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What happened to Creed? I look at the rise & fall of Creed, including:
* The early years of Creed, when Scott Stap & Mark Tremonti met
* Their rise to fame with “My Own Prison,” Wind-Up Records and “Human Clay” (“Higher,” “Arms Wide Open”)
* Creed’s 3rd album “Weathered” and eventual breakup due to Scott Stapp’s issues
* Mark Tremonti’s solo project & Alter Bridge
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0:00 Intro
2:41 The early years of Creed
5:45 “My Own Prison” & Wind-Up Records
9:29 “Human Clay,” “Higher” & “Arms Wide Open”
13:51 Why Creed actually broke up
16:29 Scott Stapp’s public breakdown & Facebook videos
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Creed absolutely is wonderful
Why is a “punk rock” channel even writing about Creed? Who cares?
I love your PSA on mental health! No matter the walk of life…ignorance and bigotry should not be acceptable!
Stupid so called reviews
as far as I'm concerned. Please come back. 
Seriously. I really enjoyed Creeds music. I'm kinda sick right now. So sad
I'd like to know if they burned that guy's house down after he compared Creed to Krispy Kreme. I feel attacked as a person raised in the south.
Awesome video, you made a great work in communicating and humanizing the story of the band
I LOVE that you say the truth behind all of the pain or toxic behaviors of people that have experienced trauma. Everyone is quick to offer prayers when someone is abused, but then will condemn the addict the victim ultimately turns into. It's sad and we need more people like you who can see both sides of the person. Great video.
Creeds lyrics were true poetry. People hate what they don’t wanna understand
Creed will always be okay in my book, they made "What If".
Well done sir! I like their music back in the day
I also heard that if you recite the postman's creed backwards 3 times in a dark bathroom Scott Stapp will show up in the mirror.
I heard that Creed and Creedence clearwater revival were going on tour with Apollo Creed as there manager.
Creed was never my style of rock what so ever, but I've always respected them and their success.
There's too much envy & judgement in the world which is a bit pathetic. Too many people have an elitist mentality.
Why fixate on or put any thought into bands they're not into? That's just dumb, spending time or energy to hate on anything. To each their own I guess tho if people enjoy being a soap-opera drama queen!
Isn’t every song “preaching” to you in a certain sense? What do these critics want…a song without a message?
Hum ty for the racist comment
Finn I give mad props. I'm sure you know how smug the gatekeepers of the scene are especially with "Christians" but not towards other religions and I've never understood that either. I love that you humanize people rather than make a tabloid-esque style one. Cool to see.
That's sponsorship was hilarious to me hahaha could tell Finn was not into it haha.
So T.I. Was an angel sent from Heaven to save God’s favorite post-Grunge leading man?
I was born in 95 and my mom was a fan and when i finally got my moms creed greatest hits album I was blown away by how many of there songs felt so real at times and how one song could remind you of your past problems and the next could uplift you and make you feel great about yourself and the future. Yeah theres religious themes but i never considered them a Christian rock band just a rock band that had christian themes which i mean fuck the critics there's no reason themes from the bible cant be epic and powerful im not an overtly religious person but i do believe there's raw energy that stems from these themes cause they are the themes of humanity and the songs came off as beautiful and haunting songs of life and the other side and the struggles of man. I get the same feeling listening to Dragonforce which is fantasy metal or Sabaton which is historical metal or even Evanecense. Good music is good music.
I think looking at Creed and Anberlin would be an excellent video. The former was a secular band called Christian while the latter was a Christian band treated as a secular. I find it interesting that Skillet and Anberlin can have large secular following with many not realizing they are Christian labels.
Weathered changed my life and say what you want about that. They were undeniably good at the very least, via their popularity and rise to the top.
My mom use to play their album religiously…unfortunately
Stapp’s arrogance was the demise of creed
4 months late… but great video and message brother
It bugs me that music snobs will criticize bands for having Christian undertones, yet when bands are radical left wing activists in their lyrics it’s seen as somehow cool. God forbid you’re not a degenerate with a victim mentality in the music industry.
thats cheap.
Higher will always slap. Such a soul touching song
" can you take, me, HIGHER!"
You don't have to be religious to think abortion is appalling. I'm so sick of that narrative.
A dentist being a sadist. That tracks.
As a Pearl Jam fan I was only excited when I heard a song by another band that captured a similar magic to what PJ has. It's not like they were one of those half assed bands record labels were signing left and right during the rise of Grunge… that era was already over, so the critics were just being pretentious assholes like they always were. They HATE it when they aren't the king makers.
Also, I abandoned religion and was growing to actively dislike Christianity in my teens, so I was as shocked as anyone that I liked this band with very Christian lyrics. It's not like it swayed my feelings on my former religion, ether, but I could appreciate how sincere and personal the lyrics came across, unlike the vapid virtue signaling of Christian Rock.
Alterbridge is fucking amazing ..I love creed. I love Tremontie and I love Alterbridge. Everyone struggles. Prednisone is a drug I will not take too. I feel he was feeding into what the media was saying about him during their height. I also feel that his godlike videos where him doing what he was told. I mean they were huge and making bank. That's why being independent is so great yet so hard. When I was like 13 they had their independent album and I was like I don't think they are Christian necessarily…the media doesn't want main stream Christian.
His voice is not easy to even mimic…and if we lived life on what critics said of our accomplishments We'd
be nothing.
great video
Still listen to creed regularly, I was raised Christian but never felt like he the band was pushing an agenda and never thought of them as a Christian band. I always loved creed and always will
Kudos for conclusion
Nothing wrong with disliking a Christian rock band in a Christian majority nation.
Higher was played so much that year I literally stopped listening to mainstream radio because of it. I just hated Cursed because they were on all the time. Overplayed was an understatement
Really enjoyed this video. Great job.
Sounds like the critics are just a bunch of idiots jealous of talent and preaching their views to try and become greater in success than the bands they should be constructive about. A true critic would show the reasons why they are bad. these critics don't have the knowledge or capabilities to understand 'the formula" because there is none. Most artists go through life constructing masterpieces through will alone. Some have a plan, sure, but this was pure will. especially with the fast paced success they made.