t’s been a long time since I’ve done a challenge video…. But this was truly a day ender….I was wrecked!
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Dope As Yola
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My man always got the fresh cuts man and i copped the cipher also and MANNNNNN this is NO JOKE BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro my ADHD makes me feel not high
I wish i could smoke with dope as yola lmao
does it reak?
did nobody else notice the crazy high pitched noise every time he hits it?
yo yola, idk if y'all can hear it but it produces a VERY high frequency when you hit from it. like a dog whistle it's piercing.
amazing vid as always but damn i couldn't watch the whole way through due to the ringing/tinnitus.
you know it rips if this mf starts singing styx
Thomas you probably know this already but the bud your throwing out once it’s been vaped is called (AVB ) the THC is active in the bud you can make potent edibles with it , put it in some cookie dough
No bev is crazy. Props to you!
I need that painting from the end of
What brand is this
12:57 Yola you can ALWAYS go grab some water bro
This was like a Hot Ones challenge lol you should do something like that in the future with a guest
That must get so damn hot and harsh the bubbler must be a necessity. Without it you're basically putting a cherry between your lips.
i would have changed the water after every bowl even if it would have wasted some time
Your smoking out of a mini lightsaber lol
Cannabis is a medicinal treasure trove. Thanking all breeders cultivators lovers of the master plant. Cannabis breeds passion and homeostasis cb2 receptor inhibits sars2 peace and love
8:20 it keeps ripping man yé yé
bro locked in right at 4:20 on the timer
If someone were to make one of those with the best surround-,bowls and make it waterproof if dropped in the lake on accident, maaayyybeee..
Cool, and soooo many funny moments, good authenticity.

hit it with the bong and the bulbbler at the same time
Iieee N EE D I T
I feel like I’m ripping bongs and pipes, in someone’s garaaaaaaaaage

Salute famo! Definitely grabbing one of these tonight!
Dude is it just me or does this thing kinda irritates your throat? I love it but I’m not sure
my tinnitus went crazy this video lol, damn high pitched arc lighter
I bought on they are actually legit! I highly recommend!!
Gonna buy one, im sold
Whats rhe lighter smoker thing called
How do I get a hash house t.
Anyone, what's the best vape for Hash only (no weed).
Does the cipher use a lot of flower and does it still smell like flower? I know vaporizers don’t smell as much and I live in an apartment. Love your videos and I just recently subscribed
So wait does it vape? Or combust? Or do both? I'm slightly confused it's like a dab pen for flower that smokes it? So do this outside if u don't smoke inside?
So it's not a vape but actually combustion but like a dab pen but it actually smokes so i wouldn't want to treat it like a vape n smoke inside?
Interesting cuz I've been searching for new better lower temp ways that really let my flower give my the most like when i low temp vape it but everyone i tries so far ends up not getting hot ENOUGH to get all the THC n stuff so like i always wanted an option to go from ok now that its vaped and i don't feel like i want to smoke it again pack a brown dry vaped bowl that still has like 30-40% of the active ingredients in it wasted so like i get best results when i combust it after its been vaped so idk that's giving me an idea to make a hybrid device that does both of those things that vapes it at 1st then turns up the heat and combust it. So both happen in 1 device that would revolutionize the way i smoke and i would smoke so much more flower. I gotta save up to get 1 of your new bongs and i never tried anything quality before only cheap glass IDK if it makes it smoother or if we can even tell? But that's another can of worms.
No bev is crazy
I think ratchet man needs to shave that
off his face!!! 
OSI is watching Mijo