If you have ever wanted to know if your homie was sneaking hits off you….now you know ahahahaaha!
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Dope As Yola
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The more likes = how many blinkers i take
Aye, be kind & rewind
I seen this battery on another channel and thought to my self wow that’s lame… after seeing you presenting it I dam near ordered it on spot
your a good sales man sir
Weird/fishy that they don't tell you rhe volts of each mode. Just get the Yocan KODO Pro or the Yocan Uni Pro 2.0. They both go as low as 1.8V. Have puff counters ect, ect.
I noticed the battery sign changes drastically
Love u bro
Def gonna get tha
Toqi should made this but refuse to update their battery

Aye bro don’t take more than 3 hits, ILL KNOW!
do more battery reviews!!
11$ Yocan kodo pro does the same thing…thank me later
Do they id?
Make more EDIBLE challenge videos take 18 grams of rso oil capsules 800 mg per gram x 18 makes 14,000 mg you could do 6 grams for a dose of 5,000 mg

Why wouldn't they use voltage instead of modes?
So Dope As Yola how do this compare to the YOCAN UNI PRO 2.0. at preserving the flavor.
I got a yocan 2.0 metal battery and it has a screen. I can't go back to no screen batteries
@7:41 yola has def hit a pen in a walk in freezer at work

Cannabis a medicinal treasure trove. Thanking all breeders cultivators lovers of the master plant. Cannabis breeds passion and homeostasis cb2 receptor inhibits sars2 peace and love
My man called out ikea

and its a good price too ima have to pick me up one soon
I might need that battery
Just got mine in the mail today
Cartisan's tac battery is also really nice, it has a puff counter and a power display with 1.8-4.0v set manually.
Kudo pro by yocan is better and it's $25