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A caller from an undisclosed location in Asia creates a movement for freedom via haunted houses.

Afterwards a caller lacks motivation regarding his responsibilities and a final caller figures out how much a goat costs.

Peel that glue off your hands. I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:18 – A caller from an undisclosed location in Asia creates a movement for freedom via haunted houses.
23:01 – A caller lacks motivation regarding his responsibilities.
45:30 – A final caller figures out how much a goat costs.
56:48 – Bonus episode preview! Check out Supercast for the full episode!
58:25 – How to call the gecko!

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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41 thoughts on ““I AM A PROPHET” – Therapy Gecko

  1. i'm too scared to download the files but here are the descriptions of them on pirate bay:

    Liber Anarkhos:
    "Liber Anarkhos – An Anarchist Grimoire By A. Wretch

    The beginning is an essay on the failings of traditional pacifist protest and ideas on what occult oriented protest might look like. Then a Grimoire providing ideas on an Anarchist pantheon, also a rite to enter in to an Anarchist astral temple to meet the Goddess Dysnomia utilizing DMT or Salvia Divinorum. This writing is the practical explanation of how to encourage an anarchist consciousness, the result of my workings with Dysnomia.

    This pdf is not intended as an introduction to anarchism but it is an excerpt from an upcoming book providing in depth explorations into the connections between Anarchism and the occult. Other topics in the full book are entheogens, memes, neural plasticity, fractals and language and the corrupting nature of authoritarianism and all the ignorance associated with it.

    A basic understanding of political anarchism is very helpful, but its chaos individualism will be evident for people familiar with that branch of occultism.

    PDF 39 pages"

    Chronicles of Anarchy:
    "Taking the view that all true spirituality is inherently Anarchist at it's core, this pdf book is a comprehensive examination of the many links between Anarchism, the Occult and Mysticism. It is presented within the broad framework of a modern myth and poetry and tells the story of a young punk Anarchist writer, who discovers the magickal nature of reality and so decides to write a book to spread awareness and spiritual anarchism. However it also heavily researched and like so many spiritualities, it uses this mythology as a vehicle for transmitting the mysteries, with the majority of the book being the prosaic teachings of the protagonist. It assumes no knowledge on the part of the reader and provides introductions to the topics discussed, before going on to more original and in depth ideas. While a history of spiritual anarchists and the theocratic black magicians that oppose them is given to provide context, this book focuses more on integrating mystical and magickal teachings from around the world and creating a detailed and modern Anarchist spirituality that suits the individual. It also provides a variety of practical ritual meditative techniques for creating an Anarchist consciousness, as well as using magick for activist and Anarchist purposes. If you were ever looking for an Anarchist grimoire, this is it! One of the main themes of the book is the global use of psychedelics or “entheogens” for spiritual purposes and how they can be utilized for overcoming the counter-revolutionary aspects of the mind. The book also explains how Occult techniques can be used to help direct the trips for expanding consciousness and performing magick. (especially DMT and Salvia Divinorum) Another primary theme is how language and “memes” apply to fractals, how Noam Chomsky's notion of “universal grammar” was actually discovered by Occultists along with the scientific method, but also how language shapes human consciousness, politics and the world around us. Other topics include an Occult interpretation of the historical origins of the monetary and legal systems, as well as the origins of Judaism, Christianity and governments through theocracy. Inside you will find explanations for how art and “memes” can be used for Anarchist propaganda, how ritual and magick apply to “neuroplasticity” and how all these things can literally shape our brains either to create free will, or as a form of brainwashing. This book explains theocracy as the root of all hierarchy which is itself the result of a kind of Obsessive compulsive memetic brain virus created by "black magicians." All this and much more is found within, while the epilogue explains groundbreaking political interpretations of “The Cube of Space,” Solomonic magick, Enoch and the Watchers, Gnosticism and world mythology in general. Here the author shows how this mythology relates to a meteorite death cult and ancient astronomical events, atomic theory, numerology and sacred geometry. It also gives advanced ideas on reconstructing an old world form of Alchemical Tantric Shamanism and how magick squares can be utilized with set theory to create the philosopher's stone in your brain!

    A chapter by chapter synopsis is given in the table of contents"

  2. 2nd dude is a bum, he knows he is doing wrong towards his family and doesn't care. It's one thing to not care about the wrong you're doing to yourself but it's different for family

  3. Mark, youre living the dream buddy, if anything id say try to do more things with your kids, but other than that keep living the dream and dont feel bad about it. The better you feel about things, the better everyone else will too. Hope you see this buddy

  4. First guy might be from South Asia. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc. I dont think he's from East Asia. China, Japan, Taiwan etc. Just going by his tone and accent. Asia is so huge, specificity is necessary to gauge where people are talking about. Same as generalisation of Europe. Not sure why he was being so intentionally vague

  5. My two cents about the second caller's situation, stop beating yourself up man, give yourself kindness and love, and communicate with your family about your existential crisis. Stop judging yourself for your behaviors, because those judgements aren't yours.

  6. That first guy was so incredibly boring.. the start of the interview "I'm a cult leader", the end of the interview "I have no idea who started the cult "… What a waste of 20 mins

  7. On the phone call with the Dad that smokes cigs/weed, the entire time I was saying, “what he’s experiencing is shame!” because deep down he knows he can become better. 😊

  8. With the goats n cow its more than $1,700. You gotta buy enough land.
    Put up fencing adequate for all animals.
    Daily food costs.
    Veterinary bills both known like shots and unknown like if a leg breaks or infection occurs.
    Materials & carpenter cost to put up a small shelter barn one big one or a couple small barns.
    A tiny home for the chick?

    Now you can replace a lot of these costs by putting up the fences and the barns & tiny home.
    I know about all the hidden costs from when i had a sled dog team. Way expensive if you dont have a fish wheel to get tons of salmon to feed u & the dogs the rest of the year,

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