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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@muneef687
Rear tire lights keep coming up – https://www.youtube.com/c/Hondamobilemechanic
Customer declined repairs (back on tow truck) – https://www.tiktok.com/@jamjam42
Water pump shaft broke –
Reed Turner via ViralHog
A/C Compressor seized
Snake – https://www.tiktok.com/@pichonpoo
Tree in the tire – https://www.tiktok.com/@loxmythlegends
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 This just happened so waiting to get more information from the technician who shared this, however, it sounds like the engine will need to be replaced.
0:26 Outer brake pad is missing on passenger front and most likely the reason they couldn’t stop quick enough.
0:37 As shown, the speaker is too deep compared to a factory one, so when the window rolls down the tracks, it hits the speaker which prevents it from going down all the way.
0:53 Rear tires are very bald and leaking, and that’s why the “tire light” keeps coming on. The customer didn’t mention if they were going to go anywhere else for tires, just declined repairs.
1:10 Upper ball joint broke on the passenger side.
The customer got new upper ball joints and wheel bearings.
1:21 As shown the shaft for the water pump broke off. They are very lucky nobody got or was closer to the engine when it happened. This was on one of their personal truck, not a customer’s truck.
1:42 The technician said it took 20 minutes to drain out completely and the engine turns. Carried out plugs and oil change engine knocking waiting on approval to strip and diagnose.
1:55 The technician said: “2016 Ford F-150 3.5 Ecoboost.
The customer came in for an oil change and complained they also had no A/C. They said they went to The parts store and bought some Freon and tried to put it in themselves but said that still didn’t work and turned out the ac belt had snapped due to the compressor locking up and they declined all work to be done.”
2:07 The technician said: “2019 Ford Transit Connect. 5th transmission rebuild by ford in 30k km. Over 14k in repair. Reverse is foward, neutral is foward, drive is neutral.”
2:24 Customer removed the snake himself, and the technician re-installed the dashboard pieces. The technician said the snake was an anaconda.
2:38 The customer also mentioned they never noticed the tire was punctured until they tried to remove the tree off of the vehicle. They sawed it off because they couldn’t pull it out of the tire.
2:50 Here are the photos as promised –
3:08 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend.
Here is also the link to the photos of the tool box in the last clip – https://imgur.com/gallery/kakw8oh
and if you want to submit a clip or photo – http://www.justrolledinyt.com
A splinter?! More like a thick branch.
That box top is stellar!!!!
2:10 But the Dash says 130000km not 30000km…
It's a good news when customer declines all repairs
Scary the amount of people with bald tires declining replacements. Really dont like most regulations but I almost wish they would get pulled over by THAT state trooper.
We share the road with these people…mother of god
Customer States : I am an idiot when it comes to maintenance.
I feel like it needs to be law, that a mechanic can deny release of a vehicle pending state inspection. So many people deny service on things that could put themselves and others in danger.
I wonder if the last guy name was James
I'm surprised the Honda lasted 9 years without oil change.
0:05 – My takeaway from this episode: Get a Honda Civic 2013. Those things can take you get around the globe twice without servicing.
I will say for the first one it's definitely worth just cleaning that out because she'll just run, it's a Honda unless it's a very special case the things just go
I guess not changing oil in a Civic for 9 years is a testament to its durability…
"you need this or your car will explode"
customer declined immediate life threatening repair
"customer never came back and heard he/she passed away"
What's wrong with the Ford's transmission? Didn't get that part.
Scary that they live among us. Eek.
I wonder what the cost of repair of this engine would be compared to the overall cost of regular engine maintenance over the 9 years would be? I'm betting that the cost of repair would be cheaper.
That idiot should never drive a car of work on them
We made a table top like that toolbox top. It was a student dorm, though
Drivers like the Civic should have EV's or shouldn't even drive at all.
My my the stupidity of mankind, all these things avoidable SMH.
Omg that honda civic
I realize it's 2021 and the world is full of idiots but to not service your car for 9 years? Holy crap testament to quality of Honda. But I sure hope that owner hasn't made any offspring.
God that poor first civic, I feel bad for that r18
I SERIOUSLY don't know how techs deal with the likes of this flaming horse $hit!
I'm not surprised, my ex never serviced her car and at the end it completely died. It was only 7 years old and sound like a tractor and running on 3 cylinders. People aren't aware about such trivial matters, only to fill it up with go juice.
0:26 and 0:53 are just mind boggling, "people" like that should be permanently banned from driving.
Last year I had a tree fall on my car too… but the car never rolled under its own power again (totaled after an EF4 tornado).
Gotta love the “the customer came in 2 weeks ago, and the shop recommended new ball joints. The customer declined all repairs. This time, the vehicle was towed to the shop.”
Vw says to change the oil at 10,000 miles, I change it every 5,000
The tool box top is really neat
That tool box top is a work of art. Thank you for showing that. Love your videos and your narration.
I’m not even into cars, but it’s so damn sad seeing these horror stories then hearing the car is basically new!
A new meaning for F O R D = Forward On Reverse Drive.
My favorite is still Found On Road Dead.
There is no way that Civic ran 47,000 miles before an oil change. It would have overheated way before that. Around 15,000 miles he would probably have already burnt off a quart of oil.
Not afraid of snakes but fuck that shit.
These people live among us. They vote and drive death traps. Let THAT sink in.
I haven't had one in 9 years either
Some people just should not own cars, if you are to lazy to do something as simple as changing your oil. Then spare the abuse that car and ride a bike.
If one declines new tires and they're bald like we see in these videos, they should go to prison forever when they cause an accident.
Adds washer fluid to the oil in an Alfa? That's like finding a box of unstable explosives and instead of drowning it in water you use liquid oxygen.
i used to feel bad that machanics rip people off but now I'm starting to realize that most people deserve it lol