Today, we’re looking at 15 rappers who killed their careers. We can learn alot from each situation.
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Check me out tho
I wouldn’t even care if I fell off . As long as I blew up off one song or album , I’m taking my money , investing it , and living off the interest the rest of my life .
Vince staples be doing too much
2025 one producer all those beats sound collator
Polo g has 18m
Get polo g off here
Nardo Wick
Speaker knockers from Columbia
14:16 started dying laughing at how professional the commentary was until he goes "He DEADASS deleted his twitter account"
GOD DAMN!! 4hours? Hell naw
Love that Rick and Morty b roll
Its cool to fall off as long as you made your money.
These guys are finished
2:36:22 “what you unfortunately just had to hear was soul train”
1:07:20 I can respect that Vince chose to elevate and grow as a person, which in turn did the same to his music. I don't think he did a career suicide with this. Yeah, it's a setback as his old fans leave him, but as he gains new fans who want to hear his music, he'll be good. He reminds me of artists like Kendrick Lamar and J Cole who want the best for their people and put out true poetry that can influence a positive change in someone's life. I'm gonna give his music a chance just because of this video. I never really listened to him before.
As a dude in his 30s, I know like 4 of these "rappers' lmao.
Its crazy that people hate Meek so much because Meek is a crazy good rapper, sure he is stupid af but he is good
Can we get one on Hopsin?
watchin this after baby proved u wrong with WHAM (he wiped drake on yes indeed and wants and needs btw
Park Village is on the east side of Compton. Get your facts straight. Only bloods live on the west side.
Chance getting a divorce is the worst thing happening too him now more then him making that horrible album for his chick
Should’ve had Earl Swearshirt after Vince Staples
6:50 Speaker knockers from New York but lived in South Carolina. Not Florida
6:52 i had to unsubscribe because no way you called a Chicago rapper a florida rapper

Most of these rappers aren't super lyrical and started making the same kinda music over and over again which will result in diminishing returns. Chance is anomaly though. I felt like he had the talent and lyrics but still fell off somehow.
i think those amounts are supposed to be read in the thousands ( or 1 value up)
I'm halfway through my eight hour shift.
Roddy was either too young for comprehension or just plain not paying attention if he thought that being religious meant God was supposed to reward you with riches and no hard ships. That's not how that works. The point is to have faith regardless of life's struggles as it's only temporary. The reward is God himself in the spiritual realm. I really don't think you have to have more than average intelligence to understand that.
Thank u for the 4 hr vid i use long vids like this to study
it will forever be a damn shame that 'the box' was a hit during covid
Vince Staples never fell off… can’t fall off if your at peace
03:35:28 Bruv that sh*t was Hard AF