Join us for an insightful Medical Marijuana episode of Grow Weed at Home with Kyle Kushman, as we welcome the distinguished Dr. Sharon Montes. With her profound expertise in integrated medicine and a passion for holistic health, Dr. Montes discusses the therapeutic uses of medical marijuana and introduces the TRIFECTA approach—a unique methodology for optimizing medicinal marijuana treatments. Kyle and Dr. Montes delve into the details of this approach, providing listeners with a deeper understanding of its benefits and applications.
The episode also sparks a captivating discussion on the plant vs. pharmaceutical debate, analyzing both the advantages and the limitations of these solutions in modern healthcare. With Dr. Montes’ extensive experience in holistic and integrative medicine, this conversation illuminates the potency and potential of medical marijuana as a viable treatment option for various conditions, including chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep issues.
Listeners will leave this episode equipped with vital knowledge on how to utilize medical marijuana effectively, monitor treatment progress, and make informed decisions in their health management practices. Whether you are a patient, a caregiver, or just curious about medical cannabis, this episode is an invaluable resource for understanding how to harness the healing powers of this ancient plant in contemporary medicine.
**Disclaimer:** The content provided in this episode of Grow Weed at Home with Kyle Kushman, including all discussions and information shared by Dr. Sharon Montes, is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice. While medical marijuana is discussed, it is crucial for listeners to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns or before starting any new treatment. The experiences and advice shared by Dr. Montes are based on her individual practice and should not be taken as a direct endorsement of medical marijuana use. Additionally, the legal status of cannabis varies by location, and listeners are responsible for adhering to the laws of their jurisdiction.
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In light of certain entities and their behavior towards we the people and the rest of the free people around the world, I do suggest you grow your own and lots of it… I eat a raw bud every once in a while, because I can. I also don't have to try to trust the local dispensaries, I know my stuff is clean add all-natural. I get to witness everything from that seed cracking all the way to the kitchen table, where it gets split up 100 different ways and used properly, 100%. Cannabis root salve is better pain management than I've ever found. Ever.
This hits home for me!
My past medication regime
20 T4s
20 mg Hydromorphone
1500mg Naproxen
40 mg Toradol
1200mg Codeine
Injection Toradol as needed
600mg Gabopentin
X mg Backlofin
That was per day! My liver shut down 4 times, and my pain wasn't even relieved.
Cannabis doesn't solve it, but honestly 5 – 10g per day, is nearly as effective without the side effects. The biggest issue, Canada has terrible Cannabis laws and finding good information is nearly impossible.
Love .. Uhm.. The .. Uhm.. Podcast !!
και μία προσθήκη ακόμη αν σήμερα έχουμε γενετικά τροποποιημένα φυτά τα χρωστάμε σε αυτούς τους ερημίτες τώρα ποιοι είναι αυτοί ερημίτες που ζουν δεν μπορώ να πω περισσότερα αυτό που μπορώ να πω σίγουρα είναι ότι ακόμη και σήμερα και τώρα που μιλάμε εάν πας σε αυτόν τον τομέα πρώτα της πνευματικής ιατρικής και μετά τις ιατρικής των νοσοκομείων για τη αυτή η πνευματική ιατρική έδωσε ένα πολύ μεγάλο κομμάτι της αρμοδιότητας στα νοσοκομεία που έχουμε σήμερα εάν δεν πειθαρχείς στην υπακοή ούτε ερημίτης γίνεσαι είναι περίπλοκα τα πράγματα εκεί πέρα έτσι για να σας θυμίσω ότι αυτή η ιστορία δεν είναι για παιδάκια είναι πραγματική ιστορία
