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Be careful what you say, be careful what think…you never know what can happen!!!

IG :

This story is pretty intense…I was planning this one out and thinking how awful some of these topics are. I felt I wanted to speak about it because I know how these videos help people out. Sometimes people just need to hear someone speak on painful topics to be able to speak about their own problems…I hope this one helps someone out.

Thank you guys so much for watching When Tragedy Strikes : STORY TIME
#DopeAsYola #StoryTime #Story


Dope As Yola

About Post Author

Dope As Yola

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43 thoughts on “When Tragedy Strikes : STORY TIME – DopeasYola

  1. 13:25 I remember you talking about this on a podcast with your Mom, I had trouble finding it on the internet but I eventually did. Chris Banghart he was 26 years old RIP. Such a horrible way to go

  2. Idk if you still reading comments but I'm the same way with that shit I constantly think if I don't do something a certain way I aalways think something bad will happen that shit sucks so I feel for you bro

  3. yo thats kinda fucked about the pizza delivery guy but no way its your fault. he couldve died in a car wreck even off the clock like that crazy and sad shit happens all the time… really fucked how people try to belittle your very obviously genuine stories too like just because you saw a similar story on reddit doesnt mean people dont have common experiences.

  4. All these stories you have they’ve shaped you in so many ways its so awesome to hear the interesting things that happened that formed someones life in such a large way

  5. Form preset California you know him by the name dope as Yola it's time for story time

    U don't know how much u make me laugh and change my mood and changed my life man this guy is a dang legend love u no homo SUNSEIRLY FROM HUGGGGGEEEEE FAN ROBERT

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