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00:00 – Hasan Piker Responds to Lavlune Accusations
02:44 – Crypto Sponsorships From Failing Companies Ripple Across Sports and Esports
04:33 – 48,000 UC Graduate Student Workers Go on Strike:
07:19 – Discussing Rise of Extremism with Experts
15:19 – Sponsored by Seatgeek
16:20 – New Report Finds Training for Police Poses “Immediate Crisis for Policing”
18:00 – Election Updates in Arizona and Georgia
21:55 – As Missiles Strike Kyiv, Zelensky Condemns Russia at G20


Hasan Piker Responds to Lavlune Accusations: “A Ridiculous, Slanderous Lie:”
Crypto Sponsorships From Failing Companies Ripple Across Sports and Esports:

48,000 UC Graduate Student Workers Go on Strike:

Discussing Rise of Extremism with Experts:

New Report Finds Training for Police Poses “Immediate Crisis for Policing:”

Election Updates:
Resources for Georgia voters:

As Missiles Strike Kyiv, Zelensky Condemns Russia at G20:
Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Julie Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve, Star Pralle
Production Team: Emma Leid
#DeFranco #HasanPiker #Kanye


Philip DeFranco

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Philip DeFranco

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47 thoughts on ““A RIDICULOUS SLANDEROUS LIE!” Hasan Piker Hits Back at “Complete Fabrication”, Russia, FTX, & More

  1. Tbh Phil, it gives me the ick every time you mention Hassan because he’s the reason I stopped watching The Young Turks. When Trump was in power, Hassan would sexually harass Tomi Lahren, repeatedly asking her to go on a date to debate stuff, over and over on segments on TYT and although I think Tomi is an idiot, she’s still a woman and doesn’t deserve to be relentlessly harassed for being one. So yeah, if you told me Hassan had allegations against him, I don’t find it surprising and would not be shocked if something came out in the future. I’ve actually been watching you less because you bring up his opinion on stuff almost every episode.

  2. See, this shit it was why I can't take half the bullshit on here seriously. Dude says extremists are using the idea of not letting a tragedy go to waste, yet Hillary said the same thing years ago in regards to gun control and confiscation. Hypocrite much? Dude mentions extremist groups, yet the left accused the boogs of being white supremacist extremists even tho not one bit of that was true. So we know they have no problem blatantly lying about people. Dude brings up Jan6, with no mention of Antifa/BLM burning down half the midwest, or CHAZ/CHOP out west. So we now have disingenuousness. Finally, these two assholes are talking about what turns these people extreme, and it sounds like they've never talked to a single one of the people they're trying to describe. I have the unfortunate circumstance of living amongst the right, and they all say the same thing; erosion of rights. Constant attacks on the first amendment if they don't like what you have to say.. constant attacks on the second, backed up with blatant lies from anti-gun politicians who either have no idea what they're talking about or do and just don't care. That whole segment just proves their point, and then the left wonders why so many people are getting red pilled and leaving.

  3. Re the Hasan story: if this person is lying, which I have no way to verify strictly based on what I know atm, this is completely reprehensible with far reaching consequences. I have been sexually assaulted not r****d, but touched and harrassed and it is incredibly difficult to stand up for yourself in this situation. People like that indeed make it much harder

  4. Your news is getting little liberal again Phil. For the most part you do alright. The guy talk about the conversation on twitter distracting people from the news, that's not Musks fault. That's what people are choosing to talk about. It's called discussing what is relevant, which happens to be the conversation about Musk owning twitter. People are mad, because liberals have been the only people allowed to express their views and govern society, and others are starting to speak against them on the platform, so liberals will do anything they can to demonize the man who gave the other side a microphone. Get over it, he hasn't committed a crime and is being as objectively fair as possible. People are mad at liberals for what has happened to society. Conflict is going to happen

  5. If you hold other folks accountable, you should be held accountable, as well. Think twice before you sleep with someone in their late teens as someone in their mid to late 20's. You are at emotionally different points in life, and tbh the dynamic can be incredibly creepy and inappropriate. No, you didn't commit a crime. But you slept with someone who obviously is at a different emotional point in their life, because they told their friend and the friend didn't understand. Bro, it's just as much on you as it is this girl. !9 years old is not emotionally an Adult. Neither is 24, but you're hopefully closer to becoming one.
    Gross, sorry, but it's gross. Don't date teenagers if you're not a teen because this shit always gets you into trouble for a reason.

