A caller steps out of the hospital while visiting her sick father, and divulges that she has been debating whether or not to continue taking care of him because of how horrible he’s treated her and her family in the past.
Then a caller and I discuss the stress that has stemmed from her having cold feet to kiss her girlfriend for the first time, a man questions me about something called “Frogner’s Glory Hole”, and two buddies tell me about their recent experience of waterboarding themselves.
Do something you have never done today. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – Calling while visiting their sick father
30:08 – Kissing for the first time
41:41 – “Frogner’s Glory Hole”
47:32 – Waterboarding
52:40 – Calling Information
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Lyle Forever
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I would be on my dad like hell if he had heart issues or lung issues. My dad is also a diehard smoker and I am honestly waiting for him to get some kind of diagnosis because nothing else says to him 'you need to care for yourself for the sake of your children (who only have you), this shit you are doing is going to kill you'.
He even smokes in the house, if you take a shower and it gets wet the water on the ceiling will be brown, he smoked despite my sisters' asthma, his grandson in the house, sometimes if he gets a cold he coughs up blood…
My dad self isolates as well and he also avoids the doctor like the plague, like he knows it's not going to be good news. He won't even make an appointment for me, my mom always handled that and he didn't take over after my mom left. He's not really a bad person, definitely traumatized, but he tries not to analyze himself, particularly criticism, and he is crazy stubborn.
The girl taking about her father really got me in my feels I was in the exact situation with my mom and it’s not a easy decision. When I talked to my mom about how I felt she said “put yourself in my shoes, as much as I’d love to have you take care of me 24/7. I want you to to live your own life,not always worrying about me and more focused on enjoying your own life”.
The girl with the sick dad… I feel for her. She sounds like such a good person.
Shrogner though…..
I’ve been laughing my ass off, THE BURP!!!!!!!!
Caller 2, I feel you babe. My girlfriend and I call this phenomena WLW disease. Symptoms include cluelessness, hot flushes, jumper theft, and chronic romance denial.
I want to petition for Lyle to get waterboarded. That last guy needs avenging. Poor soul.
The volume seems to be really quiet
Friendly reminder, you don't owe your parents anything
Damn that girl did not sound 19 she's way more grown up then she should have to be.
The first caller is breaking my heart because I’m in the same situation. I would tell anyone in this kind of circumstance to not give up your youth to care for your parents. Public Assistance will try to get every dollar out of you but Managed Long Term Plans can help with this. It’s a pain in the ass but it’s an option. It just takes a lot of time to find adequate resources so I really wish them well and hope they find a way to get free from those shackles of their father.
Did she just rip throat live on call. I wanna befriend her. I love her. What a legend.
That girl (the first call) is a real bodhisattva, also, that burp was so perfect I even found it sexy.
Kudos to Lyle cuz If I were him, I would have laugh my ass out loud witnessing that burp. You are a real professional.
The pauses
yo that burp was fukkin gnarlyy

You should get the guy from Recess Therapy as a future guest. That would be a good crossover, though his videos are pretty PG idk if he would come on a show where you talk about adult themes a lot of the time
It’s the food industry making junk addicting
pls open up next show w a clip of you being waterboarded in gecko suit
Hey Lyle, can I send you some ambient music to use in your videos ?
Teared up on my way home from work listening to the first call. Phew. God bless her soul. About the same age and have gone through the same shit. We’ll both get through it
"Geck I have anxiety."
"So basically it all started with a bing bang 13.8 billion years ago…"
The burp from the first caller was fucking immaculate!
I feel for the first caller. My mother had a stroke when i was in college, father cancer 3 years ago, grandma and uncle stroke during the pandemic and this year and an uncle who had surgery in the kidney. My grandma passed away, during that time too and it was with the most drama because my mother and her siblings didn't really get well with each other and are already at their senior years. Now I'm 27 and I haven't even finished college. I can't even say to them why I didn't finish was because I was sacrificing most of my time when they needed me. Recently I just was really fed up because my uncle was so ungrateful after being with him at the hospital. He really had attitude problems seeing he was abusive to our housemaids when we had them before. Now that they burnt all their money from medical bills they only have me and my sister. My sister holding everything financially while I do the errands. As a guy I hate how I can' t even imagine having a gf or getting a decent job because I've been stuck with all these and I can't fight my conscience to just get up and leave them all.
Though the most important thing I have to say to the caller if ever she is reading this is that, whatever bad shit happens. DON'T LET IT CHANGE YOU. What ever they might say that is not who you are. Also what you see is never what you are going to be. We are going to get better
That is what my mom said almost crying with me as she found me one time when I was bawling so hard because of how heavily frustrated I was. Outta nowhere and knowing she was really bad at giving advice, she told that to me and it calmed me down. You owe it to yourself and your future. You give what you can now. But I hope you never lose hope as I will while I'm also dealing with taking care of my elders :'( If ever you get down real bad just message me and lets talk about it. This is a message to whoever also have the same problems.
Thank also for lyle for being an open space to let out these kind of feelings. I hope you also succeed
Damn. This one made me cry
Why do I feel like that girl's girlfriend already had her first kiss, but was downplaying her experience. You had a boyfriend, and he ONLY kissed you on the cheek and you REALLY hated it? yeah right.
Now, youve given your girlfriend kiss anxiety.
Gecko ! Bruh
To the first caller…..You are a beautiful soul. Please protect it.
Happy Birthday Jess your the only true human in the world
What exactly is wrong witchu geck
that first call is too relatable <3 my heart goes out to her
That first girl needs to dip out. The dad kmows he's a pos and trapped her mentally. She needs to live her life.
The first caller needs to cut her dad out. My dad is the exact same guy, and I would never be happy if I kept him in my life. Don't waste your life on this man who cares for literally no-one in this world (because he's incapable). I say that not to be disrespectful but because I understand the situation completely and have been there myself, the only difference is my dad wasn't dying and didn't have that leverage of guilt over me (this is what narcissists weaponise to keep people around them). All the best.
looking forward to the waterboarding reaction.
Guilt is the glue that keeps toxic families together
You know that hospital food is actually as bad as she said with that belch she released
"Resistance is a symptom of the way things are Not the way things necessarily should be. Actual victory belongs to things that simply do not see failure. Let the path push you like a broken branch in a river's current.”"
the burp so brolic i thought it was lyle because i wasnt looking at the screen You will never see a thing coming on this show
The world would be a lot better if people were half as kind as this girl. And had half the awareness and understanding. Helps me remember there is good willed humans out there, and that there is love out there even if it seems like the world is full of hate.
FIRST PERSON! would it help to change WHAT you are doing for you father instead of just all or nothing? would it be helpful direct that care into connect your father with some people he can form relationships so you feel less guilty about lessening your contact ???
Wow I relate to the first caller a lot. Lots of parallels but where the shoe is on the other foot
Correct ms first caller. Mental illness is no excuse for being a shitty human.
Lyle needs more subscribers man, I can't wrap my head around the fact he does have millions already, why are people sleeping on this?
First caller hit hard, if they're reading these comments then know that your incredibly strong for sharing your story and that you're not alone!