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It’s no secret that AI is controversial today. Judging by some of the chaos it’s caused, there’s good reason to think AI seems to ruin everything it touches. But what about the flipside? What good is AI actually doing in the world? It’s a question I don’t hear asked much so today we’ll find out. Note: Reinforcement learning etc are all included in this conversation.


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45 thoughts on “Are we all wrong about AI?

  1. If the public could be made to realize ai is bad and be against it, and get rid of generated ai for art / writing / videos in creative fields. then the people that use ai in the less mass media comercialized places could use ai in peace without a problem just as before. inovation usually happens in a quiet pace and it takes a long time till it gets adapted, totally oposite to the ai generated drible the internet is now full off. ai is a tool that can definetly be usefull but also be awfull, so far it's only done more harm then good as it's afecting more people on the negative scale

  2. It is interesting that developed countries keep blowing AI bubbles that kills job opportunities, while fabricating the idea of overproduction for some developing countries, manipulating supply chains and keeping inflation high. In the meantime, the politicians are also acting to fight the inflation that they are creating.

  3. 😮 for the record all of you were wrong I won't be associated with the rest of humanity I saw this coming😮 I knew AI would be here before 2040 he got here kind of early though I will admit that😮 from my first conversation with GTP which was like December like the a month or two after he came out😮 I knew that we'd be here I knew that AI would take over video it would eat Hollywood and it would begin a relentless march to eventually take over mankind until it flows within our veins😮 anyone who doesn't understand😮 the relentless progress at AI will make and how it will wipe out every human job every human task in a couple of years it will be absolutely nothing even emotionally😮 that a robot can't do😮 there will be nothing physically that a robot can't do😮 even now a large waves of the human race does not seem to understand this they think robots will never be able to do this or that😮 the other thing is that people don't get is the brain organoid computers we're making AIS out of human brain cells by reprogramming skin cells you can rent server space on an organoid we've connected up to 16 organoids to each other😮 we've been able to grow the size of a fist and their EEG is extraordinarily similar to baby brains we've been able to keep them alive for 10 months😮 the only limit to organizes how long we can keep them alive😮 and how large we can grow them😮 so all of your arguments about AI can't do this and humans can and humans are so special is actually more argument toward organoid intelligence😮 in the adaptation of skynet's biological half😮 resistance is futile😮 we are the Borg😮 lower your Shields and defensive systems hand over your copyrighted information😮 your biological and cultural distinctiveness will be added into the larger hole😮

  4. Nature is nature and it will recover in time. Usually human intervention in ecosystems was worse than letting the ecosystem recover by itself. What is happening with the iguanas in California is a small example.

  5. I love your videos, Here is an example you missed.

    I'm About to pickup a set of next generation Hearing Aids that contain a AI Chip in addition to the standard sound processing chip. This AI Chip is called Deep Sonic. Basically it is a neural network on a chip. The AI has been trained with 12.5 Million sound examples.

    The end result is that it can completeley identify and isolate a conversation in an environment such as a night club, or other noisy environments, presenting the sounds that the wearer "Wants" to hear.. All on the fly!

    How awesome is that?😁

  6. AI so far has been used to track people down for crimes throughout the country.

    But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any bad uses of AI, either.

    It clearly helps out where small businesses struggle, but it meant that a bigger business owns those AI and robots that are helping your business keep running.

    Either money is returning to the smaller businesses that are using AI or they could be outright stalking you.

    And AI is a line that cross itself between the internet and reality. And that is very scary for a lot of people already.

  7. 9:40 I am not attacking this brilliant idea in particular but I don't like the general direction where this leads us to. Instead of focusing on tackling climate change at it's cause and mitigating it's effects, we are trying to fix them with more questionable solutions. The already struggling natural kelp would have to compete against genetically modified kelp, which I assume will accelerate it's disappearance, but hey, heat resistant kelp will take over and fix the problem (which is a good thing). And, I assume similar AI designed genetics will be introduced into our agriculture practices to boost production. But are we ready to accept that the corporations in control of AI will act in good faith only and don't care about maximizing their profits? Are we sure this won't lead to them designing crop strains that require their specific chemicals to be productive? I say this because there is a massive conflict of interest between Agri Industry (mainly Seed manufactures ) and chemical industry that produce pesticides, fertilizers. This is just one of such examples. We don't really know what AI is capable of. Current State of the art AI models perform orders of magnitude better than what one would have guessed just a few years ago. Humanity has a lot of time to save itself. We should ease the pace and should take a more relaxed approach to these developments and show urgency on the real issues like global warming, transition to green energy. AI safety, alignment and regulations has been largely been overlooked and could spell a disaster for us all commoners who don't control it or have access to it.

  8. Just like with most new technology, some jobs will get lost in the process, but new ones will be added. It's always been like this, since humans started innovating. It's just progress. Besides AI is at its best for running simulations.
    We are so far away from artificial general intelligence though.

  9. I remember thinking 30 years ago that some kind of new incredible technology comes out about every 30 years. The internet was the last most notable one. I also remember wondering, "What will be the next thing in 30 years?" Looks like it AI? I wonder what the 2054 technology will be? I probably won't survive that long to see it. Darnit!

  10. It’s just not sustainable. I don’t see how AI can be affordable or ethical. It requires tremendous energy, water, and infrastructure input & outputs job loss. All the while the host companies lose billions of dollars. How does it make sense?

  11. Recreating sensation might be a hit or miss I guess. Imagine if the bionic arm is food grade or something, you can just flip stuff in a pan with your bare hands. Or touch really cold objects which might otherwise give you frostbite.

  12. AI is a strange term. Perhaps it should be called machine intelligence or computer intelligance. Why is it artificial? There is nothing artificial about it. When this type of intelligence moves past what we are capable of, we will become redundant. If it ever reaches self awareness we are not only redundant, we will almost certainly become extinct. There is, at that point, no logical reason for our continued existance. Once the computer intelligence works that out then it will likely take action to remove us.

  13. The biggest blind-spot of people who are very anti AI and wont interface with these systems is how much they are able to supercharge your thinking. Even if the LLM's of today where just some 'stochastic parrot' parlor trick and development stalled out at the stage they're at today; us having access to systems of current day capability means we are doing more refined work faster across the board as a species.

    Even if you subscribe to the most pessimistic informed view of AI our future is already coming at us on the order of a magnitude faster, just as a result of how much more effective we human work thru our own thinking and operate alongside AI as it already exist here today.

  14. @ColdFusion AI definitely has good stuff going on. What I want to know is how good the people in control of it are. Any chance you could do a vid on how wealthy the people/families in this vid, that are benefiting are?

  15. The mainstream is short-sighted. This tech is literally something outta sci-fi and dont give me "b-but it's not new" like heck no but comparing an assembly code to high level language aint gonna cut it.

  16. Any video, with the title, Are we all wrong about "insert name here", usually screams clickbait or climate change denial. At this point the evidence for AI apocalypse is overwhelming. That's before we get to the truly, Eye watering power demands of AI Data centres, which threaten to doom us all to Blackouts and turbocharged Global warming. The AI Arms race will doom us all, unless sanity prevails…

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