Cannabis Laws in Utah

Cannabis Laws in Utah

Utah has established a medical cannabis program but has strict regulations regarding recreational use. This guide provides an in-depth look at the current laws and regulations surrounding cannabis in Utah as of 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. Possession Limits
  2. Cultivation Laws
  3. Medical vs. Recreational Use
  4. Penalties for Violations
  5. Recent Updates and Changes
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

Possession Limits

Utah permits medical cannabis use with specific possession limits and has strict penalties for recreational possession:

  • Medical Patients: Qualified patients can possess up to a 30-day supply of medical cannabis, which is defined as no more than 113 grams of unprocessed cannabis or an amount of cannabis product containing no more than 20 grams of total composite THC.
  • Recreational Possession: Possession of cannabis for recreational purposes is illegal and subject to penalties.

Cultivation Laws

Cultivation of cannabis in Utah is highly regulated:

  • Home Cultivation: Home cultivation of cannabis is illegal for both medical and recreational users.
  • Licensed Cultivation: Only state-licensed cultivation facilities can legally grow cannabis for medical purposes.

Medical vs. Recreational Use

Medical Use

Utah’s medical cannabis program was established under the Utah Medical Cannabis Act, passed in 2018:

  • Qualifying Conditions: Conditions such as cancer, chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and terminal illness qualify patients for medical cannabis.
  • Medical Card: Patients must obtain a recommendation from a state-licensed physician and register with the Utah Department of Health’s Medical Cannabis Program.
  • Purchase Limits: Medical cannabis can be purchased from licensed dispensaries, with specific possession limits as defined by the program.

Recreational Use

Recreational cannabis use remains illegal in Utah:

  • Possession: Possession of any amount of cannabis for recreational purposes is a criminal offense. Possession of less than 1 ounce is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
  • No Legal Sales: There are no provisions for the legal sale or purchase of recreational cannabis.

Penalties for Violations

Violations of Utah’s cannabis laws carry significant penalties:

  • Possession Over Limits: Possession of more than the legal amount for medical use or any amount for recreational use can result in criminal charges, fines, and possible jail time.
  • Illegal Sales: Selling or distributing cannabis without a license is a felony offense with severe penalties, including long-term imprisonment and significant fines.
  • Public Consumption: Consuming cannabis in public places can result in fines and other penalties.

Recent Updates and Changes

Utah continues to refine its medical cannabis program and consider changes to its recreational cannabis laws:

  • Medical Program Expansion: The state periodically reviews and may expand the list of qualifying medical conditions and allowable forms of cannabis.
  • Legislative Efforts: There have been ongoing discussions and legislative efforts to decriminalize cannabis and potentially legalize recreational use, but significant changes have yet to occur.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can tourists buy medical cannabis in Utah? A: No, only residents of Utah with a valid medical cannabis card can purchase medical cannabis from licensed dispensaries.

Q: Where can I consume medical cannabis in Utah? A: Medical cannabis consumption is legal in private residences. Public consumption is prohibited.

Q: How can I get a medical cannabis card in Utah? A: Patients must get a recommendation from a state-licensed physician and register through the Utah Department of Health’s Medical Cannabis Program.

Q: Are there any legal limits for transporting cannabis within Utah? A: Medical cannabis patients can transport their medication, but it must be in a sealed container and not accessible while driving.


Utah’s cannabis laws are currently focused on medical use, with stringent regulations and penalties for recreational use. Staying informed about these laws ensures responsible and legal cannabis use in the state.

Additional Resources

By following this guide, you can navigate the cannabis laws in Utah confidently and responsibly.