Jon Truett served 20 years in the 22 SAS Regiment of United Kingdom Special Forces.
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00:00 – Joining British Army’s Parachute Regiment
09:15 – British SAS vs. U.S. Special Forces
18:07 – British SAS recruitment process
25:59 – Zarqawi and the Iraq war
38:59 – Facing death
46:49 – Deadly Mumbai attacks
53:56 – Problematic parenting
01:02:02 – Why military special forces join for life
01:09:06 – Nostalgia is an illness
01:12:38 – How you can die from a broken heart
01:22:22 – Monitoring soldiers’ mental health
01:28:02 – Why soldiers scrub their identity
01:33:42 – Working w/ NASA & DARPA
01:37:46 – Musculoskeletal gateway system
01:47:58 – Early Parkinson’s detection
01:52:52 – DARPA super soldiers created with brain implants
02:01:18 – Prototype musculoskeletal stimulation technology
About Post Author
Danny Jones
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That could be an interview for the future, Danny?? Im almost certain 1 of the 2 sas troopers who were arrested and then saved is a Scottish guy who has a few videos online
This guy is the most impressive former SF person I have ever seen – I have met about a 20 or so over the last 20 years
Weird comment about school shooters being on anti-depressants lol
How did he not know
'The most memorable operation' question was coming'?
Great interview
Brit here, ex forces. What a guy! – hats off, upmost respect, but f**kinhell sometimes the waffle was hard to follow. Podcaster could do with getting back on track with the question originally asked.
The people of Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, the greatest recruiters to Islamic terrorist groups are sadly UK and US forces who invaded and destroyed Middle Eastern countries.
It's time we address the last taboo – the US and UK military are puppets in a game they do not understand, far from safeguarding their home populations, in actual fact they provoke hatred and resentment in the foreign nations they invade and destroy
drone tech is the new warfare
I feel like both of these guys have been given suggestions for benefiting military recruitment. But the two styles contradict each other. Guest wants to show how wide of scope the British military is, while the host wants to relate to young people considering joining. Hopefully there are fewer naive kids like I was
I love how he supports policing speech. Watch what they say…. What could go wrong with the government watching every thing you say and do?
Micheal ryan when he let rip at Hungerford started to change the gun laws..
Canada has strict firearm ownership laws. However, it isn’t impossible to own firearms. Most people I know have many different calibres of rifles.
The difficult area is when it comes to handguns.
The ownership around handguns is a lot more strict
The SAS regiment have been in the news again recently in regards to war crimes against civilians and unarmed combatants & prisoners.
Maybe, just maybe, some actual real investigative journalism may take place on these kinds of podcasts, instead of them all being some glorified promo with no hard hitting questions being asked.
Chances are, this creep being interviewed took a civilians life. No one should be applauded or lauded for that. All he is simply doing is serving imperialism and capitalism at its more brutal, so fuck him.
One day soon, i hope to see a video where the people in the countries where the SAS have invaded get interviewed and get to have their day in the sunshine when they can put across their thoughts on the people that came to their land to kill (usually for oil….but shush, we're not supposed to talk about that
Iraq insurgent boss – Maqtada Al Sadr. Prick of a man. Still is.
interview? at least one of them is chatty
This is a fantastic interview
This guy is not a good interviewer.
This was so fucking boring
Great podcast
. As an average British citizen I thank you for your service British and American military so I can live a normal life

You were quite disrespectful how you glanced over questions mate. Mr truest was quite kind at entertaining you
Dang gotta love the interruptions everytime he’s getting rolling on with his story. It’s like ok go back to this and the fella proceeds and then ok let’s go back to the same thing
. It’s like damn let them people talk a bit bc we’re the one’s listening and I think I speak for most in wanting to just hear them out.
The best armies should be about Exclusion rather than this modern bullshit of Inclusion.
Sir! 22 means 22nd Special Air Service Reginent sir!
Joe Rogans british brother from another mother …
We need to keep our soldiers free range
We are all, already connected to the cloud, Coordinated Routing of Nanonetworks, 2015 EECoRoNa.
If you guys knew what I did you would freak out. Put it this way Darpa and the CIA desperately want what I have and how it works. There is nothing written no plans no nothing. I just laugh watching them watch me. Things here are going to get real interesting.
Wow what an extremely intelligent guy!
British joe rogan is pretty wild
get this guy on JRE
I’m half way through this and the guy sounds like a shill for the military.
Outstanding information, Danny!
The fact that the interviewer asks the question and listens (rather than talking over etc) makes this extremely watchable. I really enjoyed this. Keep them coming!
22 is the regiment number Regiment 22 SAS
5mins in, loving it. top episode, top guest, Thanks for your service Jon.
Very good
Why would u need night vision if u can already see in the dark lol
1:22:01 the pearls of wisdom he’s talking about here will save lives. A thorough life of experiences and he’s not afraid to tell you how to deal with the consequences of stress and anxieties that will afflict many people. And he exhibits humility all the way through the interview.
This fella is very different to many of the SAS guys,( which is logical because the Unit is made up of all kinds)but he has this very analytical,understated,thoughtful,introspective and unassuming manner..
-Bravo Two Zero was the call sign of an eight-man British Army Special Air Service patrol, deployed into Iraq during the First Gulf War in January 1991-Excellent film.
this channel has the best interviews! i miss life for sale too XD
It’s almost like listening to a robot in the most polite way possible. But men like these are PROGRAMMED! Respect tho.
Lol, you're already Bio-Converged, Augmented. It makes me laugh how confident they are to not tell people that.
ive had cybertortureware done to me, i started life as IOM KWC MOD funded college family. Its slavery no one comprehends, just underlawns. they started at 5 yrs old on me, all involuntary, the poverty really hurts after a few decades along with being mentaly turned inside out a few times, for there power. worse than an open death camp.
he doesnt know an operating system was installed into people during covid…..funny that.
One word – humble. Navy seals absolute respect to you for obvious reasons but take note
I feel like i was just tricked into buying a
The perfect Super Soldier just needs to be on:
• 600mg/Tren Acetate per week [for huge increases in strength, quality muscle gains, and straight-out aggression]
• 1,200mg/Sustanon per week [blend of rapid, medium and slow-acting testosterone blends]
• 50mg/Anadrol per day [for increases in Type IIB fast twitch muscle fibres!!]
• 4 – 6IU/hGH (Humatrope) per day [for enhanced recovery time and tissue recovery]
• 600mg/Equipoise per week [for increases in red blood cell/RBC count delivering greater oxygen to the muscles for strength output!!]
• 30mg/Halotestin per day [for huge strength increases via neuromuscular amplification]
as well as…
• injectable YK-11
• RAD-140/Testolone
• LGD-4033/Ligandrol
• MK-2866/Ostarine
• S-4/Andarine
• oral S-23
• injectable CJC-1295
And a bump of "Columbian snowflakes" alongside 20mg of Adderall for maximum focus and adrenaline for upgraded reaction time and enhanced stamina.
Am I tweaking, or does he literally only blink like once every minute?
There are super soldiers who can hack themselves naturally and achieve more than DARPA has enabled through technology. Those guys are not available to the evil people that work with DARPA. Reverse engineering authentic super soldiers so that regular chumps like Delta Force or SAS can experience a similar capacity to endure and achieve…. HA. These losers know they can't recruit super soldiers. In future warfare, much less humans will be required, why not just use authentic super soldiers? Part of being super is doing good by people. DARPA stakeholders seek to retain control over people. They don't have the best selection of soldiers because their true mission is bullshit. No true soldier would do it. Easy to fool ppl when everything is need to know basis.