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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
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Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned, the technician is replacing the engine with a new long block. A long block means it’ll be a new engine block with cylinder heads installed on it, then he will just need to install the accessories (pulleys, belt, intake manifold, etc…). He didn’t mention what caused the valve to break at the steam but since the truck is so new I’m sure it’s something to do with whoever made the valves.
0:32 The technician said the following: “We don’t exactly know what happened, but we believe they were hauling a trailer that was too heavy for their truck. It was used for a construction truck, a 2012 Ram 3500 with the 6.7 Liter Diesel engine. The position of the transfer case didn’t break the double Cardan joint but it pulled out the other side with the splines. Our quote to fix was about $23,000 for parts and labor.”
0:48 The technician said the following: “Charged the battery and politely asked him to leave as it became apparent he had no funds.”
1:05 The technician said he reconnected the coolant line, and topped up the coolant system (needed over a gallon of coolant).
It’s possible it wasn’t connected properly from the factory since you can see pink coolant underneath the vehicle. After somebody drove it, the coolant line popped off and leaked everywhere.
1:21 The technician said the following: “Usually those models leak a little bit through the tail lights inside the trunk but that car had a dent also next to the tail light, it did not appear to let the water in but it looked like it did. The whole battery was swimming in water. We recommend replacing the battery pack, the battery control module, the main relays, and the battery fan, a total price of $7k. The customer declined service and towed away the car. Usually, Hyundai covers hybrid batteries with a lifetime warranty for original owners and this was the original owner. But it does not cover flooding unfortunately and the customer did not have insurance either.
1:46 The technician said the noise was caused by a faulty blower motor and it’s a very common issue that he sees working at a Mercedes-Benz dealership.
1:58 The technician said the following: “The material separated from the wheel. It’s no fun transferring all of the switches and bezels.”
2:12 The technician said it was a 9mm shell casing that they found.
2:26 An important reminder to always install a battery that is the correct size for your vehicle and battery tray. Also, always properly install the battery hold down.
2:41 The customer took the wiper arm off and didn’t re-install it correctly.
2:47 The technician said the following: “I’m gonna assume she smelled something at first. I’ll be honest, lucky she went the wrong way to the service area or the whole place could have gone up cuz it’s a covered area.”
2:58 This is on a Chrysler 300. What you see is the upper ball joint that popped out of the control arm. As you can see the ball joint has probably been bad for a while since it’s rusty and has no grease on it.
3:08 The viewer who sent this in said the following: “A little extra information on my car is a British made 1965 Austin Mini Moke, original US import back in the day now residing in Canada. It has 34 HP, top speed is 110km/h, and is fully road and highway legal. Probably the most fun you can have in 4 wheels without breaking the speed limit.”
3:27 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Trannies shouldnt fail on a big engine diesel dually truck, the design of it might just be fucking ass.
You couldn't pay me to drive a Chrysler vehicle.
Holy shit, I'll sure to stay the hell away from the new RAMs AND Jeeps. Not even Ford is that bad.
2:55 LMAO
That’s why you don’t buy a Dodge.
Wow, it feels like the US needs some sort of system for techs to flag unroadworthy vehicles if there isn't going to be some sort of national inspection program.
Awful lot of new vehicles with stupid problems these days
@Mopar or No Car go work for any of the import dealerships, they are just as busy as you guys. Maybe if the ass clowns working at the stealerships would repair the vehicles correctly the first time people would be a little happier with their vehicles. Most common thing I see on R.O's is "could not duplicate customer complaint". Translation, lazy know nothing mechanics.
Okay, why would anyone bring their brand new vehicle to you for repairs? Ram will not cover any repairs done by a non-authorized dealer. As for the Jeep, that too would have been covered under the factory warranty. There sure is a lot of dumb people in this world.
It’s always a POS dodge or Jeep.
The little mini mokes rock, we found one on a friend s farm,
And this video has thoroughly convinced me to never buy a Stellantis vehicle
I’ve been told, that the perfect truck would be the F250, with a Cummins, and a Chevy Allison transmission in it. Best of all three!!
