts and hardware but not use rtv silicone as that will cause the brake pads to just stay in the same spot/drag which most likely caused the squeak.
0:56 Customer’s “custom” underglow.
1:04 The customer drove this Honda Civic 15 minutes to the shop. The customer most likely twisted the brake lines when he was trying to remove the brake hoses as they were most likely seized/stuck.
1:22 As mentioned, the customer thought the battery and cables were stolen as the vehicle didn’t start. But the customer didn’t know where the battery was located and it just needed a new battery.
1:34 The technician said: “BMW x5 customer hear a bang and then drove over something big. Now it won’t shift in park. He ran over his front driveshaft denting his trans pan so bad it won’t shift and squished the fuel line. (Not leaking). It was safetied 4 months ago he bought a vehicle off a “buddy””.
1:50 2018 Toyota Highlander. No extra info on why the battery had a crack.
The customer was also driving this around with a leaking transmission for two days before they brought it in, so might have some transmission damage.
2:08 No extra info from the technician but it looks like quite the mess of wires.
2:20 What DEF (diesel exhaust fluid is – https://bit.ly/3focSjL)
The technician was shocked as a gasoline engine F-150 doesn’t require diesel exhaust fluid at all, and the customer managed to put it in the fuel tank. The technician said they declined further diagnosis/repair.
2.7L Ecoboost Ford F-150.
2:36 Those screws are in the wrong holes and are actually just installed on the assembly line when the vehicle is new to keep the brake rotors in place. You can discard those and don’t need to re-install them. However, it’s just like the 2nd clip with the wheel spacers.
2:52 No extra info from the technician.
3:06 This clip was sent in from a viewer of his original 1945 GMC DUKW.
More info here – https://bit.ly/2BkY91E
3:17 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Friday-eve!
You can submit your photos/clips @ http://www.justrolledinyt.com
0:05 First time I've ever seen a car crossing its legs trying not to pee itself. LOL
People clearly having a ton of fun plunging into the water joyriding a WWII amphibious transport was exactly what I needed this morning.
This video actually got me mad
It amazes me The shit people do. I still see it today
Sometimes mechanics are just too good. Reminds me of when I wanted an alignment done and the mechanic found a broken coil spring. Well, the "broken" part was like 1/2" of the tip of the spring, so I'm like I'm not getting new springs just for that. So I thanked him and went on my way.
Found a less sharp mechanic and said, "I need new shocks and struts" (vehicle had shocks rear, struts front). Well, new struts = new alignment. This guy did NOT find the broken spring(or didn't care), so, for less money, I had new shocks & alignment.
Bruh these diy's. I am no Archimedes, and I def don't suffer from Dunning-Krueger syndrome.
I knew exactly what that first one was going to sound like before the audio came in. You can tell from across the shop when the alignment somebody's pulling in is REALLY bad.
That light in the wheel arch I cant help but think is a good idea, I wouldn't do it myself but still I bet its helpful when you have a flat and it's pitch black and you can't see a thing. imagine the guy smug look of satisfaction as he says darkness not an issue
3:11 – "Customer States that everything in the engine bay is inexplicably filled with muddy water"
If I had a shop and saw these cars roll in I'd just shake my head and point to the exit. "ya got yourself into this mess…"
I've had to change flat tires on snowy Colorado roads in the middle of the night.
Overhead lighting in the wheel well is very nearly genius, yet still somehow also very stupid.
That's hard to do.
Some of these scare the crap out of me !
Another case of if it looks stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid
I mean, to be fair, not only is that normally where the battery is found, but it looks like that is where the battery is supposed to be to a layman. A conveniently cube-shaped and battery-sized hole.
Honestly that's just kind of…cute (?)
One of those "Completely harmless but super odd" modifications.
customer states "we are fucking retarded and shouldn't be allowed on the road".
People want to lift but not everyone knows how to do this correctly.
In his defence, the front wheels are just slightly out of alignment.
I am a machinist, I can handle a lot of jobs but as I get older I have learned that If something is over my head, it is best to call in a professional or at least talk to one…. This goes for all other trades, electrical, plumbing, gas-fitting etc… They have knowledge and experience that I just cannot match and it saves me a lot of money in the long run knowing a job is done right.
2:13 Anybody knows that you need to wire in a 3 way switch so that the high beams will work too…
Lowe's Hardware must have been out of them???
All I can say is …….WOW! You've got to be kidding me!
When you don't appreciate your car and just see it as a tin can on wheels that takes you to and from work, and above everything else you're a godamn cheapskate.
Well, looks like light switches are about to be the new cool thing for Wrangler owners.
some of those I don't understand (having never done it), like the guy pointing to "screw"