η ιστορία της σούπας που λέει γιατρός ή κανονική ιστορία λέγεται η ιστορία της υπακοής ένας γιατρός για να μπορεί να κάνει τα πειράματα του και να εφαρμόζει η ιατρική και να διαβάζει τις επιστήμες πήγε στην έρημο δεν ξέρω σε ποια έρημο όπου ζούσανε κι άλλη ερημίτες επιστήμονες για να το δεχτούνε στην έρημο ως επιστήμων έπρεπε να κάνει υπακοή αυτό το λένε υποτακτικός 1 ημέρα έπρεπε να μάθει να μαγειρεύει πήγε στο διοικητή του λέει του διοικητή του κύριε διοικητά τι φαγητό να κάνουμε σήμερα για να φάμε ή ερημίτες και του είπε ο διοικητής του θα βράσεις πέτρες και θα φάμε σούπα από πέτρες πήγε λοιπόν ο υποτακτικός στη δουλειά του όταν ο διοικητής των κάλεσε να του φέρει το φαγητό για να φάνε του πήγε το φαγητό του λέει ο διοικητής μα αυτό είναι νερό ε πέτρες κύριε διοικητά αυτό μου είπατε αυτό έκανα υπακοή και φυσικά ο διοικητής έφαγε μία πολύ νόστιμη σούπα από βρασμένες πέτρες και δεν είχε ούτε καρότα ούτε λάδι μόνο πέτρες και νεράκι τίποτα άλλο ούτε αλάτι είναι πραγματική ιστορία και όποιος δεν κάνει υπακοή σε αυτό το κομμάτι της πνευματικής ιατρικής δεν μπορεί να πάρει αναβάθμιση σε κανέναν τομέα της επιστήμης έτσι ακριβώς είναι το κομμάτι της ιστορίας πραγματικής των επιστημόνων της ερήμου οι οποίοι κρύβονται πάρα πολύ καλά για να έχουμε εμείς τα ευεργετήματα της επιστήμης από πολλά χρόνια πριν τώρα ποιοι είναι αυτοί οι επιστήμονες είναι ένα άλλο θέμα συζήτησης που δεν μπορούμε να το πούμε τώρα
My brilliant and beautiful cousin Sharon. Great discussion!
Very good show
Good show
Very enlightening discussion!
Super interesting conversation. I'm 56yrs old, I'm hoping it's not too late to start my journey through plant medicine instead of all the pharmaceutical pills I currently take for chronic pain, blood pressure, and mild depression. l Appreciate you brother ✌️😎🔥🔥🔥😊
Im not sensitive to edibiles, but i have been swallowing .2 grams of decarb bubble hash as like a temple ball before bed and feel more rested.
Just wanted to give your support team a shout out for helping me with my grow issue. I'm diagnosed with PTSD and as a recovering alcoholic (just hit seven years) everyone prefers me on marijuana. Thank you guys for all you have done to help get marijuana where it is today legally. Even if my state catches up, I'm enjoying this new hobby. If it does ever catch up, hopefully it will be around the time I could confidently walk into a (Delta 8) dispensary and ask "have a grower yet?" While simultaneously dropping a box filled with air tight jars and my phone number.
We 💚 Sharon Montes. Greetings from Grand Junction!!!
Plant medicine also gives people reverance for creation. Singular ingredient medicine seems to do the opposite in some weird way…not always of course, but people these days who lean to science often cannot see connections between nature and science. Or science and spirituality. They push the creation of more and more "single ingredient solutions" for all situations when synergistic inclusion, ensemble effect, or however you explain it always seems to be the answer for most situations ……i also can't believe she brought up "Stone Soup" my mom read me the book when i was lil and i remember learning those lessons super well. UMD represent!
i cant eat edibles even with a 2mg edible i get spaced out to the point i feel like i'm on acid but i can smoke a bit and it helps me
The government criminals are guilty of crimes with cannabis rights we must have the right to grow in Florida 🤬
doest help people meaning adult with seizures
I consume 800 MG a day, everyday for years. Strong medicated coconut oil, 4 table spoons a day. I am saturated. Probably never pass a test again.
Cannabis breeds passion and homeostasis cb2 receptor inhibits all pathogens peace and love
a real doctor, are you kidding me! you need someone like me who has smoked it chronically for 50 some years I can give you much more wisdom and some doctor that's maybe never smoked a joint in her life.