This is a big reminder to buy buy a Chrysler product…
Mechanics should be required to report these issues to the dmv and registration should be pulled.
Friends don't let friends by dodge, they are JUNK POS
Mini moke dammed good fun to drive.
1:35 Part car, part swimming pool. Just imaginate what hybrids we will see in the future.
That Grand Marquis probably spit a plug, and this caused the fire. Panthers are famous for this, and it could have been prevented engaging with the inertia switch in the trunk when she heard the plug pop. The best way to keep this from happening is checking the torque on the spark plugs every so often. It's very easy to do on these cars.
Lol and I thought my Vette was bad bc one of the pop-ups has to be manually turned
keep em coming
When you think about it, the lady with the car on fire literally did the only thing she could have done. I'm sure the fire started while she was driving and that would have been the only place with the ability to put it out. You sure as hell aren't going to go to a gas station when you're on fire and dealership shops have hoses and fire extinguishers. Fire stations being very uncommon things to see when you're driving, her only options would have been gas stations, stores, or car repair shops and she chose the only one that would have been able to extinguish the fire and not blow up the place.
Must been a fluke in that 3500 Cummins. It’ll pull anything.. trailer wasn’t too heavy… lmao
I learnt to drive in a couple of MiniMokes, those honestly were the most fun cars to drive in.
The lessons were not exactly legal, my mates dad owned a rental company and when he was away we would borrow cars from his fleet and then drive onto public parks and stuff in them, they could fit between the wooden bollards around most parks. You could also have your mates in the back pick up and hoard traffic cones so you could then just cause mayhem by blocking off entire streets or intersections.
I have a 2020 1500 Classic has the same hemi engine but it’s at over 30k miles no issues. Idk if they change anything internally in the 5th gen. Most likely defective from the factory, or they ran the piss out of it during the break in.
There are hundreds of thousands of vehicles just like this out there right now. And our stupid legislators did away with state inspections.
I used to hate the annual inspections in pa, but I've learned that it protects us. Having a 4 month old baby now, my views have changed and I don't care about money as much about safety now that I have my own family. In my book it's worth the cost if you have a good mechanic work on your vehicle
You get two types of vehicle on here. Old ones which have not been properly maintained, and brand new ones that should never have left the factory
I've owned the same model mini cooper from years 2014 to 2019 to 2020, the 2019 self detonated because of it's eco tune after 30k miles and regular servicing, the 2020 was the replacement that also started to get valve train knock and I checked myself it was running some 34 degrees or more advanced timing for eco trash, the 2014 has been going strong for 60k miles, bought it at 40k miles. The big political lie that makes all modern cars suck.
3:15 "most fun"
I CANT SEE SEATBELTS and at 110 you crash onto that wheel, without airbag/whatnot you die.
ye a lot of fun
2:25 america. bullet holes and whatnot
1:04 thats what suicide looks like
Kind of glad for the mandatory MOT on all vehicles after 4 years from new
That highbird battery in water is scary
1:35 didn't think to drill a few holes? Who designed it like a bathtub?
Vehicles are built like shit nowadays. It's like they have adopted Bic's business model, disposable cars that you buy out of an vending machine.
Just have to love how that Einstein 2:47 parked her burning car near other cars.
Back in the mid 1970"s, I was working at a gas station / car wash. I popped the hood open on one car to check an engine and found the oil dipstick laying atop the battery where is had shorted out and burned. Had another customer that I asked if I could check their oil, she said she knew it was okay because the light hadn't come on yet, when I pulled the stick, it was all chunks of sludge and nothing else.
for that jeep that had only 15 miles on it…. made me wonder who the freakin hell engineered that crap . makes me never want to have one of those
Moral of the video: don't buy Chrysler products
Holy crap! How are this many new vehicles having so many issues?
I learnt to drive in a mini moke!
There’s no way I’d work on most of these vehicles knowing you’d have to be aware of the owners will more than likely try and blame the shop for doing something wrong causing the damage they’ve done themselves …

"Customer states that the car sounds like a helicopter" Well that was incredibly accurate.

That little wagon at the end does look like a lot of fun