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Truck driving is a great career and its pretty fun most of the time…..but sometimes things CAN GO WRONG REAL QUICK!!! PUSH …
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Dope As Yola
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nothing better than when ur about to blaze up and a new story’s out
mid life crisis story ideas or depression story times
2:38, you got cardboard? We have a giant piece of wood
biting someone’s face off is the most methal thing i’ve ever heard
Yo you should take a look at DavidSo’s old stuff and check out how he integrates background music into videos like this, he’s a YouTube og and maybe thats something y’all can learn from and integrate into your own stuff
I will always love your stories and storytime, Thomas ! They've only gotten better and better.

need another story time, i been wasting too much gas
Pissed I’m an seeing this for the first time now
22:07 yeah man he played stupid games and got the fattest prize
I was my grandpas truck driver partner as a kid too. I relate
w dad
Why doesn't this video not have more likes?
that last story holy SHIET! I can't spoil it but damn I wouldn't of imagined it possible to DO that to someone
Only OG's know that gojo
hey yola i know its been a month and you probably wont even see this but its so cool to see hear your truck driving story, i used to drive with my grandpa all the time, ive never heard such a more relatable thing, going over the grapevine my grandpa let me drove and it was scary my first time, and just being with them was fun, i remember when i was 10-11 my grandpa when he would wash out the trailer because he hauled cows and there was one stop we always went too on the way home and he would let me shoot cans with a 22 rifle he brough with him just for that and i had so much fun, but still its cool to see someone else has had a similar experience of just driving forever but it still being fu because im with someone i never see at home
W storyyy
Make more EDIBLE challenge videos take 18 grams of rso oil capsules 800 mg per gram x 18 makes 14,000 mg you could do 6 grams for a dose of 5,000 mg

Been watching since 2017-18 man, your story telling skills are immaculate! Keep it up man! So ready for Netflix and/or other big things!!!
That puff of rust and a safety squint