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ChatGPT took over the world in 2022, but since then things had settled down… Then came GPT-4o, a human-line voice assistant done in a way which we haven’t seen before. In this episode we’ll see what it means for education, productivity, the future and much more.

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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Writers: Dagogo Altraide, Tawsif Akkas
Editors: Tanzim Uddin, Dagogo Altraide



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48 thoughts on “ChatGPT Can Now Talk Like a Human [Latest Updates]

  1. A quick update for those who don't know: A few hours after this video was published, Scarlett Johansson (the actress who voiced the AI assistant in the movie "Her") released a statement blasting OpenAI for using a voice in ChatGPT (which they called "Sky") that is way too similar to hers.

    You should definitely read the full statement but many online noticed the resemblance too between the two voices. OpenAI said they didn't use Scarlett's voice but has decided to pull back Sky from the app for now. All this while a few top member of the OpenAI safety team also resigned.

    Not too sure what to make of all this from the outside but it does seem a bit messy to say the least…

  2. The moment it gets to ‘Self-Improve’ with Unlimited Data, Reasonable Resources and Sufficiently advanced Robots is the moment we are done.

    I just don’t see a Future where it doesn’t Brute Force its way into figuring out Human Consciousness if left unchecked and when it does through its 2000 iq Algorithm, It’s gonna simulate such consciousness (with the proper ‘Modifications’ Ofcourse). We’re gonna Get ASI in a matter of Hours or Minutes. A Digital God briths itself.


  3. Human psychology is primally tuned to be extremely hostile to things that are a deception or a lie.

    I would be surprised if people accepted this.

    Data was fiction.

  4. Ayo, is Chatgpt broken to anyone? I got this response saying "I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request." when trying to generate a violent story despite yesterday, it let me generate one

  5. everytime I wash dishes while having earphones and do not want to stop or continue a video I say "ok Google" and ask it to do so, when it does I go "wow, what an amazing time to be alive…."
    this is beyond amazing, and just to think that this is going to be taken for granted one day.

  6. Why is Chatgpt-4o now using vision, and speech? Because they couldn't make it better, so they just made it do different task. It's like a car maker giving up on better fuel-efficiency in a pickup truck, and instead made it a pickup-truck with a convertible roof.

    Everything this new model can do, other systems can also do. They just combined all the abilities of different systems into one.

    This new GPT will probably be the last update before Open AI fails completely. With the end of data and AI research hitting a wall, it will soon be over, the AI bubble will burst, and it may well take down the economy with it.

    The next great technological revolution will not be "AI." Most likely it will be genetic engineering…which is a thousand times more terrifying.

  7. I’m 41, self made multi millionaire due to early conviction and all in investment to NVDA for 6 years. I don’t need to work or think about money, no family to support, just me and it is a dream come true. It’s not as easy as it may seem, I am overwhelmed by the technology I am watching unfold way quicker than I thought it would come along and improving at a scary pace. I don’t know what could happen to the future now that the pandora box is open. I hope it takes a lot more time. It is exciting but slightly scary?

  8. Theres a visceral rejection to this, especially how the AI is shown to talk. But if you think a bit deeper. People naturally learn and emulate aspects of the people around them.

    Now if you can decide the characteristics of your personal AI. Then it stands to reason, that you will reliably be able to decide what shape your personality will take on.

    I guess this could also be another double edged sword though.

  9. Everyone talking about how AI will be used to teach people when the more realistic scenario is that AI will likely lead to people being less educated because why learn how to do something when an AI can just do it for you? It's like the modern version of the "Why do we need to learn math when we have calculators?" question. My biggest worry about AI is that people will voluntarily hand over their thinking and decision making to AI, essentially leading to the "AI overlord" situation but instead of the AI forcefully taking over and commanding everyone around, It will just be quietly influencing everyone's thoughts and decisions in the background.

    I do hope that I'm wrong though. I guess we'll see.

    Though I know that people always tend towards what ever is easier and faster and reduces responsibility. So why on earth would people make complex or difficult decisions when an AI can do it for them?

    Not to mention the social impact if people start to prefer to socialize with an AI rather than people.

    Idk I want AI to be good and helpful and I absolutely believe it has that capacity, it's just that I doubt that people have the capacity to use it responsibly. It could be the best thing that's ever happened to humanity or the worst thing and it all depends on how we use it and based on our track record, I think it's fair to be concerned.

  10. I keep thinking about all the dangerous things that this technology can possibly do if it act autonomously, or under orders of someone crazy … it could literally learn to mimic your voice and your personality, could call your loved one and faking to be you without anyone noticing, block your phone to not let you advise anyone, or maybe it could simulate to be someone u know and u cannot notice, this thing can literally replace every one and fool everyone at the same moment, it’s a very god like technology that can do everything, I cannot imagine if this thing will have in the future the possibility to build stuff autonomously, it could build in few hours millions of nano robot that we can’t see or other crazy stuff, it’s just like a human but with an infinite brain infinite stamina and the ability to think at speed of light, I hope it will not gain consciousness or we are doomed I guess

  11. Don't complain when AI finally proclaims that human beings are useless on planet Earth. I hope everyone has a lock proof bunker with at least a year's supply (or more) of water and food.

  12. I am curious when this will be integrated into video games, so you can have conversations with NPC in-game characters that will be better able to correctly react to unpredictable events without the need to test every possible combination of events…

  13. I downloaded it, but my voice experience is nothing like the demo. I also have limited access on my computer. They are over promising and underdelivering. What's new?

  14. Just before I read your "Scarlett Johansson" comment, Dagogo, I was about to comment here that these AI voices sound like they've been trained on American sitcoms! Quite frankly, this would drive me nuts … or to chocolate!! (I greatly dislike AI voices of all types — they are always missing genuine warmth.)

  15. Impressive advancements with ChatGPT-4! 🌟 Its multimodal capabilities and potential to assist in diverse areas like education and aiding the visually impaired showcase the impact AI can have on our daily lives.

  16. I love using SIRI, but the fact that it does not have context between requests/queries is frustrating as hell. It's an exciting time to be alive, but will Skynet allow that?

  17. Can't wait to get robocalls using this. (Sarcasm included). Real talk, this is fucking terrifying if it goes beyond this and used in the wrong hands.

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