  6. as a black person, I’m honestly shocked that someone in academia that studies this and is white is shocked by the people involved in january 6th. since childhood I was made to understand that people like this can look like anyone. there’s no look to this way of thinking in a country built on this thinking. what’s so shocking??? It makes me feel like people are playing dumb.

  7. Estoy feliz de dar elogios a este tipo Loatedcyber , me ayudó a retirar mis activos que pensé que había perdido, mucho dinero (no quiero decir la cantidad). Seguiré hablando de este hombre el resto de mi vida……………

  8. Estoy feliz de dar elogios a este tipo Loatedcyber , me ayudó a retirar mis activos que pensé que había perdido, mucho dinero (no quiero decir la cantidad). Seguiré hablando de este hombre el resto de mi vida……………

  9. Just as a correction: FTX has come out and said they equally donated to Democrats and Republicans, just used dark money channels on Republicans to avoid backlash

  10. Two things. Does phil hate Destiny? becasue this story also heavily involves him from certain angles, and the Georgia runoff was literally aided by destiny's canvassing efforts undertaken by him and his community (for Warnock) Phil completely
    ignored their existence.
    finally i think it's kinda weird to only examine radicalization through the lens of republicans, it's scary to pretend that there's no other extreme on this political spectrum we're blessed with.
    Also Phil I've been tryna tag you in a massive scoop regarding tiktok putting vape content into the FYPs of teenagers.

  11. My grandmother is born, raised, lives currently in a small rural town in northern Ontario Canada. She is a conspiracy theorist about the qanon and anti vaxx things and far right media. She fell down that pipeline and its very painful to speak to her sometimes because of how unreasonable she is.

  12. Radicalization is easy to understand, it happens because of people like you Phil. You often lie or lie by omission in your political stories. When someone finds that lie, they start thinking, well what else is he lying about and a radical source who exposed the truth starts getting trusted to the point the person no longer questions it.

  13. I work for the Arizona Attorney General’s Office doing community outreach and let me tell you the DMs, emails and calls we’ve been getting from election deniers have been absolutely absurd. Non stop calls about Hammedahs lawsuit and how we shouldn’t certify the election, conspiracy theories, and complaints about how unfair it was that Katie Hobbs was in the room while people counted votes. The minority has become VERY vocal and it’s honestly scary to hear what a lot of them genuinely believe.

  14. Oh Lav has always been a little messy I’ve followed her for years because she used to live with Lauren duck or whatever her name is. She’s always kinda been someone I followed for their drama and it’s surreal seeing her on Philip defranco haha

  15. I was a graduate student for a CSU school and I was NEVER paid. The union was even hidden from us, and I didn’t know about it until I had a “second” job on campus. I filed a grievance against the school with the help of UAW and I received retaliation from my advising professor. I still have not seen a single cent and I fully stand with the student workers.

  16. In response to there not being "textbook" examples for what we're currently traversing, I feel that Eric Hoffer's True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, can lend a lot of valuable perspective on the underlying factors in radicalization, and that book is over half a century old. Our technological advances definitely amplify fringe messaging, but also serve to counter it in equal measure. I think a lot of us forget that in the times before the internet, misinformation was slower to spread, but took root much more firmly. If anything, we're dealing with the legacy of that, which is why a lot of the people going furthest off the deep end are either of the pre-internet age, or are secluded in rural areas, where social feedback loops negate the presence of available counterpoints.

  17. I work at a university as a fundraiser and what I'm about to post is my own personal opinion and does not represent the opinions of where I work.

    Student workers are greatly taken advantage of in a lot of areas, primarily in athletics and TAs/graduate teaching fellows. Often they do a large portion of the work for the class. While they do typically receive tuition discounts/waivers on top of their salaries, it isn't always enough and can cause financial issues. It isn't enough to cover their tuition. We need to be supporting the future of education better.

  18. The fact that you don’t think democrats are just as radical as republicans is disgusting. You are essentially saying all 70 million people who voted for trump are radical. Disgusting.

