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40 thoughts on “How Luxury Cars Rip You Off

  1. Mercedes and Sprinter share a fair amount of common service parts. They are a fraction of the cost if you are under a Sprinter sign. Same box. Same part. Common practice with all brands I'm sure.

  2. I had a Mitsubishi Airtrek 2005 that was coming from factory with EVO engine 4G63T(Why did they put this turbo engine on an SUV i don't know). I paid for that car $2300 and i will never forget faces of people on red light who paid 30-40K for their BMWs and i was just leaving them in dust with my old SUV that had pealing paint and smashed rear door. This was back in Armenia and I wish i could find one for sale in the US. That engine is something out of this world.

  3. Why would anyone put Maserati in the same conversation as Lamborghini in 2024, Maserati can be compared to Mazda or Oldsmobile or Pontiac or Kia. Even new-trash (post sale) Jaguars are better build(s) than Maserati.

  4. that mopar fuel cap one seemed off to me, those pictures looked like ebay not a brands website, so i did a little looking and yea, mopar directs people to that 25 dollar cap they bought, in order to find that 1500 price they had to go on ebay, as in a third party and not the brands price at all, also most people who work on old vehicles know this, but every old oem part that is new in box is over priced to hell and back, they had to go out of their way to get ripped off, and it wasn't by the brand. unsubbed because i for some reason expected better

  5. The pop up headlights. Man that's freaking crazy to think about. People saying that they can't see a car coming in the middle of the day, cause they can't see the headlights.
    That's almost as bad as my Uncle when I was a little kid. He pulled out infront of someone and got t boned. When the judge asked him if he saw a vehicle coming my uncle said yes. It only had 1 headlight, so I thought it was a motorcycle. ( yes, he really told the judge this ) He told my momma he was only trying to show that the guy had 1 headlight and shouldn't have been driving. Lol. Yeah the judge made him do 30days in jail and something like 500 hours of community service.
    My uncle wasn't the smartest person by any means.

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