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39 thoughts on “The Legend of Sour Diesel

  1. 08-10 my boy got packs straight from cali of ny sour d. You could have a .3 on you and people could smell you from a mile away. Still some of the best bud I’ve ever had

  2. @gnosis7188 – Hahaha….in 1972-1973 a rare Colombian strain was available only through the Colombian families in NYC. It was nicknamed "Wacky Weed" and is still the strongest variety I and several fortunate friends were able to smoke, even beyond Thai Stick which led the pack back then for potency. The "Weed Connoisseur" in High Times reported on it once or twice back in the mid 1970's. My Colombian friend Gerardo, who resided mostly in the Verde Valley of Arizona, would travel to the Big Apple every few months and return with 6-8 oz of the weed. He sold it for $100/oz in 1973, a fact that most smokers and growers believe is an exaggeration or pure BS. Sorry, friends of his and some of mine would drive from up to 200 miles away immediately after they received the phone call that some more Wacky Weed had arrived and would soon be gone. Gerardo called it "Candybar" due to the way it was compressed into small squares the size of a "Chunky" candy bar. It looked like hash, had to be cut using a razor blade to slice off tiny pieces, was always totally seedless (in 1973!), and had no stems or leaf, just pure flower calyx. It was grown by an old grower who lived near Neiva, Colombia, in Huila Department, not far from Cali where Gerardo lived. This grower was already hip to seedless, female weed and knew how to ferment and compress herb much like Malawi cobs are created.

  3. Just did a podcast with the weasel and I would like to use a short clip from this video in mine because the story’s intertwined.i edited 1.5 min out of this video and would like to use it giving you full credit leaving your logo and adding a link in description for people to find your full interview. Please let me know if this is ok

  4. 😅what about the $40oz of Colombian Gold, 😅😅, really smoking crap,,,, SOUR DIESEL OBVIOUSLY IS THE BEST, & My Fav By far !!just tough to find, eastcoast sour diesel has disappeared… ty for the story

  5. I'm not new to S.D. But I had some NYC Sour Diesel & how come I feel so relaxed in my back(something I need) & feel tired. There is caffeine from tea/coffee in me & some NYC s.d. Again relaxed great or was great back feeling & some tired. Is NYC s.D. Just a NYC cut of sour D? Apparently NYC Diesel adds Afghan & Hawaiian too S.D.✌

  6. Smoked many different strains but sour diesel has always been my go to, but the best hands down strain I’ve ever had was chemdawg. Smoked it in my truck outside my apartment and it glued me straight to the seat

  7. Got some beans on the way that have a lot of ECSD, Albany SD, and some other popular east Coast/NY diesel in the lineage. Take a look at Pondo bx1, Billys Breathes, Jonestown OG, and Sour Diesel bx4 from Lost Canyon Genetics who is an old east coast grower who had since settled in Colorado. Dude is heavy on the Sour, chem and OG. The Sour Altoids is what brought me to him but his line up has kept me around

  8. Lmao 🤣😂😂🤣 Ayoo! The people in the comments are either trolling, high af or DUMB AF! Lol this is fucking AJ how much more of a “legend” or “expert in sour” do yall need? 🤦🏽‍♂️

  9. i fondly remember finding "bag seed" in killer back in the day, ive even had people wanna buy them back lol and id usually swap it for some other common dank. had to grow outside, so it was definitely a crap shoot, but man if it came up and was a girl, you were shittin in high cotton, it was late 80s and 90s. probably still some old film cannisters with some chronic seed around here in W.V. 💚, im sure of it.

  10. I've been a 20+ year cannabis connoisseur who lives in NYC. For those of you who dont know , NYC was the home of the Diesel for years, I remember the only high-grade cannabis we had were 3 strains , Haze, Kush, and Sour Diesel. For years, this was all we had. We had different strains of Haze, different strains of diesel, and most OG Bubba Kush with the purple in it. It's been over 10 years now , and I haven't had a single haze or sour strain anywhere. What happened to these seeds and genetics? It was literally everywhere just over a decade ago. How did such magnificent and widely available strains just disappear?

  11. Not gonna lie lotta people saying the AJ cut is mid af and is no where near the diesel people remember, just saying, he thinks deisel is sweet, lol the sour we all remember is the sour fucking FUEL

  12. About to watch… I think I had Mass Super Skunk a supposed parent to Sour Diesel in the end of 1986, out in a house in the woods in western MA. It smelled, to put it mildly.

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