New Year, New Box, New Items…..lets get wrecked!!! IG : TIK TOK …
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Dope As Yola
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Ima break up with weed for a while. This channel got me through losing my first house, losing my mother, and now I’ll be losing my old self. Thanks for being there every step of the way Dope Team
dj khalid i cant
5:53 do you want some of this chocolate that is totally not medicated smiles on DemonTime

I love this guy so much
John !!!
“you piece of shiet” i love these two, reminds me of me n my cousin
like you from sa
This was by far my favorite box. Those skittles and chocolate bar were soooooo good
Seeing the rcvry ad hakfway through after watching yhe liber vid

Love the channel boys keep it goin

OMG! You're friend looks like Vin Diesel, if Vin Diesel smoked weed his whole life.
I so hope you hit the uk market one day! Take care love to you and the families guys xx
I’m not gonna lie I like smoking and watching your videos

Bro hhc is synthethic shit. Fake weed full of chemicals. I live in europe and hhc was legal here, but now its banned because some children nearly died bc of it. I wouldnt smoke or eat hhc if id be on your spot. (btw in chemical process of making hhc there is a chance, not really small chance, that youre going to smoke micro particles of acid.
I love how Thomas pull then pen outta his mouth that shits always funny asf
when he said "new year…new me…new TEETH"

I’d be dead off one bong rip and the zkittles! What are you made of???
Had me crying when you had John sucking on his fingers

Whats the subscription box web called
This is perfect
. Haven't slept in days so decided I'd catch up on some great vids
HOW DID I MISS THIS VIDEO?!?! Yt y'all shadow banning the homie??
Gugafoods and description guy Leo killed it
bro can i do a jop application to work with you from germany
I know there’s videos I’ve seen that aren’t up anymore but if we’re just counting what’s uploaded this is VIDEO 420!!
How tf can you take so much smoke??
8:23 lmao
Hi I'm from India how can I buy this product??
How do u clean that bong