SteveWillDoIt has been doing the most to absolutely destroy 6ixN9ne’s already tarnished reputation despite the fact that he’s one of the only good friends Tekashi has left… why? Well, today, you’ll see how bad of a man 69 truly is.
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They are both lowlife hip hop culture rejects
WOW! Speaking in rhythm is such a "talent." 🤣🤣🤣
Internet is so weird. Before internet nerds like the steve will do it and tekashi 69 were bullied. Now we r watching these beta males nerds on here acting like they're cool. Internet really changed stuff
Steve lost faith in 69 because 69 was given a 2 million Advance because of one of Steve's business partners and they fuck them over he didn't do any of the things he was required to do to earn that money and that's it that's a wrap
No one on the internet does shit out of the goodness of their hearts. Theres always a motive no matter how much they make themselves out to be the good guy when everything else they do speaks for their character but no body actually notices. Yeah sure whatever people deserves 2nd chances but people like 6ix9ine do not change they adapt to the times
Steve acts like hes jesus christ
OK"a grown man flies another grown man (that he personly never mate before) out to another country and starts spending money on that grown man…..does any one else see the red flag.
You know you messed up if Steve is mad at you.. now Steve have to hit up Bradley to get some stress relievers smh
69 is a Disgrace
I don’t care about their friendship the whole hook of the video was finding out what did 69 do
I'm gonna embarrass you by paying your child support said nobody ever!
1:18 common you cant be saying that infront of the little girl like. That in itself is making thing differently about this steve guy
69 gonna make a good girlfriend in the pen,goofy ass
Imagine being a stevewilldoit fan
Y is giving 69 money and cars and not to other people and causes that actually need it dang dude. That money would change my life and not as bad off as many people out there. Look at north Carolina
Imagine giving someone 250k, a 400k watch, & a 1 of 10 McLaren just to be friends💀 Steve/Nelk are so cringe.
Steve’s a goofy clown too
Yeah 69 is trash but so is Steve
Steve shutting six-nine down and exposing him as the useless father he is to that little girl of his is something that he absolutely deserves. Any man who has a child they have a responsibility to that child to take care of them and do the best they can to raise them as well as they can until they are old enough to take care of themselves (pretty common knowledge really let's be honest). But if you're not doing anything like those things then you actually do deserve to be exposed and shamed infront of the world for being the deadbeat dad that you are. Pretty simple really, just try to be the best parent you can be (nobody's perfect and no one gets everything right all the time) but as long as you're really trying then nobody's gonna be getting onto you for being a sh!tty dad ……. it's really not rocket science man. How can you have all that money and those fancy cars but your baby mamma is exposing you for not paying for your own daughter? C'mon now dawg that's disgusting and actually heartless towards your own flesh and blood which is something I could never do. Fix up bro, take care of your daughter like you're supposed to!!
Not in front of the kid…
Both my kids are owed over $150,000 in back Child support from their mother I raise both the kids by myself deadbeat mothers are everywhere!
Nah i dont agree with alot but that bitch was fkn his bestfriend gave up their address so the gang coud rob them, tried to set him up to have him whacked then visited shotty in jail when they got locked up giving him info on 69. That bitch is evil no sympanthy only once she went broke she become a victim & poor helpless mother, sarah had it all he took her from the block to a mansion anything she wanted she fkd his mans found out hes just a bum & now all of them are back to food stamps & struggling whilst 69 is living on top
Sixnine destroyed sixnine. And stevewilldoit destroyed stevewilldoit
He selfish y wud he say how that in front of tacashi 6ix9ine
Let him be he not bother any body live ur life n let other live there life…Haters
Damn the spit that builds up in Steve’s mouth gets in my nerves though… not bad as that mayo mouth that builds up in corner of some folks mouth though… I’m goin to hell for sure
Damn the spit that builds up in Steve’s mouth gets in my nerves though… not bad as that mayo mouth that builds up in corner of some folks mouth though… I’m goin to hell for sure
Talking like that in front of the kid is crazy!!
At 1:16 ish….I dont like you already…….stop talking about "him giving money to b*****"….and "f***** women…. IN THE PRESENCE of that little girl………..why would you talk that way, with a little girl not 3 FEET AWAY from you?!?! Stupid stupid stupid
… could've kept it PG for HER SAKE………a hole….
Idk I’m on the side of 6ix9ine when it comes to not spending Monday on his baby moms bc the women is absolutely disgusting and vile the way she did him and she doesn’t deserve a damn dime from him… If his BM cared about her daughter she would give him full custody but doesn’t bc her daughter is the only link to milking Tekashi money
69 MIGHT be a deadbeat, but the mom aint any better. doing that video with her there in the place for one is crazy, but then letting steve talk like that in front of her is crazy, and thats on steve too. also even if he is a deadbeat you do talk down about her dad in front of her at that age, seems more like bitter baby momma activities to me. you gotta let her make that decision herself, cause for all we know he could be a good dad but now the daughter is brainwashed and turned against him. steve u dont get involved wit a mans family, thats hoe shii, unless you there while he beating their ass or something then u can step in and stop it. u dont know whats goin on besides closed doors, bro robbed u go handle that between u and him instead of crying and trying your best to expose his character. i promise u none of us think 69 is a good stand up dude we dont need u to tell us
steve literally tried to buy a friend lmao. 69 might be a snitch but he still a new york nigga from the hood, we gonna take advantage of that 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️. we aint grow up together, shit we was never even friends at all what u givin me all this material shit for like im ur girl or something. 69 never asked him for shit or tried to be around him, imo whatever fucked up shit he did is on steve shouldve know better. but he dont come from that world so theres no way he'd know. i mean look at 50 cent reaction to diddy wanting to take him shopping, that shit is not respected u cant buy friends especially friends that are already rich
5:17 Durk was never 6ix9ines “label boss” wtf you blubbering about. Nor does Durk own his own label lol he’s signed to Alamo, and 6ix9Ine is not
During saying no one should go to jail and so many ppl agreeing that snitching is out and criminals/ murderers NO ONE should go to jail???? God these people don’t deserve the space they take up 😂😅
All the crazy shi Steve did really killed his brain cells to have ever thought 69 could be genuine with ANYONE 💀
This makes 69 look bad but it makes Steve look just as bad… had no consideration for that child. Also didn’t care while he was on good terms with 69, aka he just used the child and the situation.
Why did the mom allow him to speak like that in front of her kid… he was being vulgar af talking about trying to f her & other disgusting stuff no Chile should hear she should be ashamed for this… n he's just gross af for not getting how disgusting this is!
Why would he speak that wat in front of that baby.. he's sick for that alone.. I liked him too but for him to not get how disgusting that was to speak like that in front of a child is gross…
Why is this Steve Simping for that Rainbow haired rat? Secret g4y crush? No respect for either of these geeks