Cannabis Laws in Virginia

Cannabis Laws in Virginia

Virginia has established comprehensive cannabis laws, allowing both medical and recreational use under certain conditions. This guide provides an in-depth look at the current laws and regulations surrounding cannabis in Virginia as of 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. Possession Limits
  2. Cultivation Laws
  3. Medical vs. Recreational Use
  4. Penalties for Violations
  5. Recent Updates and Changes
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

Possession Limits

Virginia permits both medical and recreational cannabis use with specific possession limits:

  • Adults 21 and Over: Can legally possess up to 1 ounce (28 grams) of cannabis flower.
  • Medical Patients: Can possess a 90-day supply of medical cannabis as determined by their certifying healthcare practitioner.

Cultivation Laws

Cultivation of cannabis in Virginia is regulated for both medical and recreational purposes:

  • Home Cultivation for Adults: Adults aged 21 and over can grow up to four plants per household.
  • Home Cultivation for Medical Patients: Qualified medical cannabis patients can also grow up to four plants per household.
  • Licensed Cultivation: Only state-licensed cultivation facilities can legally grow cannabis for commercial purposes.

Medical vs. Recreational Use

Medical Use

Virginia’s medical cannabis program has been in place since 2020 under the Virginia Medical Cannabis Act:

  • Qualifying Conditions: Conditions such as cancer, chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and severe nausea qualify patients for medical cannabis.
  • Medical Card: Patients must obtain a certification from a state-licensed healthcare practitioner and register with the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.
  • Purchase Limits: Medical cannabis can be purchased from licensed dispensaries, with specific possession limits as defined by the program.

Recreational Use

Recreational cannabis use was legalized in Virginia in 2021 under Senate Bill 1406:

  • Retail Sales: Retail sales of recreational cannabis are expected to begin in 2024, with adults aged 21 and over able to purchase cannabis from licensed dispensaries across the state.
  • Consumption: Public consumption remains illegal, and cannabis use is restricted to private residences and designated consumption areas.

Penalties for Violations

Violations of Virginia’s cannabis laws can result in various penalties:

  • Possession Over Limits: Possession of more than the legal amount can lead to fines and possible jail time, depending on the quantity.
  • Illegal Sales: Selling cannabis without a license is a felony offense with severe penalties, including imprisonment.
  • Public Consumption: Consuming cannabis in public places can result in fines.

Recent Updates and Changes

Virginia continues to refine its cannabis laws to enhance regulation and safety:

  • Social Equity Programs: Virginia has implemented social equity programs to promote diversity in the cannabis industry and assist communities disproportionately affected by previous cannabis laws.
  • Regulatory Adjustments: The state periodically updates its regulations on testing, packaging, and advertising to ensure consumer safety and industry standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can tourists buy cannabis in Virginia? A: Yes, adults aged 21 and over, including tourists, can legally purchase cannabis from licensed dispensaries once retail sales begin.

Q: Where can I consume cannabis in Virginia? A: Cannabis consumption is legal in private residences and designated consumption areas at certain dispensaries. Public consumption is prohibited.

Q: How can I get a medical cannabis card in Virginia? A: Patients must get a certification from a state-licensed healthcare practitioner and register through the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.

Q: Are there any legal limits for transporting cannabis within Virginia? A: Adults can transport up to the legal possession limits, but cannabis must be in a sealed container and not accessible while driving.


Virginia’s cannabis laws provide a comprehensive framework for both medical and recreational use, with clear guidelines on possession, cultivation, and consumption. Staying informed about these laws ensures responsible and legal cannabis use in the state.

Additional Resources

By following this guide, you can navigate the cannabis laws in Virginia confidently and responsibly.