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A caller expresses worry that his mom’s current boyfriend is changing her into someone he doesn’t want to be around.

Then we hear from a caller who is battling a severe addiction to porn featuring women with impossible proportions, a caller who describes herself as a “Serial Work Dater,” and a caller who expresses the guilt he carries at his job as an exterminator.

If you really think about it, water doesn’t make any sense. I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Mom’s boyfriend
15:35 – Battling a severe addiction to porn
37:52 – “Serial Work Dater”
51:25 – Guilt as an exterminator
01:03:48 – How to call the gecko

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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29 thoughts on ““MY MOM’S BOYFRIEND IS MY AGE” – Therapy Gecko

  1. I do agree with the sentement of the first call, they are both adults making their own choices. I just think Geck should've added that the caller doesnt have to like and support it at all if he believes it to be wrong.

  2. I think she should stop dating at work. and take some real time for herself. married for 9 years? maybe take 2-3 to just get to know your independent self. date. but don't commit. 4 at work relationships in 1 1/2 years. thats a little aggressive.

  3. no lie Jennifer can't be serious phrasing her 19y o boyfriend making a friend as "weird". mf it's better that he is befriending his new coworkers than trying to fuck em like you are. that young lad was 9 when you got married calm down.

  4. There is a power dynamic in this relationship with her being 54 that can't be denied and I ain't gonna lie it's pretty predatory. My concern alot of these age gap relations not rly end well for the person who's younger

  5. I’m ngl. This first convo isn’t it for me Lyle… I have the same experience and that kid has every right to feel that way. Coming from a background with my terrible father. Seeing my dad get with someone the same age as my sister that was a very unsettling thing. There is always a reason on why an old ass person is getting with someone that young. If you can’t get with someone at your maturity age, it says a lot about you.

  6. That woman who had a divorce clearly does not know how to be alone. She said the first guy was "helping her through it" but then said, she got involved 2 months later. But that isn't the case cause you had thus guy there from the first day. Even if you didn't hook up, you didn't spend any time thinking it through, just being coached by a dude who just wanted sex. Then you're hooking up with any man you see in your day to day life. She needs to learn to be alone. At the very least stop calling these guys your boyfriend when you're just boning them lol

  7. I agree with how lyle handle the situation about the 21 year old dating a 50 year old. It really isnt nobody business they both agreed to deal with each other thats their problem not his. His mother most likely is just living her best life after getting out of a marriage. Men date younger woman all the time but when i woman does it there’s a problem? If my mother was dating someone around my age I wouldn’t care that’s her choice and i trust that she can handle the outcome of her decisions. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  8. The first caller’s issue is unsettling. Their mother seems be a total creep dating someone who’s 21 when her own children are 24. That’s sick. Why would u dismiss that??

  9. Only story I’ve heard where I yelled at my phone 😂 pollinator plants and pollinators are highly highly necessary for the world to be the way it is. That’s why we have plants and food… Killing of those pollinators will be detrimental to their populations in which they already struggle to keep up with… be nice to the pollinators… also may be worth reporting your company, get evidence and take a stand for the little guys without voices. The EPA will gladly back you up. Geck, you are a gecko, you should too look up on environmental laws. Also I have a bachelors degree in environmental sciences and this is something I’m very passionate about.

  10. I mean sounds like to me with the 21 yo, that she’s having mid life crisis. I mean she’s getting older and I’m sure this makes her feel younger, even if she really likes the guy it’s probably somewhat temporary.

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