  19. Thank you so much Phil for bringing attention to the ever rising hate crimes and conspiracy theories that lead to real violence in the real world. As someone with left leaning, progressive principles, I urge you to not make this a uniquely “right” issue. The antisemitic tropes are just as virulent, hateful and openly apparent on the left side of the divide. It has been a soul crushing and very isolating reality over the last few years. This is not a right Vs. left issue. You hit on some extremely valid points, many of these people are not “extremists” but just people wounded by covid and it’s shrapnel- feeling lost and looking for a sense of belonging, community and most of all, a scapegoat for their difficulties and hardship. The Jewish people have not gone a full century without mass persecution- we are 0.2 percent of the population and somehow universally painted as simultaneously the puppet masters and vermin. The “forces behind the curtain” and the cause for all things from climate issues, to police brutality, to protests in Iran. These ideas are popularized by politicians and celebrities with platforms with followers far exceeding the number of the global population of Jews. People spouting tropes, sharing misinformation, and literal calls for genocide guised as “resistance”. For all those who swore they’d “punch a Nazi”, if you’ve ever wondered what you would have done in 1933, look at what you’re doing now…

  20. Speaking for a friend who doesn't care in an attempt to seem like they're stirring up the pot for no particular reason and without any evidence, especially when you're potentially exaggerating the specific details in order for it to seem like a crime unironically makes my blood BOIL. Stop accusing without hard evidence. These statements are no jokes.

  21. Established titles is a scam! Do not waste your money, it is a company ran from Hong Kong. Those lands are already protected, they do not plant trees, they donate ( no actual evidence of this) to Plant A Tree, and the dodgy certificate you get is actually a souvenir. You do not legitimately own the land and you cannot change your name. It is all a scam.

  22. I am not a fan of Hassan Piker at all, but he does seem to be completely right here.

    That being stated, it would have been nice if he took this stance when Anna Kasparian accused Jimmy Dore of SH…

  23. Hasan is only where he is because of his uncle and given his comments about being an alpha male prior to his rise in notoriety I wouldn’t doubt that he’s a creep

  24. Now that the entire Internet is aware that Established Titles is a scam, as well as Kamikoto Knives which is from the same scam company, Phil needs to make a video addressing his partnership with them, and not sweep it under the rug like he did with Better Help.

  25. As an adult college student, I think it should be illegal to pay teachers –meaning from kindergarten through college, including TAs below the cost of living. As an online college student, I'm still paying about $1000 per class and I'm not even living on campus or using any on campus resources really. Still I have professors who are therapist and professors and still have children and still have other jobs because being a professor doesn't pay enough. Don't get me wrong. As a psychology student I'm very appreciative of the fact that I have pressers who are actual therapists. But they shouldn't have to work like three jobs to support them selves and their kids so like if the cost of living in California is $100,000, every professor and teaching assistant and graduate student in the University of California system should make at least that. Period

  26. ESTABLISHED TITLES IS A SCAM!! The same company owns KAMIKOTO KNIVES! They can't legally sell the plots of land and they don't even plant trees! Scam! Phil, get out! Everyone's making videos about it.

  27. I love the initative UC students have taken! I'm a doctoral student in eastern Canada, and pay problems for grad students unfortunately exist across North America – that young woman was right, graduate students are the backbone of the university and are hugely responsible for revenue but the administrators never see that 🤷🏼‍♀️ we actually have a contract where we aren't allowed to work more than 20h a week at a second job when working as a graduate student, this has resulted in almost ever graduate student in my department working 20h+ a week to afford the cost of living and hiding it from administration so our funding doesn't get pulled. I hope other graduate student unions across Canada and the US use this as an example for us to get what we deserve

  28. Pay attention to what these educators and academics are asking for! Supporting them helps bring forward a better world and yet we are ignoring simple requests to make it happen. Its a failure to see it boil to this point and I hope other universities join and support them.

  29. Wait… holdup! California school workers getting 24k a year? That's a part time job in that state. How the hell are we supposed to have any faith in our education when they pay a living wage to the janitor but not the educators??

  30. If the FTX thing doesn't lead to criminal prosecution then it says that these kind of high level scams will be acceptable and we will watch as many more "companies" pop up to steal tons of money and disappear.

  31. Wow so glad to see a youtuber that is such a good source of information having established titles at the top of your description just makes me so happy. Unsurprisingly they are only selling you a piece of paper glad you don't mind ripping of your viewers.

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